public read NAMP Tree Data Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
705 Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of America
Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and RecreationleadPlot number and location with tree health metricsForest Ecosystem Monitoring CooperativeForest Health Monitoring: North American Maple ProjectJoshuaHalmanprincipalInvestigatorMichaelJohnsoncontentProviderTomSimmonscontentProviderSandraWilmotprincipalInvestigatorBarbaraSchultzprincipalInvestigatorFlorencePetersoncontentProviderJayLackeycontentProviderRonWellscontentProviderLarsLundcontentProviderEmilyMeachamprincipalInvestigatorAnnual measurement of sugar maple forest stands to determine tree condition, trends and possible causes of sugar maple decline. Assess the variation in within-season timing of measurements, using same plot design as in the National Forest Health Monitoring Program (NFHM). Initially part of a cooperative monitoring program with other states and Canada, since 2002 Vermont has measured these plots independently for internal use. NAMP is primarily an overstory/forest health monitoring program but they have collected regeneration data beginning in 1998.NAMP Tree Data Plot number and location with tree health metricsVMC.68.60mySQL/femc/data/archive/project/forest-health-monitoring-north-american-maple/dataset/namp-tree-data1988-06-01AZIMUTHTree azimuthAzimuth from plot center to treeintmeterintegerBOLE_DAMAGE_CODEBole damage codeCode describing the type of bole damageintCAUSE_DAMAGE1Cause of first damageDamage-causing agentint0not idenfitied1insect2fungus3weather4animal5human6fire7silvicultural8tapping9overmaturityCAUSE_DAMAGE2Cause of second damageDamage-causing agentint0not idenfitied1insect2fungus3weather4animal5human6fire7silvicultural8tapping9overmaturityCAUSE_DAMAGE3Cause of third damageDamage-causing agentint0not idenfitied1insect2fungus3weather4animal5human6fire7silvicultural8tapping9overmaturityCLUSTERClusterEach maple stand has a cluster of 5 plotsintCOUNTERCounterRecord counterintCROWN_RATING_DEFOLIATIONCrown rating defoliationNo description for this attributeintCURRENT_TAPHOLESCurrent tapholesCurrent tapholesintmeterintegerDAMAGE1First damage typeTypes of damageint21sweep or crook22swelling23dead branches31large open wounds32small open wound33dead bark34sloughing bark35closed wound36seams or cracks37otherDAMAGE2Second damage typeTypes of damageint21sweep or crook22swelling23dead branches31large open wounds32small open wound33dead bark34sloughing bark35closed wound36seams or cracks37otherDAMAGE3Third damage typeTypes of damageint21sweep or crook22swelling23dead branches31large open wounds32small open wound33dead bark34sloughing bark35closed wound36seams or cracks37otherDBHDiameter at breast heightDiameter of tree at breast height. Note that DBH is measured on a 5 year cycle and is not measured every year.intmeterintegerDIEBACKDiebackA measure of an unhealthy condition - branch mortality that begins at the end of a limb and progresses downward. This is an estimate of the proportion of the crown silhouette.intmeterintegerDIRECTIONDirection to treeDirection from plot center to treeintmeterintegerDISCOLORATIONFoliage DiscolorationAn estimate of the amount of discolored foliage in the foliated (leaved) part of the crown. Foliage is considered discolored when 50% or more of the leaf is more red or brown than green. Can indicate tree health problems.intmeterintegerDISTANCEDISTANCENo description for this attributeintno dataDWARFINGDwarfingDwarfingintmeterintegerEARLY_DEFOLIATIONEarly defoliationAmount of defoliation caused by spring and summer defoliators such as pear thrips, forest tent caterpillar, gypsy moth etc. int1less than 30% of crown defoliated231-60% of crown is defoliated3more than 60% defoliationLOCATION_OF_DAMAGE1Location of first damageLocation of damageint1lower half of tree bole but above 30 cm from ground2upper half of bole3whole bole4stump/roots5whole treeLOCATION_OF_DAMAGE2Location of second damageLocation of damageint1lower half of tree bole but above 30 cm from ground2upper half of bole3whole bole4stump/roots5whole treeLOCATION_OF_DAMAGE3Location of third damageLocation of damageint1lower half of tree bole but above 30 cm from ground2upper half of bole3whole bole4stump/roots5whole treeNOTES1Notes1Notes1textNOTES2Notes2Notes2textNOTES3Notes3Notes3textNOTES4Notes4Notes4textNOTES5Notes5Notes5textNOTES6Notes6Notes6textNOTES7Notes7Notes7textNOTES8Notes8Notes8textOPEN_TAPHOLESOpen tapholesA taphole is considered open when the point end of a pencil pushed into the taphole hits the cambiumintmeterintegerPAST_DBHPrevious diameter at breast heightDiameter at breast height of tree in previous surveyintmeterintegerPLOTPlot IDThe 5 plots in each cluster are arranged with one in the center and 1 in each cardinal direction. If they are in a different arrangement then they are numbered 5-9.int1North2East3South4West5CenterPOSITIONCrown PositionPosition of the crown relative to neighboring trees.int1dominant (crown extends above canopy)2codominant (crown at general level of canopy)3intermediate (crowns just below canopy)4surpressed (crowns entirely below canopy)SEED_PRODUCTIONSeed productionUsed for sugar maples only. Excessive seed production is believed to weaken a tree and is followed by increased dieback the next year. intSPECIESTree SpeciesSee vegetation species database for list of tree speciesintTRANSPARENCYFoliage TransparencyDetermined by estimating the amount of sky light visible through the foliated (leaved) branches, averaged over the entire crown. This is another indicator of tree health.intmeterintegerTREETree IDTree ID number within the plotintTREE_HEIGHTTree heightHeight of the treeintmeterintegerTREE_ORDERTree orderTree orderintUniqueTreeIDUniqueTreeIDNo description for this attributetextVIGORTree vigorCoded tree vigor ratingint1healthy2light decline3moderate decline4severe decline5dead (natural death)6dead (human caused)YEARYearYear of surveydateYYYY