public read Sub-catchment watersheds with associated losses due to HWAForest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
705 Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of America
Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative (FEMC) leadNew York Invasive Species Research Institute partnerPolygon delineations of sub-catchment watersheds (HUC12) with associated statistics (mean, sd, and max) for BA losses and percent BA losses due to HWA for the stream buffer widths (50-, 100-, and 200-ft) for the period 2013-2027 (USFS 2012).Forest Ecosystem Monitoring CooperativeProjected hemlock woolly adelgid-induced losses (2013-2027) in riparian corridors in New York StateAlexandraKosibaprincipalInvestigatorJamesDuncanprincipalInvestigatorCarrieBrown-LimacontentProviderThe Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative collaborated with the New York Invasive Species Research Institute to identify and rank riparian corridors at potential risk of future hemlock losses due to hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) in New York State (projected 2013-2027; USFS 2012). We combined preexisting spatial data projecting losses of hemlock due to HWA developed by the USDA Forest Service Forest Health Protection program (USFS 2012) with stream corridor and catchment data to quantify potential losses at 50', 100' and 200' buffers of stream reaches and summarized the results to HUC12 sub-catchments.Sub-catchment watersheds with associated losses due to HWAPolygon delineations of sub-catchment watersheds (HUC12) with associated statistics (mean, sd, and max) for BA losses and percent BA losses due to HWA for the stream buffer widths (50-, 100-, and 200-ft) for the period 2013-2027 (USFS 2012).VMC.1312.2625mySQL/femc/data/archive/project/hemlock-woolly-adelgid-riparian-losses-new-york/dataset/sub-catchment-watersheds-with-associated-losses2018-06-012018-11-01MEANba_50mean BA losses (ft2/ac) in 50-ft buffers within the catchmentNo description for this attributedecimalmeter-1STDba_50standard deviation of mean BA losses (ft2/ac) in 50-ft buffers within the catchmentNo description for this attributedecimalmeter-1MAXba_50maximum BA losses (ft2/ac) in 50-ft buffers within the catchmentNo description for this attributedecimalmeter-1MEANba_100mean BA losses (ft2/ac) in 100-ft buffers within the catchmentNo description for this attributedecimalmeter-1STDba_100standard deviation of mean BA losses (ft2/ac) in 100-ft buffers within the catchmentNo description for this attributedecimalmeter-1MAXba_100maximum BA losses (ft2/ac) in 100-ft buffers within the catchmentNo description for this attributedecimalmeter-1MEANba_200mean BA losses (ft2/ac) in 200-ft buffers within the catchmentNo description for this attributedecimalmeter-1STDba_200standard deviation of mean BA losses (ft2/ac) in 200-ft buffers within the catchmentNo description for this attributedecimalmeter-1MAXba_200maximum BA losses (ft2/ac) in 200-ft buffers within the catchmentNo description for this attributedecimalmeter-1MEANpcba_50mean stand BA losses (%) in 50-ft buffers within the catchmentNo description for this attributedecimalmeter-1STDpcba_50standard deviation of mean stand BA losses (%) in 50-ft buffers within the catchmentNo description for this attributedecimalmeter-1MAXpcba_50maximum stand BA losses (%) in 50-ft buffers within the catchmentNo description for this attributedecimalmeter-1MEANpcba_100mean stand BA losses (%) in 100-ft buffers within the catchmentNo description for this attributedecimalmeter-1STDpcba_100standard deviation of mean stand BA losses (%) in 100-ft buffers within the catchmentNo description for this attributedecimalmeter-1MAXpcba_100maximum stand BA losses (%) in 100-ft buffers within the catchmentNo description for this attributedecimalmeter-1MEANpcba_200mean stand BA losses (%) in 200-ft buffers within the catchmentNo description for this attributedecimalmeter-1STDpcba_200standard deviation of mean stand BA losses (%) in 200-ft buffers within the catchmentNo description for this attributedecimalmeter-1MAXpcba_200maximum stand BA losses (%) in 200-ft buffers within the catchmentNo description for this attributedecimalmeter-1