Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative(802) Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of AmericaMissisquoi Wildlife Refuge Meteorological StationMonitor meteorological variables at the Missisquoi Wildlife Refuge stationMissisquoi Wildlife Refuge Meteorological StationManleyTomSturmKenWeiEmilymeteorologyprecipitationsolar radiationwindMissisquoi National Wildlife Refuge Meteorological Data June to September 2012 - RAW2012-06-21Raw measurements of temperature, humidity, windspeed, precipitation, and solar radiation at the Missisquoi Wildlife Refuge Meteorological Station To monitor meteorological variables at the Missisquoi Wildlife Refuge stationZ0310_MNWR_MetData_JunSept2012_RawVMC.310.286mySQLKen Sturm. 2017. Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge Meteorological Data June to September 2012 - RAW. US Fish & Wildlife Service. FEMC. Can be found at: /femc/data/archive/project/missisquoi-wildlife-refuge-meteorological-station/dataset/missisquoi-national-wildlife-refuge-meteorological-data/femc/data/archive/project/missisquoi-wildlife-refuge-meteorological-station/dataset/missisquoi-national-wildlife-refuge-meteorological-dataDateDateDate of collectiondatetimeYYYY-MM-DDTimeTimeTime of collectiondatetimehh:mm:ssDate_TimeDate TimeDate/time of collectiondatetimeYYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ssTemp_OutTemperature at Time of CollectionTemperature at time of collectiondecimalfahrenheit0.1realHi_TempHigh TemperatureHighest Temperaturedecimalfahrenheit0.01realLow_TempLow TemperatureLowest Temperaturedecimalfahrenheit0.1realOut_HumHumidityHumidityintfahrenheit0.1realDew_PtDew PointDew point is the temperature to which air must be cooled for saturation (100% relative humidity) to occur, providing there is no change in water contentdecimalfahrenheit0.1realWind_SpeedWind SpeedAverage wind speed for the intervalintmilesPerHour1integer0100Wind_DirWind DirectionMost frequent compass point for wind direction during the intervaltextWind_DegWind DirectionDecimal degree representation of most frequent compass point for wind direction during the intervaldecimaldegree0.1real0360Wind_RunWind RunWind run is a measurement of the "amount" of wind passing the station during a given period of time; calculated by multiplying the average wind speed for each archive record by the archive intervaldecimalunknown0.01realHi_SpeedHigh Wind SpeedHighest wind speed recorded during intervalintmilesPerHour1integerHi_DirDirection Highest Wind SpeedDirection of highest wind speed during the intervaltextWind_ChillWind ChillWind chilldecimalfahrenheit0.1realHeat_IndexHeat IndexThe heat index uses the temperature and the relative humidity to determine how hot the air actually "feels"decimalfahrenheit0.1realTHW_IndexTemperature Humidity Wind IndexThe THW index uses humidity, temperature and wind to calculate an apparent temperature that incorporates the cooling effects of wind on our perception of temperaturedecimalfahrenheit0.1realTHSW_indexTemperature Humidity Sun Wind IndexThe THWS index uses humidity, temperature, the cooling effects of wind and the heating effects of direct solar radiation to calculate and apparent temperaturedecimalfahrenheit0.1realBarBarometric PressureBarometric pressuredecimalinHG0.001realRainRainfallRainfalldecimalinch0.01realRain_RateRain RateRain rate is calculated by measuring the time interval between each rainfall incrementdecimaldimensionless0.01realSolar_RadSolar RadiationWhat we call "current solar radiation" is technically known as Global Solar radiation, a measure of the intensity of the suns radiation reaching a horizontal surfaceintwattsPerMeterSquared1integerSolar_EnergySolar EnergySolar energt is amount of accumulated solar radiation energy over a period of timedecimallangleys0.01realHi_Solar_RadHigh Solar RadiationHigh solar radiation is the peak solar radiation measured during the archive intervalintwattsPerMeterSquared1integerUV_IndexUV IndexThe UV index measures the intensity of UV averaged over the intervaldecimalcustomWattsPerSquareCentimeter0.1realUV_DoseUV DoseUV dose, measured in minimum erythemal dose (MED) scale, defined as the amount of sunlight exposure necessary to induce a barely perceptible redness of the skin within 24 hours after sun exposuredecimalcustomMinimumErythemalDose0.01realHi_UVHigh UV IndexThe Peak UV index measured during the archive intervaldecimalheat_D-DHeating Degree DaysOne heating degree-day is the amount of heat required to keep a structure of 65 degrees F when the outside temperature remains one degree below 65 degree F threshold for 24 hoursdecimaljoule0.001realCool_D-DCooling Degree DaysOne cooling degree-day is the amount of cooling required to keep a structure at 65 degree F when the outside temperature remains one degree above the 65 degree F threshold for 24 hoursdecimaljoule0.001realIn_TempSensor Internal TemperatureSensor internal temperaturedecimalfahrenheit0.1realIn_HumSensor Internal humiditySensor internal humidityintdimensionless1integerIn_DewSensor Internal Dew PointSensor internal dew pointdecimalfahrenheit0.1realIn_HeatSensor Internal Heat IndexSensor internal heat indexdecimalfahrenheit0.1realETunknownunknowndecimalunknown0.001realWind_Sampunknownunknownintunknown1integerWind_Txunknownunknownintunknown1integerISS_ReceptISS ReceptionThe ISS reception rate shows the percentage of wind data packets that have been successfully receiveddecimaldimensionless0.1realArc_IntArchive IntervalInterval over which data was archivedintnominalMinute1integer