Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative(802) Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of AmericaMohonk Preserve Forest DatasetsDatasets within this project include monitoring data collected within the Mohonk Preserve forests. These include: -Forest Health -Vegetation Regeneration Impacts from Deer Browse (exclosures and AVID) -Rapid Assessment Inventories -Invasive Species SurveysMohonk Preserve Forest DatasetsNapoliMeganForest Health 2018 - 20222018-05-28In 2018, the Mohonk Preserve’s Daniel Smiley Research Center implemented a long-term research project aimed at inventorying forest vegetation and monitoring forest health. The protocol was adapted from the National Park Service’s Northeast Temperate Network ( This project monitors the composition and structure of the Mohonk Preserve forests, and collects data for assessing forest soil condition, impacts of white-tailed deer herbivory, and land cover. In 2018, 24 plots were established in four habitat types: Eastern hemlock forest (n = 6), white ash forest (n = 6), historic prescribed burn forest (n = 6), and randomly selected forest (n = 6). In 2021, an additional 14 plots were established in two historic Breeding Bird Survey research areas: Eastern hemlock forest (n = 8) and pitch pine forest (n = 6). In 2022,an additional 14 plots were established in two historic Breeding Bird Survey research areas: mixed deciduous forest (n = 9) and hemlock hardwood forest (n = 5). All data collection occurred between the months of June through August. Plots are scheduled to be resampled every four years.20231012155949_Forest.Health_Data.xlsxVMC.1760.3874mySQLMohonk Preserve (2023). Forest Health 2018 - 2022. FEMC. Available online at: /femc/data/archive/project/mohonk-preserve-forest-health-datasets/dataset/forest-health-2018-2022/femc/data/archive/project/mohonk-preserve-forest-health-datasets/dataset/forest-health-2018-2022