Viewing a version of dataset "MODIS TIN Yearly Mean and STD"
Version name: 2018 Update
This page provides information about a version of dataset "MODIS TIN Yearly Mean and STD" that was created. This version information can be used to accurately cite the dataset at a particular point in time, and to define dynamic subsets of data as they were used in publications or reports.
This approach to creating versions is built upon the of the
- Purpose
Canopy density or ‘greenness’ is estimated using data collected by the MODIS1 satellite mission, and represents the thickness of the forest foliage. MODIS captures bimonthly imagery of Vermont’s forests which are then aggregated across the full growing season. Canopy reflectance at different wavelengths is used to calculate a normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), which is an assessment of overall greenness of the forest canopy.
- Version Name
- 2018 Update
- Version ID
- 1
- Version Type
- Edit
- Created Date
- 2019-12-06 16:25:45
- Creator
- Matthias Sirch
- No DOI Assigned
- Download
Available for download
- Data License
- Linked - Third party determines data license
- Related Subsets
- Subset of Version 1 - VT modis TIN for indicators 20191209 (created 2019-12-09 by Emma Tait)
- Subset of Version 1 - NY modis TIN for indicators 20191209 (created 2019-12-09 by Emma Tait)
- Subset of Version 1 - NH modis TIN for indicators 20191209 (created 2019-12-09 by Emma Tait)