public read Mercury 2002 to 2022Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
705 Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of America
United States Geological Survey (USGS) United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation ServiceForest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative (FEMC) University of Vermont College of Agriculture and Life SciencesUnited States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Forest Service Green Mountain and Finger Lakes National ForestspartnerTotal mercury in the uppermost Oa or A horizon from each of the sampled subplots from 2002 through 2022. Additional data include total organic carbon, total nitrogen, horizon thickness, calculated bulk density, and estimated mercury pool in the sampled horizon.Forest Ecosystem Monitoring CooperativeVermont Long-Term Soil Monitoring ProgramJoshuaHalmancontentProviderCarlWaitecontentProviderSandraWilmotcontentProviderNancyBurtcontentProviderJamieShanleycontentProviderDeaneWangcontentProviderSeanLawsoncontentProviderThomasVillarsprincipalInvestigatorScottBaileyprincipalInvestigatorDonaldRossprincipalInvestigatorJamesDuncancontentProviderJenniferWrightcontentProviderAngelicaQuintanacontentProviderLong-term monitoring of forest soils is necessary to understand the effects of continued environmental change, including climate change, atmospheric deposition of metals, and recovery from acidic precipitation. A monitoring program was initiated in 2002 at five protected forest sites in Vermont, three in Mt. Mansfield State Forest and two in the Lye Brook Wilderness Area. Every 5 years at each site, ten soil pits are dug and sampled from subplots in a 50 × 50-m plot.Mercury 2002 to 2022Total mercury in the uppermost Oa or A horizon from each of the sampled subplots from 2002 through 2022. Additional data include total organic carbon, total nitrogen, horizon thickness, calculated bulk density, and estimated mercury pool in the sampled horizon.VMC.161.3977mySQL/femc/data/archive/project/long-term-soil-monitoring/dataset/mercury-2002-to-20222002-01-01YearSampling yearNo description for this attributeintSiteSite abbreviationLR: Lye Road LT: Lye Trail MR: Mansfield Ranch MF: Mansfield Forehead MU: Mansfield UnderhilltextPlotsubplot sampledRandomly chose 5x5 m subplot from a 50x50 m grid. Beginning in 2017, a specific 1/4 quadrant of each plot was sampled (data not provided here)intHorz_Horizon designationBased on soil taxonomy current at the time, an A horizon had less than 200 g/kg carbon and an Oa horizon above thattextSite-codeSite code1 through 5 is LR, LT, MR, MF, MUintYr-codeYear code1 through 5 is 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, 2022intrepreplicate number1 through 10 assigned in order of plot number (usually)int_Total_Hg_ug/kgTotal mercuryTotal mercury in the soil sample in ug per kgdecimalOrganic_carbon_g/kgTotal organic carbonTotal organic carbon in the soil sample in g per kgdecimalTHg/C_mg/kgTotal mercury to carbon ratioTotal mercury divided by total organic carbon in mg per kgdecimalNitrogen_g/kgTotal nitrogenTotal nitrogen in the soil layer by elemental analyzerdecimalHorizon_thickness_cmThickness of horizonThickness of the horizon sampled as listed in the full pit descriptiondecimalCalculated_bulk_densityBulk density calculated from organic carbonBulk density calculated from carbon using the equation in Huntington et al. 1989. Carbon, organic matter, and bulk density relationships in a forested spodosol. Soil Science 148, 380-386decimalkg_soil_per_m2Mass of the soil horizon per m2 (kg)The mass of the soil horizon per square meter, calculated from bulk density and horizon thickness. Used to calculate poolsdecimalmg_THg_per_m2Mercury poolPool of total mercury in the horizon sampled. Calculated from THg concentration and the mass of the soil horizon per square meterdecimal