public read Ozone Bio-indicator PlantsForest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
705 Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of America
Native plant species known to be senstive to ozone and reliable bioindicators of ozone injury, are monitored annually to determine the presence/absence of injury on up to 10 individuals per species.Forest Ecosystem Monitoring CooperativeOzone Bioindicator Plant MonitoringMichaelJohnsoncontentProviderTomSimmonscontentProviderSandraWilmotprincipalInvestigatorSeanLawsoncontentProviderJayLackeyprincipalInvestigatorDetect ozone injury on sensitive native plants, record first occurence data for each species, and evaluate the maximum severity of the damage.Ozone Bio-indicator PlantsNative plant species known to be senstive to ozone and reliable bioindicators of ozone injury, are monitored annually to determine the presence/absence of injury on up to 10 individuals per species.VMC.23.22mySQL/femc/data/archive/project/ozone-bioindicator-plant-monitoring/dataset/ozone-bio-indicator-plants1997-01-012001-12-31amount_maximumamount_maximumThe maximum amount of injury for a given biological species at a hexagon equals the maximum value of all the injury amounts for that species. If there are no injured plants within the species, the maximum amount of injury for the species equals zero.decimalmeternaturalamount_meanamount_meansummation( injury amounts for a given species at a hexagon that are greater than zero ) / number of damaged plantsdecimalmeternaturalamount_minimumamount_minimumminimum( injury amounts for a given species at a hexagon ) intmeternaturalcount_of_plants_evaluatedcount_of_plants_evaluatedcount( all plants evaluated for a given species at a hexagon )intmeternaturalcount_of_plants_injuredcount_of_plants_injuredcount( plants within a given species at a hexagon that have an injury severity amount greater than zero )intmeternaturalhexagon_numberhexagon_numberNo description for this attributeintID_numID_numNo description for this attributeintplants_ratioplants_ratioplants_inj_cnt / plants_eval_cntdecimalmeternaturalplot_numberplot_numberNo description for this attributeintprojectprojectNo description for this attributeintseverity_maximumseverity_maximummaximum( injury severity amounts for a given species at a hexagon )decimalmeternaturalseverity_meanseverity_meansummation( injury severity amounts for a given species at a hexagon that are greater than zero ) / plants_inj_cntdecimalmeternaturalseverity_minimumseverity_minimumminimum( injury severity amounts for a given species at a hexagon )decimalmeternaturalSpeciesSpeciesNo description for this attributeintspecies_indexspecies_indexplants_ratio * species_sumdecimalmeternaturalspecies_sumspecies_sumsummation( ( plant's injury amount ) * ( plant's injury severity amount ) ) / plants_inj_cntdecimalmeternaturalyearyearNo description for this attributedatetimeYYYY