public read Standardized Regional Aerial Detection Survey Disturbance Tabular DataForest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
705 Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of America
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Forest Service funderNortheastern States Research Cooperative leadForest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative (FEMC) partnerThis dataset contains tabular information on the nature and extent of forest pests, disturbance, and other types of damage throughout the states of VT, NY, ME, MA, CT, RI and NH. This dataset has been compiled from historical and recent data from each state as well as the US Forest Service.Forest Ecosystem Monitoring CooperativeNortheastern Regional Aerial Detection Surveys and Insect and Disease SurveysBarbaraSchultzcontentProviderDaveStrublecontentProviderJenniferPontiusprincipalInvestigatorAlexandraKosibaprincipalInvestigatorJamesDuncanprincipalInvestigatorEmmaTaitcontentProviderJerryCarlsoncontentProviderGarrettMeigsprincipalInvestigatorKenGoochcontentProviderKyleLombardcontentProviderThis project is a compilation of aerial detection survey data and insect and disease survey datasets related to forest health in the northeastern United States.Standardized Regional Aerial Detection Survey Disturbance Tabular DataThis dataset contains tabular information on the nature and extent of forest pests, disturbance, and other types of damage throughout the states of VT, NY, ME, MA, CT, RI and NH. This dataset has been compiled from historical and recent data from each state as well as the US Forest Service.VMC.1216.2431mySQL/femc/data/archive/project/northeastern_ads/dataset/rads-damage-data1918-01-01AreaInt_acAreaInt_acNo description for this attributeintno dataArea_acArea_acNo description for this attributeno dataArea_haArea (ha)Calculated hectares based on acreintmeternaturalDCA1DCA1Damage Agent Code (Federal) intDCA2DCA2Damage Agent Code (Federal) intDCA3DCA3Damage Agent Code (Federal) intDMG_TYPE1Damage Type 1Damage type in federal codeint-1No data1Defloiation2Mortality (Current Year)3Discoloration4Dieback5Topkill6Branch Breakage8Branch Flagging7Main Stem Broken/Uprooted9No damage10Other Damage11Previously Undocumented (Old) MortalityDMG_TYPE2Damage Type 2Damage type in federal codeint-1No data1Defloiation2Mortality (Current Year)3Discoloration4Dieback5Topkill6Branch Breakage8Branch Flagging7Main Stem Broken/Uprooted9No damage10Other Damage11Previously Undocumented (Old) MortalityDMG_TYPE3Damage Type 3Damage type in federal codeint-1No data1Defloiation2Mortality (Current Year)3Discoloration4Dieback5Topkill6Branch Breakage8Branch Flagging7Main Stem Broken/Uprooted9No damage10Other Damage11Previously Undocumented (Old) MortalityFIDFIDNo description for this attributeintno dataFOR_TYPE1Forest Type Code 1 (Federal)Federal code for primary forest typeintFOR_TYPE2Forest Type Code 2 (Federal)Federal code for secondary forest typeintFOR_TYPE3Forest Type Code 3 (Federal)Federal code for tertiary forest typeintHOST1Host Tree Species Code 1 (Federal)Federal code for primary host tree speciesintHOST2Host Tree Species Code 2 (Federal)Federal code for secondary host tree speciesintHOST3Host Tree Species Code 3 (Federal)Federal code for tertiary host tree speciesintHOST4HOST4No description for this attributeintno dataHOST5HOST5No description for this attributeintno dataNOTESNOTESNo description for this attributetextNO_TREES1Number of Dead Trees 1 (Federal)Federal coding for number of dead trees detected- measure of mortalityintNO_TREES2Number of Dead Trees 2 (Federal)Federal coding for number of dead trees detected- measure of mortalityintNO_TREES3Number of Dead Trees 3 (Federal)Federal coding for number of dead trees detected- measure of mortalityintOBJECTIDOBJECTIDNo description for this attributeno dataPATTERN1PATTERN1No description for this attributeintno dataPATTERN2PATTERN2No description for this attributeintno dataPATTERN3PATTERN3No description for this attributeintno dataPCT_MORT1Percent Mortality 1Percent Mortality 1intPCT_MORT2Percent Mortality 2Percent Mortality 2intPCT_MORT3Percent Mortality 3Percent Mortality 3intRPT_YRReport YearYear the survey was recordedintYYYYSEVERITY1Defoliation Severity Code 1 (Federal)Federal code for primary defoliation severityint-1No Data1Low (Equal to or Less than 50% defoliation)2High (More than 50% defoliation)SEVERITY2Defoliation Severity Code 2 (Federal)Federal code for secondary defoliation severityint-1No Data1Low (Equal to or Less than 50% defoliation)2High (More than 50% defoliation)SEVERITY3Defoliation Severity Code 3 (Federal)Federal code for tertiary defoliation severityint-1No Data1Low (Equal to or Less than 50% defoliation)2High (More than 50% defoliation)Shape_AreaShape AreaArea of the shape of the survey locationdecimalShape_LengShape_LengNo description for this attributeintno dataShape_LengthShape_LengthLength of the shape of the area surveyeddecimalStateStateState where the survey was conductedtextSURVEY_ID1SURVEY_ID1No description for this attributetextSURVEY_ID2SURVEY_ID2No description for this attributetextSURVEY_ID3SURVEY_ID3No description for this attributetextTPA1TPA1No description for this attributeintno dataTPA2TPA2No description for this attributeintno dataTPA3TPA3No description for this attributeintno data