Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

Estimation of Pisgah State Park Carbon Storage, Sequestration, Emissions and Removals: Compiled Pisgah State Park Timber Cruise Data 2007 to 2018

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  • Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

    • Address:
      705 Spear Street
      South Burlington, Vermont 05403
      United States of America

      Phone: (802) 391-4135


    This project analyzed inventory and harvest data from the Pisgah State Park in New Hampshire to quantify the relative quantities of storage and removals on the Park. Forest inventory data from a range of sources were assembled and analyzed for carbon storage and sequestration. Harvest volume data were assessed to quantify the amount of carbon removed in wood products from the Park. Scale slip data from trucks were used to quantify the emissions due to transport of material for a single sale. The results of this project were intended to support the New Hampshire Division of Forests and Lands in comparing the sources and sinks of carbon in the Park and the role of forest management in that.


  • Alexandra Kosiba: Principal Investigator

  • James Duncan: Principal Investigator

  • Clarke Cooper: Content Provider

  • Matthias Nevins: Content Provider

  • Soren Donisvitch: Content Provider

  • Ingeborg Seaboyer: Content Provider


  • forest inventory, timber,

Geographic Coverage

  • Coordinates

    Data Table

    • Title: Compiled Pisgah State Park Timber Cruise Data 2007 to 2018
    • Start Date: 2007-01-01
    • End Date: 2018-12-31
    • Description: A compilation of individual stand cruise data from cruises conducted between 2007 and 2018 using an 80-factor prism. Data on stand, compartment, point, species, and diameter were extracted from individual datasets and combined into this single dataset for analysis.

    • Purpose: The purpose of these data is used to estimate carbon storage and sequestration for the Pisgah State Park.

    • Condensed Title: Z1691_3727_ZFE2VD

    • Object Name: VMC.1691.3727

    • Data Type: mySQL
    • Citation: New Hampshire Division of Forests and Lands. (2021) Compiled Pisgah State Park Timber Cruise Data 2007 to 2018. FEMC. Available online at: /femc/data/archive/project/pisgah-carbon-storage-sequestration-emissions-removals-estimates/dataset/pisgah-state-park-timber-cruise-data-compiled

    • Online Distribution: /femc/data/archive/project/pisgah-carbon-storage-sequestration-emissions-removals-estimates/dataset/pisgah-state-park-timber-cruise-data-compiled

    Attribute List

      Attribute Name: #_Sawlogs
      • Label: #_Sawlogs
      • Description: Number of sawlogs
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ordinal
      Attribute Name: Compartment/Tract_#
      • Label: Compartment/Tract_#
      • Description: One of 10 designated areas
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: nominal
      Attribute Name: Cruise_Date
      • Label: Cruise_Date
      • Storage Type: date
      • Measurment Type: datetime
      • String Format: YYYY
      Attribute Name: DBH
      • Label: DBH
      • Description: Diameter at Breast Height
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ordinal
      • Unit: meter
      Attribute Name: Notes
      • Label: Notes
      • Storage Type: text
      • Measurment Type: nominal
      Attribute Name: Point_#
      • Label: Point_#
      • Description: Where data was collected
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: nominal
      Attribute Name: Product
      • Label: Product
      • Description: Rating for each tally tree within variable-radius plot
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ordinal
      Attribute Name: Species
      • Label: Species
      • Description: Tree species for each tally tree within the variable-radius plot
      • Storage Type: text
      • Measurment Type: nominal
      Attribute Name: Stand_#
      • Label: Stand_#
      • Description: Stand number
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: nominal
      Attribute Name: Unknown
      • Label: Unknown
      • Storage Type: text
      • Measurment Type: nominal


    • Current Methods
      • Carbon Storage in Managed Areas of the Park
        • Method Description: analyzed data collected by NHDFL on timber cruises within demarcated Criteria 2 and 3 stands of the PSP designated for active management (NHDFL 2021a). NHDFL collected large basal area factor cruise data with an 80factor prism and recorded diameter at breast height (1.47m, DBH), species, number of sawlogs and a product rating for each tally tree within the variable-radius plot. There are 10 compartments comprised of 162 stands with 3,999 points where data was collected. Without height measurements, we could not use more recent carbon estimation equations such as the component ratio method (Woodall et al. 2011), so we used equations developed by Jenkins et al. (2003) combined with species-specific coefficients β¬0 and β¬1 provided by FIA (Burrill et al. 2018) to compute megagrams of carbon per acre from diameter and species for each tree using the following equation: Carbon = exp(β¬0 + β¬1* ln(DBH*2.54)) * 2.2046 These tree-level estimates were then scaled to the stand, compartment and managed areas based on the number of survey points to produce total estimates at each scale.

    Sampling Equipment

    • No sampling equipment recorded for this dataset

    Site Characteristics

    • Site Description: Pisgah State Park is a 13,361-acre public forest located in New Hampshire. The land has a network of roads and patches of old growth forest. The forests are heterogeneous and contain several forest types: eastern white pine, eastern hemlock, northern red oak, mixed upland hardwoods, sugar maple/beech/yellow birch forest and red maple/upland habitat. Forest criteria types: 1 – undisturbed/unmanaged (4,723 acres), 2 - uneven age management (3,677 acres), 3 - even aged management (4,961 acres)