Nested Prism Measurements (CT, MA, ME, NY)Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative705 Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of America(802) Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative (FEMC) leadConnecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Maine Forest Service Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation Vermont Forest Parks and Recreation University of Rhode Island Department of Natural Resources SciencepartnerCounts of live and dead stems in a 10-factor prism.Forest Ecosystem Monitoring CooperativeRegional Forest Health MonitoringJenniferPontiusprincipalInvestigatorAlisonAdamsprincipalInvestigatorMatthiasSirchcontentProviderNancyVoorhiscontentProviderSorenDonisvitchprincipalInvestigatorBenPorterprincipalInvestigatorThe Forest Health Monitoring Program (FHM) was established in 1991 as a joint effort between the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation (FPR) and the Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative (FEMC)) to monitor the condition of a range of tree species in Vermont. After successfully establishing and conducting annual assessments on FHM plots in Vermont for almost three decades, the FEMC has expanded to surrounding states to yield a more complete picture of forest health across the New England and New York region. In 2019, the FEMC collaborated with MA DCR to establish 20 FHM plots on MA state lands to add to its annual FHM network. In 2020 the FEMC expanded to CT (15 plots), RI (7 plots), ME (35 plots), and NH (30 plots) to add permanent FHM plots in a similar manner. To improve comparability and utility of each program, the FHM plots were co-located at established, long-term plot locations, representing the major forest types and geographies on public lands in each state.
Plot designs follow two fixed radius plot layouts - Cluster and Nested. Cluster plots follow the USDA Forest Inventory and Analysis cluster of four circular subplots. Nested plot design refers to a single fixed radius nested plot design exemplified by the MA DRC CFI program. These plot designs follow the structure set by the National Forest Health Monitoring Program with additional metrics added to reflect improvements in monitoring technologies and additions to monitoring objectives.Nested Prism Measurements (CT, MA, ME, NY)Counts of live and dead stems in a 10-factor prism.VMC.1734.3816mySQL/femc/data/archive/project/regional-forest-health-monitoring/dataset/nested-prism-measurements-subplots2019-08-13countcountFrequency of specific species occurenceintlivedeadlivedeadDesignation of trees as live or deadtextspeciesspeciesTree species codeint10
fir spp.11
Pacific silver fir12
balsam fir14
Santa Lucia or bristlecone fir15
white fir16
Fraser fir17
grand fir18
corkbark fir19
subalpine fir20
California red fir21
Shasta red fir22
noble fir40
white-cedar spp.41
Alaska yellow-cedar43
Atlantic white-cedar50
Arizona cypress52
Baker or Modoc cypress53
Tecate cypress54
Monterey cypress55
Sargent's cypress56
MacNab's cypress57
redcedar/juniper spp.58
Pinchot juniper59
redberry juniper60
Drooping juniper61
Ashe juniper62
California juniper63
alligator juniper64
western juniper65
Utah juniper66
Rocky Mountain juniper67
southern redcedar68
eastern redcedar69
oneseed juniper70
larch spp.71
tamarack (native)72
subalpine larch73
western larch81
spruce spp.91
Norway spruce92
Brewer spruce93
Engelmann spruce94
white spruce95
black spruce96
blue spruce97
red spruce98
Sitka spruce100
pine spp.101
whitebark pine102
Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine103
knobcone pine104
foxtail pine105
jack pine106
common or two-needle pinyon107
sand pine108
lodgepole pine109
Coulter pine110
shortleaf pine111
slash pine112
Apache pine113
limber pine114
southwestern white pine115
spruce pine116
Jeffrey pine117
sugar pine118
Chihuahua pine119
western white pine120
bishop pine121
longleaf pine122
ponderosa pine123
Table Mountain pine124
Monterey pine125
red pine126
pitch pine127
gray or California foothill pine128
pond pine129
eastern white pine130
Scotch pine131
loblolly pine132
Virginia pine133
singleleaf pinyon134
border pinyon135
Arizona pine136
Austrian pine137
Washoe pine138
four-leaf or Parry pinyon pine139
Torrey pine140
Mexican pinyon pine141
Papershell pinyon pine142
Great Basin bristlecone pine143
Arizona pinyon pine144
Honduras pine200
Douglas-fir spp.201
bigcone Douglas-fir202
giant sequoia220
baldcypress spp.221
Montezuma baldcypress230
yew spp.231
Pacific yew232
Florida yew240
thuja spp.241
northern white-cedar242
western redcedar250
torreya (nutmeg) spp.251
California torreya (nutmeg)252
Florida torreya (nutmeg)260
hemlock spp.261
eastern hemlock262
Carolina hemlock263
western hemlock264
mountain hemlock299
Unknown dead conifer300
acacia spp.303
sweet acacia304
catclaw acacia310
maple spp.311
Florida maple312
bigleaf maple313
black maple315
striped maple316
red maple317
silver maple318
sugar maple319
mountain maple320
Norway maple321
Rocky Mountain maple322
bigtooth maple323
chalk maple330
buckeye, horsechestnut spp.331
Ohio buckeye332
yellow buckeye333
California buckeye334
Texas buckeye336
red buckeye337
painted buckeye341
mimosa, silktree350
alder spp.351
red alder352
white alder353
Arizona alder355
European alder356
serviceberry spp.357
common serviceberry358
roundleaf serviceberry360
madrone spp.361
Pacific madrone362
Arizona madrone363
Texas madrone367
birch spp.371
yellow birch372
sweet birch373
river birch374
water birch375
paper birch377
Virginia roundleaf birch378
northwestern paper birch379
gray birch381
chittamwood, gum bumelia391
American hornbeam, musclewood400
hickory spp.401
water hickory402
bitternut hickory403
pignut hickory404
shellbark hickory406
nutmeg hickory407
shagbark hickory408
black hickory409
mockernut hickory410
sand hickory411
scrub hickory412
red hickory413
southern shagbark hickory420
chestnut spp.421
American chestnut422
Allegheny chinkapin423
Ozark chinkapin424
Chinese chestnut431
giant chinkapin, golden chinkapin450
catalpa spp.451
southern catalpa452
northern catalpa460
hackberry spp.461
netleaf hackberry471
eastern redbud475
curlleaf mountain-mahogany481
dogwood spp.491
flowering dogwood492
Pacific dogwood500
hawthorn spp.501
cockspur hawthorn502
downy hawthorn503
Brainerd's hawthorn504
pear hawthorn505
fireberry hawthorn506
broadleaf hawthorn507
fanleaf hawthorn508
oneseed hawthorn509
scarlet hawthorn510
eucalyptus spp.511
Tasmanian bluegum512
river redgum513
grand eucalyptus514
persimmon spp.521
common persimmon522
Texas persimmon523
Anacua knockaway531
American beech540
ash spp.541
white ash542
Oregon ash543
black ash544
green ash545
pumpkin ash546
blue ash547
velvet ash548
Carolina ash549
Texas ash550
honeylocust spp.551
ginkgo, maidenhair tree571
Kentucky coffeetree580
silverbell spp.581
Carolina silverbell582
two-wing silverbell583
little silverbell591
American holly600
walnut spp.601
black walnut603
northern California black walnut604
southern California black walnut605
Texas walnut606
Arizona walnut611
magnolia spp.651
southern magnolia653
bigleaf magnolia655
mountain or Fraser magnolia657
pyramid magnolia658
umbrella magnolia660
apple spp.661
Oregon crab apple662
southern crab apple663
sweet crab apple664
prairie crab apple680
mulberry spp.681
white mulberry682
red mulberry683
Texas mulberry684
black mulberry690
tupelo spp.691
water tupelo692
Ogeechee tupelo693
swamp tupelo701
eastern hophornbeam711
paulownia, empress-tree715
Maytenus palauica718
bay spp.721
water-elm, planertree729
sycamore spp.730
California sycamore731
American sycamore732
Arizona sycamore740
cottonwood and poplar spp.741
balsam poplar742
eastern cottonwood743
bigtooth aspen744
swamp cottonwood745
plains cottonwood746
quaking aspen747
black cottonwood748
Fremont cottonwood749
narrowleaf cottonwood752
silver poplar753
Lombardy poplar755
mesquite spp.756
honey mesquite757
velvet mesquite758
screwbean mesquite760
cherry and plum spp.761
pin cherry762
black cherry763
Canada plum766
American plum768
bitter cherry769
Allegheny plum770
Chickasaw plum771
sweet cherry, domesticated772
sour cherry, domesticated773
European plum, domesticated774
Mahaleb cherry, domesticated800
oak spp801
California live oak802
white oak803
Arizona white oak804
swamp white oak805
canyon live oak806
scarlet oak807
blue oak808
Durand oak809
northern pin oak810
Emory oak811
Engelmann oak812
southern red oak813
cherrybark oak814
Gambel oak815
Oregon white oak816
scrub oak817
shingle oak818
California black oak819
turkey oak820
laurel oak821
California white oak822
overcup oak823
bur oak824
blackjack oak825
swamp chestnut oak826
chinkapin oak827
water oak828
Texas red oak829
Mexican blue oak830
pin oak831
willow oak832
chestnut oak833
northern red oak834
Shumard oak835
post oak836
Delta post oak837
black oak838
live oak839
interior live oak840
dwarf post oak841
dwarf live oak842
bluejack oak843
silverleaf oak844
Oglethorpe oak845
dwarf chinkapin oak846
gray oak847
netleaf oak851
Chisos oak852
sea torchwood853
gumbo limbo855
sheoak spp.856
gray sheoak857
Florida fiddlewood860
citrus spp.863
tietongue, pigeon-plum864
largeleaf geigertree866
Blackbead ebony869
Great leucaene870
Texas sophora873
red stopper874
butterbough, inkwood876
Florida strangler fig877
wild banyantree, shortleaf fig882
beeftree, longleaf blolly883
false tamarind885
Florida poisontree887
fishpoison tree888
octopus tree, schefflera890
false mastic891
white bully, willow bustic895
Java plum897
black locust902
New Mexico locust906
Everglades palm, paurotis-palm907
Florida silver palm908
coconut palm909
royal palm spp.911
Mexican palmetto912
cabbage palmetto913
key thatch palm914
Florida thatch palm915
other palms919
western soapberry920
willow spp.921
peachleaf willow922
black willow923
Bebb willow924
Bonpland willow925
coastal plain willow926
balsam willow927
white willow928
Scouler's willow929
weeping willow931
mountain-ash spp.935
American mountain-ash936
European mountain-ash937
northern mountain-ash940
West Indian mahogany950
basswood spp.951
American basswood952
white basswood953
Carolina basswood970
elm spp.971
winged elm972
American elm973
cedar elm974
Siberian elm975
slippery elm976
September elm977
rock elm981
Joshua tree986
American mangrove990
desert ironwood991
Chinese tallowtree995
tungoil tree996
Unknown dead hardwood999
Other or unknown live treePlotIDPlotIDUnique Plot IdtextYearYearYear of Inventoryint