Vermont Forest Health Monitoring: Tree Health and Physiology Measurements
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► Metadata Provider
- Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
- Address:
705 Spear Street
South Burlington, Vermont 05403
United States of America
Phone: (802) 391-4135
► Abstract
The Forest Health Monitoring Program was established in 1991 as a joint effort between the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation (FPR) and the Vermont Monitoring Cooperative (VMC) (as of March 2017 renamed to Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative (FEMC)) to monitor the condition of a range of tree species in Vermont. Plot design follows the structure set by the National Forest Health Monitoring Program with additional metrics added to reflect improvements in monitoring technologies and additions to monitoring objectives.
► People
- Michael Johnson: Content Provider
- Tom Simmons: Content Provider
- Sandra Wilmot: Principal Investigator
- Florence Peterson: Content Provider
- Jay Lackey: Content Provider
- Ron Wells: Content Provider
- Brad Greenough: Content Provider
- Lars Lund: Content Provider
- Bernie Barton: Content Provider
- Jennifer Pontius: Principal Investigator
- Alexandra Kosiba: Principal Investigator
- James Duncan: Principal Investigator
- David Gudex-Cross: Content Provider
- Helena Murray: Content Provider
- Katlyn Williard: Content Provider
- Christine Sandbach: Content Provider
- John Truong: Principal Investigator
- Kirsti Carr: Content Provider
- Diana Gurvich: Content Provider
- Becca Rossell: Content Provider
- Caroline Drayton: Content Provider
- Elizabeth Romaker: Content Provider
- Kelsey Hamm: Content Provider
- Mike Perrin: Content Provider
- Sawyer Updike: Content Provider
- Stephen Rotella: Content Provider
- Danielle Ward: Content Provider
- Josephine Robertson : Content Provider
- Gene Desideraggio: Content Provider
► Organizations
- Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative (FEMC) : lead
- Vermont Forest Parks and Recreation : partner
► Geographic Coverage
- Coordinates
- -73.08333, 43.0544
- -72.77976988, 43.0544
- -72.77976988, 44.534658
- -73.08333, 44.534658
- -73.08333, 43.0544
► Data Table
- Title: Tree Health and Physiology Measurements
- Start Date: 1992-01-01
- End Date: 2021-12-31
- Description: Measurements of a wide range of tree characteristics, including height, diameter, crown condition, health indicators and others
- Purpose: Quantify and track changes in forest health over time
- Condensed Title: Z0017_Tree
- Object Name: VMC.17.414
- Data Type: mySQL
- Citation: Pontius, J., and S. Wilmot. 2017. Tree Health and Physiology Measurements. FEMC. Can be found at: /femc/data/archive/project/forest-health-monitoring/people
- Online Distribution: /femc/data/archive/project/forest-health-monitoring/dataset/tree-health-and-physiology-measurements
► Attribute List
- Attribute Name: PlotID
- Label: Plot Identification
- Description: Unique plot identifier
- Storage Type: text
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Location List: Forest Health Monitoring Plot Centers
- Code: LBA1400A
- Definition: Center of LBA1400A Plot
- Code: LBA1400B
- Definition: Center of LBA1400B Plot
- Code: LBA2300A
- Definition: Center of LBA2300A Plot
- Code: LBA2300B
- Definition: Center of LBA2300B Plot
- Code: LBA2300C
- Definition: Center of LBA2300C Plot
- Code: MMBR1400
- Definition: Center of MMBR1400 Plot
- Code: MMBR2200
- Definition: Center of MMBR2200 Plot
- Code: MMBR3000
- Definition: Center of MMBR3000 Plot
- Code: MMBR3800A
- Definition: Center of MMBR3800A Plot
- Code: MMBR3800B
- Definition: Center of MMBR3800B Plot
- Code: MMRB1400A
- Definition: Center of MMRB1400A Plot
- Code: MMRB1400B
- Definition: Center of MMRB1400B Plot
- Code: MMRB2200A
- Definition: Center of MMRB2200A Plot
- Code: MMRB2200B
- Definition: Center of MMRB2200B Plot
- Code: MMRB3000A
- Definition: Center of MMRB3000A Plot
- Code: MMRB3000B
- Definition: Center of MMRB3000B Plot
- Code: MMSB1400
- Definition: Center of MMSB1400 Plot
- Code: MMSB2200
- Definition: Center of MMSB2200 Plot
- Code: MMSB3000
- Definition: Center of MMSB3000 Plot
- Code: VMC245
- Definition: Center of VMC245 Plot
- Code: VMC495
- Definition: Center of VMC495 Plot
- Attribute Name: Year
- Label: Year
- Description: Year of data collection
- Storage Type: date
- Measurment Type: datetime
- String Format: YYYY
- Attribute Name: SubplotID
- Label: Subplot identification
- Description: Unique subplot identifier
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Custom List: FHM Subplot locations
- Code: 1
- Definition: center subplot
- Code: 2
- Definition: north
- Code: 3
- Definition: southeast
- Code: 4
- Definition: southwest
- Attribute Name: TreeID
- Label: Tree Identification
- Description: Unique tree identification number
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Attribute Name: TreeStatus
- Label: Tree Status Code
- Description: Live/dead status of the tree (not used after 2014)
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Custom List: Vermont Forest Health Monitoring Tree Status Codes
- Code: 1
- Definition: Live
- Code: 2
- Definition: Dead
- Code: 8
- Definition: Dead and down
- Code: 9
- Definition: Missing or not recorded
- Attribute Name: DBH_Traditional
- Label: Diameter at Breast Height
- Description: Diameter at breast height using traditional method
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Standard Unit: centimeter
- Precision: 0.1
- Unit: centimeter
- Number Type: real
- Attribute Name: DBH_Modified
- Label: Diameter at Breast Height Modified
- Description: Diameter at breast height measured at painted band on tree ensuring same location for future measurement
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Standard Unit: centimeter
- Precision: 0.001
- Unit: centimeter
- Number Type: real
- Attribute Name: DBH_Dendroband
- Label: Diameter at Breast Height Dendroband
- Description: Diameter at breast height using a dendroband installed on tree
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Standard Unit: centimeter
- Precision: 0.001
- Unit: centimeter
- Number Type: real
- Attribute Name: CrownClass
- Label: Crown Class
- Description: Position of the crown relative to neighboring trees
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: ordinal
- Custom List: Crown Class Code
- Code: 1
- Definition: open growth
- Code: 2
- Definition: dominant
- Code: 3
- Definition: codominant
- Code: 4
- Definition: intermediate
- Code: 5
- Definition: suppressed/ overtopped
- Attribute Name: TotalLength
- Label: Total Length
- Description: Tree height including dead or broken top
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Standard Unit: meter
- Precision: 0.01
- Unit: meter
- Number Type: real
- Attribute Name: ActualLength
- Label: Actual Length
- Description: Tree height to top of live crown
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Standard Unit: meter
- Precision: 0.01
- Unit: meter
- Number Type: real
- Attribute Name: CrownBaseHeight
- Label: Crown Base Height
- Description: Height from ground to base of tree crown
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Standard Unit: meter
- Precision: 0.01
- Unit: meter
- Number Type: real
- Attribute Name: HeightMethod
- Label: Height Measurement Method
- Description: The method used to measure heights - visual, clinometer, hypsometer
- Storage Type: text
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Attribute Name: Vigor
- Label: Tree Vigor Code
- Description: Coded tree vigor rating
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: ordinal
- Custom List: Tree Vigor Rankings
- Code: 1
- Definition: Healthy
- Code: 2
- Definition: Light decline
- Code: 3
- Definition: moderate decline
- Code: 4
- Definition: Severe decline
- Code: 5
- Definition: Dead, natural
- Code: 6
- Definition: Dead, human caused
- Code: 8
- Definition: Dead and down
- Attribute Name: Dieback
- Label: Crown Dieback
- Description: Code representing the percentage of the live crown area including the dieback area
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: ordinal
- Attribute Name: Transparency
- Label: Crown Transparency
- Description: Foliage transparency indicator class
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: ordinal
- Attribute Name: Defoliation
- Label: Defoliation Class
- Description: Crown defoliation class
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: ordinal
- Custom List: Defoliation Codes
- Code: 0
- Definition: None to trace
- Code: 1
- Definition: less than 30% of crown
- Code: 2
- Definition: 31 to 60% defoliated
- Code: 3
- Definition: more than 60% defoliation
- Attribute Name: SpecialDamage1
- Label: Special damage 1
- Description: Code for special damage 1 (code undefined)
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Custom List: Special Damages Codes
- Code: 101
- Definition: balsam wooly adelgid
- Code: 102
- Definition: white pine weevil
- Code: 103
- Definition: hemlock wooly adelgid
- Code: 104
- Definition: beech bark scale only
- Code: 105
- Definition: beech bark nectria only
- Code: 106
- Definition: both beech scale and nectria
- Code: 107
- Definition: southern pine beetle
- Code: 108
- Definition: sugar maple borer
- Code: 109
- Definition: other borers
- Code: 110
- Definition: other bark beetles
- Code: 111
- Definition: defoliation > 20%
- Code: 201
- Definition: butternut canker
- Code: 202
- Definition: nectria canker (not on beech)
- Code: 203
- Definition: eutypella canker
- Code: 204
- Definition: hypoxylon canker
- Code: 206
- Definition: European larch canker
- Code: 207
- Definition: other canker
- Code: 208
- Definition: conks
- Code: 209
- Definition: dwarf mistletoe
- Code: 210
- Definition: white pine blister rust
- Code: 441
- Definition: animal browse
- Code: 444
- Definition: beaver damage
- Code: 445
- Definition: porcupine damage
- Code: 446
- Definition: sapsucker damage
- Code: 447
- Definition: other animal damage
- Code: 501
- Definition: wind thrown/ uprooted
- Code: 504
- Definition: brooming
- Code: 505
- Definition: other weather damage
- Code: 702
- Definition: logging damage ( > 20% of circumference)
- Attribute Name: Discoloration
- Label: Discoloration Code
- Description: Code for discoloration class
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: ordinal
- Custom List: Discoloration Codes
- Code: 0
- Definition: None to trace
- Code: 1
- Definition: less than 30% of crown
- Code: 2
- Definition: 31 to 60% discolored
- Code: 3
- Definition: more than 60% discolored
- Attribute Name: Notes
- Label: Notes (observations/clarifications)
- Description: Notes by text or special damage code
- Storage Type: text
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Attribute Name: UncompactedCrownRatio
- Label: Uncompacted Crown Ratio
- Description: Live crown ratio is the percentage of total tree height supporting live foliage that is contributing
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: ordinal
- Attribute Name: SaplingVigor
- Label: Sampling Vigor
- Description: Coded sapling vigor rating
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: ordinal
- Custom List: Sapling Vigor Class
- Code: 1
- Definition: healthy
- Code: 2
- Definition: moderate decline
- Code: 3
- Definition: poor health
- Attribute Name: CrownDensity
- Label: Crown Density
- Description: Average of crown density indicator for each plot (%)
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: ordinal
- Attribute Name: LocationofDamage1
- Label: Location of Damage 1
- Description: Code for location of damage 1
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Custom List: Location of Damage Code
- Code: 0
- Definition: none
- Code: 1
- Definition: roots and stump
- Code: 2
- Definition: roots, stump and lower bole
- Code: 3
- Definition: lower bole
- Code: 4
- Definition: lower and upper bole
- Code: 5
- Definition: upper bole
- Code: 6
- Definition: crownstem
- Code: 7
- Definition: branches
- Code: 8
- Definition: buds and shoots
- Code: 9
- Definition: foliage
- Attribute Name: Damage1
- Label: Damage 1
- Description: Code for damage 1
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Custom List: Damage Code
- Code: 1
- Definition: Canker, gall
- Code: 2
- Definition: conks, fruiting bodies, and signs of advanced decay
- Code: 3
- Definition: open wounds
- Code: 4
- Definition: resinosis or gummosis
- Code: 5
- Definition: cracks and seams
- Code: 11
- Definition: broken bole or roots
- Code: 12
- Definition: brooms on roots or bole
- Code: 13
- Definition: broken or dad roots
- Code: 20
- Definition: vines in the crown
- Code: 21
- Definition: loss of apical dominance,dead terminal
- Code: 22
- Definition: broken or dead (branches)
- Code: 23
- Definition: excessive branching or brooms within the live crown area
- Code: 24
- Definition: damaged buds, foliage or shoots
- Code: 25
- Definition: discoloration of foliage
- Code: 31
- Definition: other
- Attribute Name: SeverityofDamage1
- Label: Severity of Damage 1
- Description: Code (0-9) for severity of damage 1
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: ordinal
- Custom List: Severity of Damage Code
- Code: 0
- Definition: none
- Code: 2
- Definition: 20-29%
- Code: 3
- Definition: 30-39%
- Code: 4
- Definition: 40-49%
- Code: 5
- Definition: 50-59%
- Code: 6
- Definition: 60-69%
- Code: 7
- Definition: 70-79%
- Code: 8
- Definition: 80-89%
- Code: 9
- Definition: 90-99%
- Attribute Name: LocationofDamage2
- Label: Location of Damage 2
- Description: Code for location of damage 2
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Custom List: Location of Damage Code
- Code: 0
- Definition: none
- Code: 1
- Definition: roots and stump
- Code: 2
- Definition: roots, stump and lower bole
- Code: 3
- Definition: lower bole
- Code: 4
- Definition: lower and upper bole
- Code: 5
- Definition: upper bole
- Code: 6
- Definition: crownstem
- Code: 7
- Definition: branches
- Code: 8
- Definition: buds and shoots
- Code: 9
- Definition: foliage
- Attribute Name: Damage2
- Label: Damage 2
- Description: Code for damage 2
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Custom List: Damage Code
- Code: 1
- Definition: Canker, gall
- Code: 2
- Definition: conks, fruiting bodies, and signs of advanced decay
- Code: 3
- Definition: open wounds
- Code: 4
- Definition: resinosis or gummosis
- Code: 5
- Definition: cracks and seams
- Code: 11
- Definition: broken bole or roots
- Code: 12
- Definition: brooms on roots or bole
- Code: 13
- Definition: broken or dad roots
- Code: 20
- Definition: vines in the crown
- Code: 21
- Definition: loss of apical dominance,dead terminal
- Code: 22
- Definition: broken or dead (branches)
- Code: 23
- Definition: excessive branching or brooms within the live crown area
- Code: 24
- Definition: damaged buds, foliage or shoots
- Code: 25
- Definition: discoloration of foliage
- Code: 31
- Definition: other
- Attribute Name: SeverityofDamage2
- Label: Severity of Damage 2
- Description: Code for severity of damage 2
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: ordinal
- Custom List: Severity of Damage Code
- Code: 0
- Definition: none
- Code: 2
- Definition: 20-29%
- Code: 3
- Definition: 30-39%
- Code: 4
- Definition: 40-49%
- Code: 5
- Definition: 50-59%
- Code: 6
- Definition: 60-69%
- Code: 7
- Definition: 70-79%
- Code: 8
- Definition: 80-89%
- Code: 9
- Definition: 90-99%
- Attribute Name: LocationofDamage3
- Label: Location of Damage 3
- Description: Code for location of damage 3
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Custom List: Location of Damage Code
- Code: 0
- Definition: none
- Code: 1
- Definition: roots and stump
- Code: 2
- Definition: roots, stump and lower bole
- Code: 3
- Definition: lower bole
- Code: 4
- Definition: lower and upper bole
- Code: 5
- Definition: upper bole
- Code: 6
- Definition: crownstem
- Code: 7
- Definition: branches
- Code: 8
- Definition: buds and shoots
- Code: 9
- Definition: foliage
- Attribute Name: Damage3
- Label: Damage 3
- Description: Code for damage 3
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Custom List: Damage Code
- Code: 1
- Definition: Canker, gall
- Code: 2
- Definition: conks, fruiting bodies, and signs of advanced decay
- Code: 3
- Definition: open wounds
- Code: 4
- Definition: resinosis or gummosis
- Code: 5
- Definition: cracks and seams
- Code: 11
- Definition: broken bole or roots
- Code: 12
- Definition: brooms on roots or bole
- Code: 13
- Definition: broken or dad roots
- Code: 20
- Definition: vines in the crown
- Code: 21
- Definition: loss of apical dominance,dead terminal
- Code: 22
- Definition: broken or dead (branches)
- Code: 23
- Definition: excessive branching or brooms within the live crown area
- Code: 24
- Definition: damaged buds, foliage or shoots
- Code: 25
- Definition: discoloration of foliage
- Code: 31
- Definition: other
- Attribute Name: SeverityofDamage3
- Label: Severity of Damage 3
- Description: Code for severity of damage 3
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: ordinal
- Custom List: Severity of Damage Code
- Code: 0
- Definition: none
- Code: 2
- Definition: 20-29%
- Code: 3
- Definition: 30-39%
- Code: 4
- Definition: 40-49%
- Code: 5
- Definition: 50-59%
- Code: 6
- Definition: 60-69%
- Code: 7
- Definition: 70-79%
- Code: 8
- Definition: 80-89%
- Code: 9
- Definition: 90-99%
- Attribute Name: CauseofDeath
- Label: Cause of Death
- Description: Code for cause of tree death
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Custom List: Cause of Death Code
- Code: 10
- Definition: insect
- Code: 20
- Definition: disease
- Code: 30
- Definition: fire
- Code: 40
- Definition: animal
- Code: 50
- Definition: weather
- Code: 60
- Definition: vegetation (supression, vines)
- Code: 70
- Definition: unknown
- Code: 80
- Definition: human caused
- Code: 90
- Definition: physical (hit by fallen tree)
- Attribute Name: Counter
- Label: Counter
- Description: Record counter
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: ordinal
- Attribute Name: TreeOrientation
- Label: Tree Orientation
- Description: Order of trees on each plot for use in data collection
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: interval
- Attribute Name: LeanAngle
- Label: Lean Angle
- Description: Lean angle code
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Custom List: Lean Angle Code
- Code: 0
- Definition: standing (less than 45 degree lean)
- Code: 1
- Definition: down (more than 45 degree lean)
- Attribute Name: LengthMethod
- Label: Length Method
- Description: Length method code
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: ordinal
- Custom List: Length Method Code
- Code: 1
- Definition: total and actual length measured with instrument
- Code: 2
- Definition: total length visually estimated and actual length measured with an instrument)
- Code: 3
- Definition: total and actual length visually estimated
- Label: Percent Rotten / Missing
- Description: Percent class volume of missing or rotten
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: ordinal
- Label: Decay Class
- Description: Coded decay class
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: ordinal
- Custom List: Decay Class Code
- Code: 1
- Definition: not decayed, limbs and branches all present
- Code: 2
- Definition: few limbs, no fine branches, top may be broken
- Code: 3
- Definition: limb stubs only, top broken
- Code: 4
- Definition: few or no stubs, top broken
- Code: 5
- Definition: no limbs or branches, top broken, less than 20 percent of bark remaining
- Attribute Name: pctRottenMissing
- Attribute Name: DecayClass
- Attribute Name: CompactedCrownRatio
- Label: Compacted Crown Ratio
- Description: Portion of tree supporting live foliage as a percent of actual tree height
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: ordinal
- Attribute Name: CrownExposure
- Label: Crown Exposure
- Description: Crown exposure class
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: ordinal
- Custom List: Crown Exposure Class
- Code: 0
- Definition: the tree recieves no full light because it is shaded by trees, vines, or other vegetation; the tree has no crown by definition
- Code: 1
- Definition: the tree recieves full light from the top or one side
- Code: 2
- Definition: the tree recieves full light from the top and one side (or 2 sides without the top)
- Code: 3
- Definition: the tree recieves full light from the top and two sides (or 3 sides without the top)
- Code: 4
- Definition: the tree recieves full light from the top and three sides
- Code: 5
- Definition: the tree recieves full light from the top and 4 sides
- Attribute Name: CrownLight
- Label: Crown Light
- Description: Crown light class
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: ordinal
- Custom List: Crown Light Class
- Code: 0
- Definition: the tree recieves no full light because it is shaded by trees, vines, or other vegetation; the tree has no crown by definition
- Code: 1
- Definition: the tree recieves full light from the top or one side
- Code: 2
- Definition: the tree recieves full light from the top and one side (or 2 sides without the top)
- Code: 3
- Definition: the tree recieves full light from the top and two sides (or 3 sides without the top)
- Code: 4
- Definition: the tree recieves full light from the top and three sides
- Code: 5
- Definition: the tree recieves full light from the top and 4 sides
- Attribute Name: CrownPosition
- Label: Crown Position
- Description: Crown position relative to forest canopy
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: ordinal
- Custom List: Crown Position Class
- Code: 1
- Definition: superstory
- Code: 2
- Definition: overstory
- Code: 3
- Definition: understory
- Code: 4
- Definition: open grown
- Attribute Name: TreeHistory
- Label: Tree History
- Description: Tree history code
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Custom List: Tree History Code
- Code: 1
- Definition: live
- Code: 2
- Definition: ingrowth on microplot
- Code: 3
- Definition: ingrowth on subplot
- Code: 4
- Definition: outgrowth
- Code: 5
- Definition: dead
- Code: 7
- Definition: cut
- Code: 9
- Definition: missed
- Attribute Name: CrownDensity1992
- Label: Crown Density 1992 and Beyond
- Description: Crown density changed from plot average to individual tree coded density rating
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: interval
- Standard Unit: percent
- Precision: 1
- Unit: percent
- Number Type: integer
- Custom List: Crown Density 1992 Class
- Code: 0
- Definition: no crown
- Code: 5
- Definition: 1-5 percent crown
- Code: 10
- Definition: 6-10 percent crown
- Code: 15
- Definition: 11-15 percent crown
- Code: 20
- Definition: 16-20 percent crown
- Code: 25
- Definition: 21-25 percent crown
- Code: 30
- Definition: 26-30 percent crown
- Code: 35
- Definition: 31-35 percent crown
- Code: 40
- Definition: 46-40 percent crown
- Code: 45
- Definition: 41-45 percent crown
- Code: 50
- Definition: 46-50 percent crown
- Code: 55
- Definition: 51-55 percent crown
- Code: 60
- Definition: 56-60 percent crown
- Code: 65
- Definition: 61-65 percent crown
- Code: 70
- Definition: 66-70 percent crown
- Code: 75
- Definition: 71-75 percent crown
- Code: 80
- Definition: 76-80 percent crown
- Code: 85
- Definition: 81-85 percent crown
- Code: 90
- Definition: 86-90 percent crown
- Code: 95
- Definition: 91-95 percent crown
- Code: 99
- Definition: 96-100 percent crown
- Attribute Name: CrownDiameter1
- Label: Crown Diameter at 90 degrees
- Description: Crown diameter at 90 degrees from first measure
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Standard Unit: meter
- Precision: 1
- Unit: meter
- Number Type: integer
- Attribute Name: CrownDiameter2
- Label: Crown Diameter at Widest Side
- Description: Crown diameter at widest side
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Standard Unit: meter
- Precision: 1
- Unit: meter
- Number Type: integer
- Attribute Name: CauseofDamage1
- Label: Cause of Damage 1
- Description: Coded number for cause of damage 1
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Custom List: Cause of Damage Code
- Code: 40
- Definition: Excessive branching (indicator of past injury such as top kill) (1992 only)
- Code: 41
- Definition: Abundance of seeds or cones (may cause dieback) (1992 only)
- Code: 42
- Definition: Stunted, dwarfed (woody stems only, short internodes, chlorotic dwarfs) (1992 only)
- Code: 60
- Definition: Defoliation (from insect feeding) (1992 only)
- Code: 61
- Definition: General discoloration (mixed colors; more than 30% of the crown with leaves having more than 50% of foliage affected) (1992 only)
- Code: 62
- Definition: Pale green foliage (more than 30% of the crown with leaves having more than 50% of foliage affected) (1992 only)
- Code: 63
- Definition: Yellow-green foliage (more than 30% of the crown with leaves having more than 50% of foliage affected) (1992 only)
- Code: 64
- Definition: Leaves spotted (more than 30% of crown with foliage having spotted leaves) (1992 only)
- Code: 65
- Definition: Damaged leaves (more than 30% of crown with foliage shredded, with holes, or otherwise mechanically damaged) (1992 only)
- Code: 66
- Definition: Distorted foliage (more than 30% of crown with wrinkled, shrivelled, galled or otherwise distorted leaves) (1992 only)
- Code: 67
- Definition: Stunted foliage (more than 30% of crown with stunted or dwarfed foliage, less than 1/2 normal leaf size) (1992 only)
- Attribute Name: CauseofDamage2
- Label: Cause of Damage 2
- Description: Coded number for cause of damage 2
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Custom List: Cause of Damage Code
- Code: 40
- Definition: Excessive branching (indicator of past injury such as top kill) (1992 only)
- Code: 41
- Definition: Abundance of seeds or cones (may cause dieback) (1992 only)
- Code: 42
- Definition: Stunted, dwarfed (woody stems only, short internodes, chlorotic dwarfs) (1992 only)
- Code: 60
- Definition: Defoliation (from insect feeding) (1992 only)
- Code: 61
- Definition: General discoloration (mixed colors; more than 30% of the crown with leaves having more than 50% of foliage affected) (1992 only)
- Code: 62
- Definition: Pale green foliage (more than 30% of the crown with leaves having more than 50% of foliage affected) (1992 only)
- Code: 63
- Definition: Yellow-green foliage (more than 30% of the crown with leaves having more than 50% of foliage affected) (1992 only)
- Code: 64
- Definition: Leaves spotted (more than 30% of crown with foliage having spotted leaves) (1992 only)
- Code: 65
- Definition: Damaged leaves (more than 30% of crown with foliage shredded, with holes, or otherwise mechanically damaged) (1992 only)
- Code: 66
- Definition: Distorted foliage (more than 30% of crown with wrinkled, shrivelled, galled or otherwise distorted leaves) (1992 only)
- Code: 67
- Definition: Stunted foliage (more than 30% of crown with stunted or dwarfed foliage, less than 1/2 normal leaf size) (1992 only)
- Attribute Name: CauseofDamage3
- Label: Cause of Damage 3
- Description: Coded number for cause of damage 3
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Custom List: Cause of Damage Code
- Code: 40
- Definition: Excessive branching (indicator of past injury such as top kill) (1992 only)
- Code: 41
- Definition: Abundance of seeds or cones (may cause dieback) (1992 only)
- Code: 42
- Definition: Stunted, dwarfed (woody stems only, short internodes, chlorotic dwarfs) (1992 only)
- Code: 60
- Definition: Defoliation (from insect feeding) (1992 only)
- Code: 61
- Definition: General discoloration (mixed colors; more than 30% of the crown with leaves having more than 50% of foliage affected) (1992 only)
- Code: 62
- Definition: Pale green foliage (more than 30% of the crown with leaves having more than 50% of foliage affected) (1992 only)
- Code: 63
- Definition: Yellow-green foliage (more than 30% of the crown with leaves having more than 50% of foliage affected) (1992 only)
- Code: 64
- Definition: Leaves spotted (more than 30% of crown with foliage having spotted leaves) (1992 only)
- Code: 65
- Definition: Damaged leaves (more than 30% of crown with foliage shredded, with holes, or otherwise mechanically damaged) (1992 only)
- Code: 66
- Definition: Distorted foliage (more than 30% of crown with wrinkled, shrivelled, galled or otherwise distorted leaves) (1992 only)
- Code: 67
- Definition: Stunted foliage (more than 30% of crown with stunted or dwarfed foliage, less than 1/2 normal leaf size) (1992 only)
- Attribute Name: TreeHeight
- Label: Tree Height
- Description: Tree height
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Standard Unit: meter
- Precision: 1
- Unit: meter
- Number Type: integer
- Attribute Name: PreviousDBH
- Label: Previous Diameter Breast Height
- Description: Previous collection of diameter at breast height
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Standard Unit: centimeter
- Precision: 0.1
- Unit: centimeter
- Number Type: real
- Attribute Name: DiamChk
- Label: Diameter Check
- Description: Code for measurment accuracy
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Custom List: Diameter Check Code
- Code: 0
- Definition: Diameter measured accurately
- Code: 1
- Definition: diameter estimated
- Code: 2
- Definition: diameter measured at different location than previous measurment (remeasurment trees only)
- Attribute Name: SpecialDamage2
- Label: Special Damage 2
- Description: Code for special damage 2 (code undefined)
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Custom List: Special Damages Codes
- Code: 101
- Definition: balsam wooly adelgid
- Code: 102
- Definition: white pine weevil
- Code: 103
- Definition: hemlock wooly adelgid
- Code: 104
- Definition: beech bark scale only
- Code: 105
- Definition: beech bark nectria only
- Code: 106
- Definition: both beech scale and nectria
- Code: 107
- Definition: southern pine beetle
- Code: 108
- Definition: sugar maple borer
- Code: 109
- Definition: other borers
- Code: 110
- Definition: other bark beetles
- Code: 111
- Definition: defoliation > 20%
- Code: 201
- Definition: butternut canker
- Code: 202
- Definition: nectria canker (not on beech)
- Code: 203
- Definition: eutypella canker
- Code: 204
- Definition: hypoxylon canker
- Code: 206
- Definition: European larch canker
- Code: 207
- Definition: other canker
- Code: 208
- Definition: conks
- Code: 209
- Definition: dwarf mistletoe
- Code: 210
- Definition: white pine blister rust
- Code: 441
- Definition: animal browse
- Code: 444
- Definition: beaver damage
- Code: 445
- Definition: porcupine damage
- Code: 446
- Definition: sapsucker damage
- Code: 447
- Definition: other animal damage
- Code: 501
- Definition: wind thrown/ uprooted
- Code: 504
- Definition: brooming
- Code: 505
- Definition: other weather damage
- Code: 702
- Definition: logging damage ( > 20% of circumference)
- Attribute Name: SpecialDamage3
- Label: Special Damage 3
- Description: Code for special damage 3 (code undefined)
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Custom List: Special Damages Codes
- Code: 101
- Definition: balsam wooly adelgid
- Code: 102
- Definition: white pine weevil
- Code: 103
- Definition: hemlock wooly adelgid
- Code: 104
- Definition: beech bark scale only
- Code: 105
- Definition: beech bark nectria only
- Code: 106
- Definition: both beech scale and nectria
- Code: 107
- Definition: southern pine beetle
- Code: 108
- Definition: sugar maple borer
- Code: 109
- Definition: other borers
- Code: 110
- Definition: other bark beetles
- Code: 111
- Definition: defoliation > 20%
- Code: 201
- Definition: butternut canker
- Code: 202
- Definition: nectria canker (not on beech)
- Code: 203
- Definition: eutypella canker
- Code: 204
- Definition: hypoxylon canker
- Code: 206
- Definition: European larch canker
- Code: 207
- Definition: other canker
- Code: 208
- Definition: conks
- Code: 209
- Definition: dwarf mistletoe
- Code: 210
- Definition: white pine blister rust
- Code: 441
- Definition: animal browse
- Code: 444
- Definition: beaver damage
- Code: 445
- Definition: porcupine damage
- Code: 446
- Definition: sapsucker damage
- Code: 447
- Definition: other animal damage
- Code: 501
- Definition: wind thrown/ uprooted
- Code: 504
- Definition: brooming
- Code: 505
- Definition: other weather damage
- Code: 702
- Definition: logging damage ( > 20% of circumference)
- Attribute Name: Aspect
- Label: Aspect
- Description: Direction plot faces
- Storage Type: text
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Attribute Name: SeedCones
- Label: Seed Cones
- Description: Undefined
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Attribute Name: CurrentConditionClass
- Label: Current Condition Class
- Description: Undefined
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Attribute Name: OldTreeHistory
- Label: Old Tree History
- Description: Undefined
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: nominal
► Methods
- Current Methods
- Plot establishment
- Started: 1991-05-01
- Method Description: One plot established at Proctor Maple Research Center in 1991.
- Started: 1991-05-01
- Unnamed Method
- Started: 1992-05-01
- Method Description: Eight plots on west slope of Mt. Mansfield paired at 4 elevations: 1400, 2200, 3000, and 3800 feet. Used to assess changes in crown condition, injury to crown and bole, growth, regeneration, understory cover.
- Started: 1992-05-01
- Unnamed Method
- Started: 1990-05-01
- Method Description: One plot established in the Lye Brook Wilderness Area as part of the National Forest Health Monitoring Program at 2300 ft.
- Started: 1990-05-01
- Unnamed Method
- Started: 1994-05-01
- Method Description: Four plots in the Lye Brook Wilderness Area paired at 1400 and 2300 feet, in addition to the NFHM plot at 2300 feet.
- Started: 1994-05-01
- Unnamed Method
- Started: 1997-05-01
- Method Description: Six plots established in 1997 on the east slope of the mountain in Ranch Valley paired at 1400, 2200, and 3000 feet.
- Started: 1997-05-01
- Past Methods (no longer in use)
- Ice storm effects
- Started: 1998-01-30
Ended: 1998-06-01 - Method Description: In 1998, conducted special spring survey on plots affected by the January ice storm. Measurements included bole breakage and crown loss (%).
- Started: 1998-01-30
► Sampling Equipment
- No sampling equipment recorded for this dataset
► Site Characteristics
- Site Description: