Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative(802) Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of AmericaVermont Center for Ecostudies VCEleadForest Bird SurveysThe primary goal is to conduct habitat-specific monitoring of forest interior breeding birds and to determine trends over time.Forest Bird SurveysRimmerChristopherMcFarlandKentFaccioStevenDarmstadtCharlessurveyslong term monitoringforest ecosystemshabitatbirdsbird surveyForest Bird Monitoring Data1991-06-071995-06-23Breeding bird survey using point counts with birds seen or heard recordedThe primary goal is to conduct habitat-specific monitoring of forest interior breeding birds and to determine trends over time.Z0011_NewSampleVMC.11.188mySQLSteven Faccio. 1995. Forest Bird Monitoring Data. VT Institute for Ecosystem Studies. FEMC. Can be found at: /femc/data/archive/project/forest-bird-surveys/dataset/forest-bird-monitoring-data/femc/data/archive/project/forest-bird-surveys/dataset/forest-bird-monitoring-dataCOMENTSCOMENTSCommentstextdatedatedatedateDD/MM/YYYYDATE_originalDATE_originalDATE_originaltextDOYDOYDOYintFIRST3MINFIRST3MINFirst 3 minutes of bird call surveyintLAST5MINLAST5MINLast 5 minutes of bird call surveyintLESS50PAIRLESS50PAIRNumber of pairs recorded within 50 metersintLESS50SINGLESS50SINGNumber of single birds recorded within 50 metersintMIN45MIN4545th minute mark of bird call surveyintMORE50PAIRMORE50PAIRnumber of pairs more than 50 metersintMORE50SINGMORE50SINGnumber of singles more than 50 metersintNumerical DateNumerical DateNumerical DateintOUTHABOUTHABtotal number recorded in the 10 minute count for species considered to be out of habitatintSITESITEsite: either Mount Mansfield (summit) or Underhill (State Park)textSITENUMBERSITENUMBERsite number: 14 (Underhill) or 15 (Mount Mansfield)intSPECIESSPECIESspecies: see list of species codestextSTATIONSTATIONpoint count station: 1 through 5intTOTBIRDSTOTBIRDStotal number recorded in the 10 minute countintTOTFIRST3TOTFIRST3total number recorded within the first 3 minutesintTOTFIRST5TOTFIRST5total number recorded within the first 5 minutesintTOTLESS50TOTLESS50total number recorded within 50 metersintTOTMORE50TOTMORE50total number more than 50 metersint