Vermont Forest Health Monitoring: Sapling Measurements on Subplots
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► Metadata Provider
- Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
- Address:
705 Spear Street
South Burlington, Vermont 05403
United States of America
Phone: (802) 391-4135
► Abstract
The Forest Health Monitoring Program was established in 1991 as a joint effort between the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation (FPR) and the Vermont Monitoring Cooperative (VMC) (as of March 2017 renamed to Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative (FEMC)) to monitor the condition of a range of tree species in Vermont. Plot design follows the structure set by the National Forest Health Monitoring Program with additional metrics added to reflect improvements in monitoring technologies and additions to monitoring objectives.
► People
- Michael Johnson: Content Provider
- Tom Simmons: Content Provider
- Sandra Wilmot: Principal Investigator
- Florence Peterson: Content Provider
- Jay Lackey: Content Provider
- Ron Wells: Content Provider
- Brad Greenough: Content Provider
- Lars Lund: Content Provider
- Bernie Barton: Content Provider
- Jennifer Pontius: Principal Investigator
- Alexandra Kosiba: Principal Investigator
- James Duncan: Principal Investigator
- David Gudex-Cross: Content Provider
- Helena Murray: Content Provider
- Katlyn Williard: Content Provider
- Christine Sandbach: Content Provider
- John Truong: Principal Investigator
- Kirsti Carr: Content Provider
- Diana Gurvich: Content Provider
- Becca Rossell: Content Provider
- Caroline Drayton: Content Provider
- Elizabeth Romaker: Content Provider
- Kelsey Hamm: Content Provider
- Mike Perrin: Content Provider
- Sawyer Updike: Content Provider
- Stephen Rotella: Content Provider
- Danielle Ward: Content Provider
- Josephine Robertson : Content Provider
- Gene Desideraggio: Content Provider
► Organizations
- Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative (FEMC) : lead
- Vermont Forest Parks and Recreation : partner
► Geographic Coverage
- Coordinates
- -73.08333, 43.0544
- -72.77976988, 43.0544
- -72.77976988, 44.534658
- -73.08333, 44.534658
- -73.08333, 43.0544
► Data Table
- Title: Sapling Measurements on Subplots
- Start Date: 1992-01-01
- End Date: 2021-12-31
- Description: Diameter and species of all saplings on microplots (2.5 to 10 cm DBH)
- Purpose: Inventory and track regeneration processes on forest health monitoring plots
- Condensed Title: Z0017_Sapling
- Object Name: VMC.17.429
- Data Type: mySQL
- Citation: Pontius, J., and S. Wilmot. 2017. Sapling Measurements on Subplots. FEMC. Can be found at: /femc/data/archive/project/forest-health-monitoring/dataset/prism-measurements-on-subplots
- Online Distribution: /femc/data/archive/project/forest-health-monitoring/dataset/sapling-measurements-on-subplots
► Attribute List
- Attribute Name: Notes
- Label: Notes
- Storage Type: text
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Attribute Name: PlotID
- Label: Plot ID
- Description: Plot ID
- Storage Type: text
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Location List: FHMsubplots
- Code: HHSB05G07
- Definition:
- Code: HHSB13H02
- Definition:
- Code: HHSC01K07
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- Code: HHSC12F02
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- Code: HHSF01A11
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- Code: HHSG01G10
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- Code: HHSG19A05
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- Code: HHSI09K10
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- Code: LBA1400A
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- Code: LBA1400B
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- Code: LBA2300A
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- Code: LBA2300B
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- Code: LBA2300C
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- Code: LEMP11
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- Code: LEMP12
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- Code: LEMP13
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- Code: LEMP14
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- Code: LEMP16
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- Code: LEMP17
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- Code: LEMP18
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- Code: LEMP20
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- Code: LEMP5
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- Code: MMBR1400
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- Code: MMBR2200
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- Code: MMBR3000
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- Code: MMBR3800A
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- Code: MMBR3800B
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- Code: MMRB1400A
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- Code: MMRB1400B
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- Code: MMRB2200A
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- Code: MMRB2200B
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- Code: MMRB3000A
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- Code: MMRB3000B
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- Code: MMSB1400
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- Code: MMSB2200
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- Code: MMSB3000
- Definition:
- Code: NAMP36
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- Code: NAMP39
- Definition:
- Code: NAMP5
- Definition:
- Code: VMC1063
- Definition:
- Code: VMC1130
- Definition:
- Code: VMC1235
- Definition:
- Code: VMC244
- Definition:
- Code: VMC245
- Definition:
- Code: VMC495
- Definition:
- Code: VMC593
- Definition:
- Code: VMC812
- Definition:
- Code: VMC919
- Definition:
- Code: FEMC001
- Definition:
- Attribute Name: Year
- Label: Year
- Description: Year
- Storage Type: date
- Measurment Type: datetime
- String Format: YYYY
- Attribute Name: SubplotID
- Label: Subplot ID
- Description: Subplot ID
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Standard Unit: number
- Precision: 1
- Unit: number
- Number Type: integer
- Attribute Name: SaplingID
- Label: Sapling ID
- Description: Unique sapling number
- Storage Type: int
- Attribute Name: Species
- Label: Sapling species
- Description: Sapling species
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Species List: VT FHM Sapling Species Codes
- Code: 12
- Definition: ITIS #18032, balsam fir (Abies balsamea)
- Code: 97
- Definition: ITIS #18034, red spruce (Picea rubens)
- Code: 129
- Definition: ITIS #183385, eastern white pine (Pinus strobus)
- Code: 261
- Definition: ITIS #183397, Canada hemlock; hemlock spruce (Tsuga canadensis)
- Code: 310
- Definition: ITIS #28727, maples (Acer sp.)
- Code: 314
- Definition: ITIS #182135, black sugar maple (Acer nigrum)
- Code: 315
- Definition: ITIS #28754, striped maple (Acer pensylvanicum)
- Code: 316
- Definition: ITIS #28728, red maple (Acer rubrum)
- Code: 318
- Definition: ITIS #28731, sugar maple (Acer saccharum)
- Code: 319
- Definition: ITIS #28758, mountain maple (Acer spicatum)
- Code: 351
- Definition: ITIS #19474, red alder (Alnus rubra)
- Code: 356
- Definition: ITIS #25108, serviceberry (Amelanchier sp.)
- Code: 371
- Definition: ITIS #19481, yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis)
- Code: 372
- Definition: ITIS #19487, sweet birch (Betula lenta)
- Code: 375
- Definition: ITIS #19489, paper birch (Betula papyrifera)
- Code: 378
- Definition: ITIS #183548, northwestern paper birch (Betula X utahensis)
- Code: 379
- Definition: ITIS #19497, gray birch (Betula populifolia)
- Code: 531
- Definition: ITIS #19462, American beech (Fagus grandifolia)
- Code: 541
- Definition: ITIS #32931, white ash (Fraxinus americana)
- Code: 543
- Definition: ITIS #32945, black ash (Fraxinus nigra)
- Code: 544
- Definition: ITIS #32929, green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica)
- Code: 701
- Definition: ITIS #19511, eastern hophornbeam; hophornbeam (Ostrya virginiana)
- Code: 761
- Definition: ITIS #24799, pin cherry (Prunus pensylvanica)
- Code: 762
- Definition: ITIS #24764, black cherry (Prunus serotina)
- Code: 935
- Definition: ITIS #25319, American mountain-ash (Sorbus americana)
- Code: 975
- Definition: ITIS #19050, slippery elm (Ulmus rubra)
- Attribute Name: Azimuth
- Label: Azimuth
- Description: Azimuth from microplot center to sapling
- Storage Type: int
- Attribute Name: Distance
- Label: Distance
- Description: Distance from microplot center
- Storage Type: decimal
- Attribute Name: DistanceMethod
- Label: Distance method
- Description: Distance measured with tape or hypsometer
- Storage Type: text
- Attribute Name: DBH
- Label: Diameter at Breast Height
- Description: Diameter measured at breast height
- Storage Type: decimal
- Attribute Name: SaplingStatus
- Label: Sapling Status
- Description: Whether sapling is live, dead or dead and down
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Unit: number
- Custom List: Sapling Status
- Code: 8
- Definition: Dead and down
- Code: 2
- Definition: Dead
- Code: 1
- Definition: Live
- Code: 9
- Definition: Not surveyed
- Code: 7
- Definition: Sapling grew into a tree (DBH >12.7)
► Methods
- Current Methods
- Plot establishment
- Started: 1991-05-01
- Method Description: One plot established at Proctor Maple Research Center in 1991.
- Started: 1991-05-01
- Unnamed Method
- Started: 1992-05-01
- Method Description: Eight plots on west slope of Mt. Mansfield paired at 4 elevations: 1400, 2200, 3000, and 3800 feet. Used to assess changes in crown condition, injury to crown and bole, growth, regeneration, understory cover.
- Started: 1992-05-01
- Unnamed Method
- Started: 1990-05-01
- Method Description: One plot established in the Lye Brook Wilderness Area as part of the National Forest Health Monitoring Program at 2300 ft.
- Started: 1990-05-01
- Unnamed Method
- Started: 1994-05-01
- Method Description: Four plots in the Lye Brook Wilderness Area paired at 1400 and 2300 feet, in addition to the NFHM plot at 2300 feet.
- Started: 1994-05-01
- Unnamed Method
- Started: 1997-05-01
- Method Description: Six plots established in 1997 on the east slope of the mountain in Ranch Valley paired at 1400, 2200, and 3000 feet.
- Started: 1997-05-01
- Past Methods (no longer in use)
- Ice storm effects
- Started: 1998-01-30
Ended: 1998-06-01 - Method Description: In 1998, conducted special spring survey on plots affected by the January ice storm. Measurements included bole breakage and crown loss (%).
- Started: 1998-01-30
► Sampling Equipment
- No sampling equipment recorded for this dataset
► Site Characteristics
- Site Description: