Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative(802) Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of AmericaCentre for the Synthesis and Analysis of Biodiversity John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis funderGlobal Evaluation of the Impacts of Storms on freshwater Habitat and Structure of phytoplankton Assemblages (GEISHA)The Global Evaluation of the Impacts of Storms on freshwater Habitat and Structure of phytoplankton Assemblages (GEISHA) project is using long-term monitoring datasets and high-frequency data available through international networks to address questions about the impacts of storms on phytoplankton community in over 40 lakes across the globe. GEISHA has been developed within the context of the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON) initiative called “Storm-blitz”. “Storm-blitz” assembles an international group of investigators interested in contributing to theoretical discussions and sharing data to answer questions about the impacts of extreme events on phytoplankton communities. Although climate change is expected to cause more intense and frequent extreme weather events, we only have a basic understanding of how these events might alter freshwater phytoplankton communities. The storm-blitz group was created in 2016 and gathers 17 researchers with diverse skillsets and experiences to focus on data compilation and analysis ( Evaluation of the Impacts of Storms on freshwater Habitat and Structure of phytoplankton Assemblages (GEISHA)StockwellJasonAnnevilleOrlanePatilVijayVanniMichaelWilliamsonTannerNodineEmilyGrahamJenniferCoreGEISHABrentrupJennieDurGaëlSouissiSamiSchmittFrançoisVenailPatrickSalmasoNicoHsiehChih-haoLajeunesseMarcAdrianRitaStraileDietmarRusakJamesLewandowskaAleksandraIbelingsBastiaanGaiserEvelynRudstamLarsPiersonDonAlfonsoBelénAndersonMikkelBhattacharyaRuchiBurnetSarahCareyCayelanCarvalhoLaurenceChangChun-WeiUrrutia CorderoPablode EytoElvirade Motta MarquesDavidde Senerpont-DomisLisetteDomaizonIsabelleDoubekJonathanDrestiClaudiaEckertWernerFrasslMariekeGessnerMarkGirdnerScottGrossartHans-PeterHejzlarJosefHigginsScottIzaguirreIrinaJacquetStéphanJanathianNasimeKpodonuTheodore AlfredLaasAloLaPlanteMonikaLechinskyYuryLlamesMaríaLoftonMaryMesmanJorritNavitskyChrisNõgesPeeterNõgesTinaCalderoMariaPomatiFrancescoRimetFrédéricRinkeKarstenRogoraMichelaSadroSteveSeltmannTorstenShambaughAngelaSoulignacFredericSparberKarinSwainHilarySwintonMarkThackerayStephenThieryWimTran-KhacVietvan LipzigNicoleVerburgPietWentzkyValerieWilsonHarrietWoolwayR. IestynZagareseHoracioZnachorPetrMatsuzakiShin-Ichiro S.ZoharyTamarBeeri-ShlevinYaronBruelRosaliestormslakesphytoplanktoncyanobacteriaextreme weatherglobalFeeagh Daily Weather Data2005-02-222020-12-29Daily average values of weather data for Lough Feeagh from Newport AWS in Mayo, Ireland, that were collected for 2005-2020, at 1-hour interval, except rain data which are a daily sum. Variables include height at which wind was measured, air pressure, air temperature, rain, relative humidity, average wind speed, and wind direction. The original weather data are copyright Met Éireann (, and are published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Met Éireann does not accept any liability whatsoever for any error or omission in the data, their availability, or for any loss or damage arising from their use. This material has been modified from the original.Please see GEISHA Project home page on FEMC website at /femc/data/archive/project/geisha-stormblitzfr or see the GEISHA website hosted by INRAE at JD, Brentrup JA, Bruel R, Doubek JP, de Eyto E (2021) Lough Feeagh daily weather data, 2005-2020. Global Evaluation of the Impacts of Storms on freshwater Habitat and structure of phytoplankton Assemblages (GEISHA) Working Group, FRB Centre for the Synthesis and Analysis of Biodiversity and USGS John Wesley Powell Center. Available online at: /femc/data/archive/project/geisha-stormblitzfr/dataset/feeagh-daily-weather-data/femc/data/archive/project/geisha-stormblitzfr/dataset/feeagh-daily-weather-datalakelakeLake nametextmet_stationidmet_stationidUnique ID for location of weather data; could be more than one per lake; may be a different location than lake sampling stationtextwind_height_mwind_height_mheight above water, in meters, at which the wind speed and direction are measuredtextdate_dd_mm_yyyydate_dd_mm_yyyydatedateDD-MM-YYYYair_press_mbair_press_mbAir pressure in millibarsdecimalreal8001200air_temp_cair_temp_cAir temperature in degrees Celsiusdecimalrealrain_mmrain_mmdaily rain in mmdecimalrealrel_hum_percrel_hum_percRelative humidity in percent decimalreal0100radiation_j_sec_m2radiation_j_sec_m2Solar radiation in joules per second per square meterdecimalrealmax_wind_m_smax_wind_m_sMaximum wind speed in meters per seconddecimalrealavg_wind_m_savg_wind_m_sAverage wind speed in meters per seconddecimalrealwind_dir_degwind_dir_degDirection from which the wind is blowing; ranges from 0 to < 360 degreesdecimalreal0359.999