Forest Bird Monitoring Program Annual Surveys, 1991 - CurrentForest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative705 Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of America(802) Center for Ecostudies VCEleadPoint counts of breeding birds seen or heard conducted twice during breeding season.Forest Ecosystem Monitoring CooperativeForest Bird SurveysChristopherRimmercontentProviderKentMcFarlandcontentProviderStevenFacciocontentProviderCharlesDarmstadtcontentProviderThe primary goal is to conduct habitat-specific monitoring of forest interior breeding birds and to determine trends over time.Forest Bird Monitoring Program Annual Surveys, 1991 - CurrentPoint counts of breeding birds seen or heard conducted twice during breeding season.VMC.11.13mySQL/femc/data/archive/project/forest-bird-surveys/dataset/forest-bird-monitoring-program-annual-surveys1991-06-07SITENAMESite NameName of site where data was collectedtextSITEDATESite DateDate when data was collecteddatetimeotherSITESTATIONSite StationSampling stations or point counts within the sitedecimalSURVEYIDSurvey IdentificationIdentification number given to data count intSERIESSeriesOrders first and second data collection within sample monthint1
First Collection2
Second CollectionSPECIESSpeciesBird speciestextAMGO
American GoldfinchAMRE
American RedstartAMRO
American RobinBAWW
Black and White WarblerBCCH
Black-capped ChickadeeBLJA
Blue JayBLPW
Blackpoll WarblerBRCR
Brown CreeperBTBW
Black-throated Blue WarblerBTNW
Black-throated Green WarblerCAWA
Canada WarblerCEDW
Cedar WaxwingCORA
Common RavenEVGR
Evening GrosbeakGCTH
Gray-cheeked ThrushHAWO
Hooded WarblerHETH
Hermit ThrushLISP
Lincoln's SparrowMAWA
Magnolia WarblerMYWA
Myrtle WarblerNAWA
Nashville WarblerOVEN
Pine SiskinPIWO
Pileated WoodpeckerPUFI
Purple FinchRBGR
Rose-breasted GrosbeakRBNU
Red-breasted NuthatchRCKI
Ruby-crowned KingletREVI
Red-eyed VireoSCJU
Slate-colored JuncoSOVI
Solitary VireoSWTH
Swaison's ThrushVEER
Winter WrenWOTH
Wood ThrushWTSP
White-throated SparrowYBFL
Yellow-bellied FlycatcherYBSA
Yellow-bellied SapsuckerYSFL
Yellow-shafted FlickerAMCR
American CrowBLBW
Blackburnian WarblerCAGO
Canada GooseCERW
Cerulean WarblerCHIP
Dark-eyed JuncoGRSQ
Ground SquirrelsRESQ
Red SquirrelRUGR
Ruffled GrouseWBNU
White-breasted NuthatchRAWCOUNTRaw CountNumber of birds seen during data collectionintmeterintegerTIMEINTERVALTime IntervalTime interval within ten minute sampling periodtextA
First time intervalB
Second time intervalC
Third time intervalD
Fourth time intervalDIST_ESTEstimated DistanceEstimated distance of birdintmeternaturalOBSERVATION_TYPEObservation TypeObservation MethodtextC
SingingSTARTTIMEStart TimeStart time of data collectiondatetimehh:mm:ssOBS ObserverInitials of observer/ data collectortext