public read Forest Health Monitoring: Mt Mansfield, Lye Brook Wilderness Area, and Ranch ValleyForest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
705 Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of America
Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative (FEMC) leadVermont Forest Parks and Recreation partnerStandard tree size measurements and damage assessments on plots in Mt. Mansfield, Lye Brook Wilderness Area, and Ranch Valley. Forest Ecosystem Monitoring CooperativeVermont Forest Health MonitoringMichaelJohnsoncontentProviderTomSimmonscontentProviderSandraWilmotprincipalInvestigatorFlorencePetersoncontentProviderJayLackeycontentProviderRonWellscontentProviderBradGreenoughcontentProviderLarsLundcontentProviderBernieBartoncontentProviderJenniferPontiusprincipalInvestigatorAlexandraKosibaprincipalInvestigatorJamesDuncanprincipalInvestigatorDavidGudex-CrosscontentProviderHelenaMurraycontentProviderKatlynWilliardcontentProviderChristineSandbachcontentProviderJohnTruongprincipalInvestigatorKirstiCarrcontentProviderDianaGurvichcontentProviderBeccaRossellcontentProviderCarolineDraytoncontentProviderElizabethRomakercontentProviderKelseyHammcontentProviderMikePerrincontentProviderSawyerUpdikecontentProviderStephenRotellacontentProviderDanielleWardcontentProviderJosephine Robertson contentProviderGeneDesideraggiocontentProviderThe Forest Health Monitoring Program was established in 1991 as a joint effort between the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation (FPR) and the Vermont Monitoring Cooperative (VMC) (as of March 2017 renamed to Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative (FEMC)) to monitor the condition of a range of tree species in Vermont. Plot design follows the structure set by the National Forest Health Monitoring Program with additional metrics added to reflect improvements in monitoring technologies and additions to monitoring objectives.Forest Health Monitoring: Mt Mansfield, Lye Brook Wilderness Area, and Ranch ValleyStandard tree size measurements and damage assessments on plots in Mt. Mansfield, Lye Brook Wilderness Area, and Ranch Valley. VMC.17.199mySQL/femc/data/archive/project/forest-health-monitoring/dataset/forest-health-monitoring-mt-mansfield-1992-19971992-01-012015-12-31YearYearYear of data collectiondatetimeotherWatershedWatershedWatershed location of plottextBRBrowns RiverSBStevensville BrookRBRanch BrookLBALye BrookElevation (feet)Elevation (feet)Average elevation of plot in feetintmeterrealElevation ModifierElevation ModifierElevation modifier category (a, b or c) used to create unique plot identifiertextPoint NumberNumber Assigned to PlotNumber assigned to sampling sub-plot (1-4)int1Center subplot2North subplot3Southeast subplot4Southwest subplotTree NumberTree NumberUnique tree numberintSpecies CodeSpecies CodeSpecies code (spp)- <300 softwoods, >300 hardwoodsintFRNIITIS #28757, silver maple (Acer saccharinum)PISYITIS #183295, white spruce (Picea glauca)QUVEITIS #32945, black ash (Fraxinus nigra)OSVIITIS #32931, white ash (Fraxinus americana)OSVIITIS #32929, green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica)740ITIS #22444, cottonwood (Populus sp.)743ITIS #22463, bigtooth aspen (Populus grandidentata)746ITIS #195773, quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides)742ITIS #22445, Eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides)951ITIS #21536, American basswood (Tilia americana)379ITIS #19497, gray birch (Betula populifolia)372ITIS #19487, sweet birch (Betula lenta)901ITIS #504804, black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia)313ITIS #28749, boxelder (Acer negundo)601ITIS #19250, butternut (Juglans cinerea)972ITIS #19049, American elm (Ulmus americana)975ITIS #19050, slippery elm (Ulmus rubra)400ITIS #19223, hickory spp (Carya sp.)701ITIS #19511, eastern hophornbeam; hophornbeam (Ostrya virginiana)837ITIS #19447, black oak (Quercus velutina)832ITIS #19279, chestnut oak (Quercus prinus)826ITIS #19397, chinkapin oak (Quercus prinoides)833ITIS #19408, northern red oak (Quercus rubra)804ITIS #19300, swamp white oak (Quercus bicolor)802ITIS #19290, white oak (Quercus alba)365ITIS #25108, serviceberry (Amelanchier sp.)68ITIS #18048, eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana)241ITIS #505490, arborvitae; eastern white cedar (Thuja occidentalis)105ITIS #183319, Jack pine (Pinus banksiana)126ITIS #183376, pitch pine (Pinus rigida)125ITIS #183375, red pine (Pinus resinosa)130ITIS #183389, Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris)129ITIS #183385, eastern white pine (Pinus strobus)91ITIS #183289, Norway spruce (Picea abies)90ITIS #18033, spruce (Picea sp.)71ITIS #183412, tamarack (Larix laricina)12ITIS #18032, balsam fir (Abies balsamea)315ITIS #28754, striped maple (Acer pensylvanicum)316ITIS #28728, red maple (Acer rubrum)318ITIS #28731, sugar maple (Acer saccharum)319ITIS #28758, mountain maple (Acer spicatum)371ITIS #19481, yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis)DBHDiameter Breast HeightDiameter of a tree taken at breast height in tenths of inches (102= 10.2)intmeterintegerAzimuthAzimuthAzimuth from point center to tree (magnetic north)intmeterinteger0360Horizontal Distance from Center PointHorizontal Distance from Center PointHorizontal distance from center point in tenths of feetintmeterintegerTree StatusTree StatusCoded tree statusint1live2deadCrown ClassCrown ClassPosition of the crown relative to neighboring treesint1open growth2dominant3codominant4intermediate5suppressed/ overtoppedUncompacted Crown RatioUncompacted Crown Ratio (%)Live crown ratio is the percentage of total tree height supporting live foliage that is contributingintmeterinteger0100Sapling VigorSapling VigorCoded sapling vigorint1healthy2moderate decline3poor healthCrown DensityCrown DensityAverage of crown density indicator for each plot (%)intmeterinteger0100Crown DiebackCrown DiebackAverage of crown dieback indicator for each plotintmeterinteger0100Transparency of FoliageTransparency of FoliageAverage of foliage transparency indicator for each plot (%)intmeterinteger0100Location of Damage 1Location of Damage 1Code for location of damage 1int0none1roots and stump2roots, stump and lower bole3lower bole4lower and upper bole5upper bole6crownstem7branches8buds and shoots9foliageDamage 1Damage 1Code for damage 1int1Canker, gall2conks, fruiting bodies, and signs of advanced decay3open wounds4resinosis or gummosis5cracks and seams11broken bole or roots12brooms on roots or bole13broken or dad roots20vines in the crown21loss of apical dominance,dead terminal22broken or dead (branches)23excessive branching or brooms within the live crown area24damaged buds, foliage or shoots25discoloration of foliage31otherSeverity of Damage 1Severity of Damage 1Code (#0-9) for severity of damage 1int0none220-29%330-39%440-49%550-59%660-69%770-79%880-89%990-99%Location of Damage 2Location of Damage 2Code for location of damage 2int0none1roots and stump2roots, stump and lower bole3lower bole4lower and upper bole5upper bole6crownstem7branches8buds and shoots9foliageDamage 2Damage 2Code for damage 2int1Canker, gall2conks, fruiting bodies, and signs of advanced decay3open wounds4resinosis or gummosis5cracks and seams11broken bole or roots12brooms on roots or bole13broken or dad roots20vines in the crown21loss of apical dominance,dead terminal22broken or dead (branches)23excessive branching or brooms within the live crown area24damaged buds, foliage or shoots25discoloration of foliage31otherSeverity of Damage 2Severity of Damage 2Code (#0-9) for severity of damage 2int0none220-29%330-39%440-49%550-59%660-69%770-79%880-89%990-99%Location of Damage 3Location of Damage 3Code for location of damage 3int0none1roots and stump2roots, stump and lower bole3lower bole4lower and upper bole5upper bole6crownstem7branches8buds and shoots9foliageDamage 3Damage 3Code for damage 3int1Canker, gall2conks, fruiting bodies, and signs of advanced decay3open wounds4resinosis or gummosis5cracks and seams11broken bole or roots12brooms on roots or bole13broken or dad roots20vines in the crown21loss of apical dominance,dead terminal22broken or dead (branches)23excessive branching or brooms within the live crown area24damaged buds, foliage or shoots25discoloration of foliage31otherSeverity of Damage 3Severity of Damage 3Code (#0-9) for severity of damage 3int0none220-29%330-39%440-49%550-59%660-69%770-79%880-89%990-99%Cause of DeathCause of DeathCause of deathint10insect20disease30fire40animal50weather60vegetation (supression, vines)70unknown80human caused90physical (hit by fallen tree)NotesNotes (observations/clarifications)Notes by text or # (special damage code)textStudy SiteStudy SiteStudy SitetextCounterCounterCounterintTree OrientationTree OrientationOrder of trees on each plot for use in data collectionintmeterintegerPlot IDPlot ID NumberPlot ID number combines site (MM or LB) elevation (eg 1400) elevation modifier (blank, A or B) for a unique plot identifiertextLean AngleLean AngleLean angleint0standing (less than 45 degree lean)1down (more than 45 degree lean)Total LengthTotal LengthTree height including dead or broken topintmeterintegerActual LengthActual LengthTree height presentintmeterintegerLength MethodLenth MethodLength Methodint1total and actual length measured with instrument2total length visually estimated and actual length measured with an instrument)3total and actual length visually estimated%Rotten Missing% Rotten MissingPercentage of rotten missing cubic-foot volume to the nearest 1 percent using a tableintmeterinteger0100Decay ClassDecay ClassCoded decay classint1not decayed, limbs and branches all present2few limbs, no fine branches, top may be broken3limb stubs only, top broken4few or no stubs, top broken5no limbs or branches, top broken, less than 20 percent of bark remainingCompacted Crown RatioCompacted Crown RatioPortion of tree supporting live foliage as a percent of actual tree heightintmeterinteger0100Crown ExposureCrown ExposureCrown exposureint0the tree recieves no full light because it is shaded by trees, vines, or other vegetation; the tree has no crown by definition1the tree recieves full light from the top or one side2the tree recieves full light from the top and one side (or 2 sides without the top)3the tree recieves full light from the top and two sides (or 3 sides without the top)4the tree recieves full light from the top and three sides5the tree recieves full light from the top and 4 sidesCrown LightCrown LightCrown lightint0the tree recieves no full light because it is shaded by trees, vines, or other vegetation; the tree has no crown by definition1the tree recieves full light from the top or one side2the tree recieves full light from the top and one side (or 2 sides without the top)3the tree recieves full light from the top and two sides (or 3 sides without the top)4the tree recieves full light from the top and three sides5the tree recieves full light from the top and 4 sidesCrown PositionCrown PositionCrown positionint1superstory2overstory3understory4open grownTree HistoryTree HistoryCode for tree historyint1live2ingrowth on microplot3ingrowth on subplot4outgrowth5dead7cut9missedCrown Density 1992Crown Density 1992 and BeyondCrown density for 1992 and beyond- change in methodsintmeternaturalCrwnDiam1Crown Diameter at 90 degreesCrown diameter at 90 degrees from first measureintmeterintegerCrwnDiam2Crown Diameter at Widest SideCrown diameter at widest sideintmeterintegerCause of Damage 1Cause of Damage 1Coded number for cause of damage 1 (undefined)int40Excessive branching (indicator of past injury such as top kill) (1992 only)41Abundance of seeds or cones (may cause dieback) (1992 only)42Stunted, dwarfed (woody stems only, short internodes, chlorotic dwarfs) (1992 only)60Defoliation (from insect feeding) (1992 only)61General discoloration (mixed colors; more than 30% of the crown with leaves having more than 50% of foliage affected) (1992 only)62Pale green foliage (more than 30% of the crown with leaves having more than 50% of foliage affected) (1992 only)63Yellow-green foliage (more than 30% of the crown with leaves having more than 50% of foliage affected) (1992 only)64Leaves spotted (more than 30% of crown with foliage having spotted leaves) (1992 only)65Damaged leaves (more than 30% of crown with foliage shredded, with holes, or otherwise mechanically damaged) (1992 only)66Distorted foliage (more than 30% of crown with wrinkled, shrivelled, galled or otherwise distorted leaves) (1992 only)67Stunted foliage (more than 30% of crown with stunted or dwarfed foliage, less than 1/2 normal leaf size) (1992 only)Cause of Damage 2Cause of Damage 2Coded number for cause of damage 2 (undefined)int40Excessive branching (indicator of past injury such as top kill) (1992 only)41Abundance of seeds or cones (may cause dieback) (1992 only)42Stunted, dwarfed (woody stems only, short internodes, chlorotic dwarfs) (1992 only)60Defoliation (from insect feeding) (1992 only)61General discoloration (mixed colors; more than 30% of the crown with leaves having more than 50% of foliage affected) (1992 only)62Pale green foliage (more than 30% of the crown with leaves having more than 50% of foliage affected) (1992 only)63Yellow-green foliage (more than 30% of the crown with leaves having more than 50% of foliage affected) (1992 only)64Leaves spotted (more than 30% of crown with foliage having spotted leaves) (1992 only)65Damaged leaves (more than 30% of crown with foliage shredded, with holes, or otherwise mechanically damaged) (1992 only)66Distorted foliage (more than 30% of crown with wrinkled, shrivelled, galled or otherwise distorted leaves) (1992 only)67Stunted foliage (more than 30% of crown with stunted or dwarfed foliage, less than 1/2 normal leaf size) (1992 only)Cause of Damage 3Cause of Damage 3Coded number for cause of damage 3 (undefined)int40Excessive branching (indicator of past injury such as top kill) (1992 only)41Abundance of seeds or cones (may cause dieback) (1992 only)42Stunted, dwarfed (woody stems only, short internodes, chlorotic dwarfs) (1992 only)60Defoliation (from insect feeding) (1992 only)61General discoloration (mixed colors; more than 30% of the crown with leaves having more than 50% of foliage affected) (1992 only)62Pale green foliage (more than 30% of the crown with leaves having more than 50% of foliage affected) (1992 only)63Yellow-green foliage (more than 30% of the crown with leaves having more than 50% of foliage affected) (1992 only)64Leaves spotted (more than 30% of crown with foliage having spotted leaves) (1992 only)65Damaged leaves (more than 30% of crown with foliage shredded, with holes, or otherwise mechanically damaged) (1992 only)66Distorted foliage (more than 30% of crown with wrinkled, shrivelled, galled or otherwise distorted leaves) (1992 only)67Stunted foliage (more than 30% of crown with stunted or dwarfed foliage, less than 1/2 normal leaf size) (1992 only)Tree HeightTree HeightTree heightintmeterintegerPrevious DBHPrevious Diameter Breast HeightPrevious collection of diameter at breast heightintmeterintegerDiamChkDiameter CheckCode for measurment accuracy int0Diameter measured accurately1diameter estimated2diameter measured at different location than previous measurment (remeasurment trees only)Special Damage1Special Damage 1UndefinedintSpecial Damage 2Special Damage 2UndefinedintSpecial Damage 3Special Damage 3Undefinedint