public read Raw Proctor Maple Research Center NOAH IV Rain Gauge dataForest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
705 Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of America
Rain gauge data. NOTE: These data are reported in real-time and have not been reviewed. Occasional sensor failures might not be noticed right away.Forest Ecosystem Monitoring CooperativeProctor Maple Research Center Meteorological Monitoring: (399 m)MarkIsselhardtcontentProviderTimScherbatskoyprincipalInvestigatorCarlWaiteprincipalInvestigatorJudyRosovskycontentProviderJoanneCummingscontentProviderDickFurbushcontentProviderGerryLivingstonprincipalInvestigatorMiriamPendletoncontentProviderJamesDuncanprincipalInvestigatorContinuous monitoring of meterological variables to use in conjunction with other biological or physical variables at the site. Continuous monitoring of meterological variables representative of similar elevations on the western slope of Mount Mansfield.Raw Proctor Maple Research Center NOAH IV Rain Gauge dataRain gauge data. NOTE: These data are reported in real-time and have not been reviewed. Occasional sensor failures might not be noticed right away.VMC.4.310mySQL/femc/data/archive/project/proctor-maple-research-center-meteorological-monitoring/dataset/noaa-rain-gauge-data2013-06-19TIMESTAMPDate and TimeDate and time data were recordeddatetimeYYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ssRECORDRecord NumberUnique Record IdentifyerintGageMinVRaingauge Minimum VoltageMinimum voltage of raingauge batterydecimalmeterrealActTempActual TemperatureTemperature recorded at raingauge data loggerdecimalmeterrealActDepthActual DepthActual raingauge bucket depthdecimalmeterrealReportPCPReport PrecipitationPrecipitation sensed and measureddecimalmeterrealcollMinVolt_1Collector 1 Minimum VoltageMinimum voltage of precipitation collector 1decimalmeterrealCycles_1Lid cyclesCollector 1 lid cyclesintmeterinteger0900WetTime_1Seconds of Wet ExposureNumber of seconds collector 1 Is open during precipitationintmeterinteger0900DryTime_1Seconds of Dry ExposureNumber of seconds collector 1 Is open when there is no precipitation intmeterinteger0900MissedTime_1Seconds of Missed ExposureNumber of seconds collector 1 should have opened but did notintmeterinteger0900collMinVolt_2Collector 2 Minimum VoltageMinimum voltage of precipitation collector 2decimalmeterreal0900Cycles_2Lid cyclesCollector 2 lid cyclesintmeterinteger0900WetTime_2Seconds of Wet ExposureNumber of seconds collector 2 Is open during precipitationintmeterinteger0900DryTime_2Seconds of Dry ExposureNumber of seconds collector 2 Is open when there is no precipitation intmeterinteger0900MissedTime_2Seconds of Missed ExposureNumber of seconds collector 2 should have opened but did notintmeterinteger0900collMinVolt_3Collector 3 Minimum VoltageMinimum voltage of precipitation collector 2decimalmeterrealCycles_3Lid cyclesCollector 3 lid cyclesintmeterinteger0900WetTime_3Seconds of Wet ExposureNumber of seconds collector 3 Is open during precipitationintmeterinteger0900DryTime_3Seconds of Dry ExposureNumber of seconds collector 3 Is open when there is no precipitation intmeterinteger0900MissedTime_3Seconds of Missed ExposureNumber of seconds collector 3 should have opened but did notintmeterinteger0900blockedSecBlocked SensorsNumber of seconds optical sensors are blockedintmeterinteger0900ActDepthRAActual Depth Running AverageRunning average of actual raingauge bucket depthintmeterreal