Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative(802) Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of AmericaForest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative (FEMC) leadConnecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Maine Forest Service Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation Vermont Forest Parks and Recreation University of Rhode Island Department of Natural Resources SciencepartnerRegional Forest Health MonitoringThe Forest Health Monitoring Program (FHM) was established in 1991 as a joint effort between the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation (FPR) and the Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative (FEMC)) to monitor the condition of a range of tree species in Vermont. After successfully establishing and conducting annual assessments on FHM plots in Vermont for almost three decades, the FEMC has expanded to surrounding states to yield a more complete picture of forest health across the New England and New York region. In 2019, the FEMC collaborated with MA DCR to establish 20 FHM plots on MA state lands to add to its annual FHM network. In 2020 the FEMC expanded to CT (15 plots), RI (7 plots), ME (35 plots), and NH (30 plots) to add permanent FHM plots in a similar manner. To improve comparability and utility of each program, the FHM plots were co-located at established, long-term plot locations, representing the major forest types and geographies on public lands in each state. Plot designs follow two fixed radius plot layouts - Cluster and Nested. Cluster plots follow the USDA Forest Inventory and Analysis cluster of four circular subplots. Nested plot design refers to a single fixed radius nested plot design exemplified by the MA DRC CFI program. These plot designs follow the structure set by the National Forest Health Monitoring Program with additional metrics added to reflect improvements in monitoring technologies and additions to monitoring objectives.Regional Forest Health MonitoringPontiusJenniferAdamsAlisonSirchMatthiasVoorhisNancyDonisvitchSorenPorterBenlong term monitoringforest healthcontinuous forest inventory forest regenerationforest compositionforest health monitoringCluster Plot Style Invasive Species Observations (VT, NH, RI)2014-06-01Invasive species and abundance on subplotsTrack the occurrence and abundance of invasive species on forest health monitoring plotsZ1734_3823_Z0XO62VMC.1734.3823mySQLForest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative (2023) Cluster Plot Style Invasive Species Observations (VT, NH, RI). FEMC. Available online at: /femc/data/archive/project/regional-forest-health-monitoring/dataset/cluster-plot-style-invasive-species-observations/femc/data/archive/project/regional-forest-health-monitoring/dataset/cluster-plot-style-invasive-species-observationsAbundanceAbundance Numeric code representing abundance of invasive speciesint1 Infrequent occurrence; 1 to a few present2Sparsely throughout; 1-2 plants together, in a few locations3Localized patches; several plants together, occuring in a few locations4 Frequent in stands; dense areas of plants occuring in a few locations5Densely throughout; high populations making up understory and/or regenerationPlotIDPlotIDUnique plot identifiertextSpeciesSpeciesNumeric code assigned to invasive speciesint6Norway Maple 5Multiflora Rose 4Honeysuckle: Bell, Japanese, Amur, Morrow or Tartarian 3Bittersweet, oriental 2Buckthorn: common or glossy 1Barberry, Japanese and common 7Autumn or Russian Olive 8Japanese knotweed 9Garlic Mustard 10Privet 11Tree of Heaven 12Wild Chervil (cow parsnip) 13Burning Bush or winged Euonymus 14Goutweed 15Amur Maple 16Amur cork-tree 17Black swallow-wort 18Creeping jenny, moneywort 19Kudzu 20Mile-a-minute weed 21Narrowleaf bittercress 22Porcelain berry 23Sycamore Maple 99Other - please specify SubplotIDSubplotID Unique subplot identifierintYearYear Year of data collection dateYYYY