public read Site Information 2000Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
705 Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of America
Describes locations of traps used in insect re-survey in 2000Forest Ecosystem Monitoring CooperativeInsect Diversity on Mount Mansfield: Lepidoptera resurvey in 2000JohnGrehanprincipalInvestigatorBruce L.ParkercontentProviderJamesBoonecontentProviderScottGriggsprincipalInvestigatorResurvey macrolepidoptera at 3 sites used previously and one new site to compare species richness, and to characterize macrolepidopteran biodiversity by site and year. Survey insects to establish site specific data on species abundance and diversity, and to establish permanent monitoring sites for long term trend information. Document insect biodiversity with respect to elevation and habitat. Document taxonomic diverstiy and abundance of selected insect groups, especially Lepidopters, Diptera, Hymenoptera, and Coleoptera. Conduct a light trap survey for macrolepidoptera at three sites on Mount Mansfield where collections were made between 1990-1995, and at one new site on Mansfield in Stowe at 950 m.Site Information 2000Describes locations of traps used in insect re-survey in 2000VMC.114.2008mySQL/femc/data/archive/project/insect-diversity-mount-mansfield-lepidoptera-resurvey/dataset/site-information-20002000-05-012000-12-31Elevation (feet)Elevation (feet)Elevation (feet)decimalmeternaturalElevation (meters)Elevation (meters)Elevation (meters)decimalmeternaturalForest Type at SiteForest Type at SiteForest Type at SitetextNotesNotesNotestextSite nameSite nameSite nametextSite NumberSite NumberSite Numberint