public read RA Sonde 2012-15Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
705 Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of America
YSI sonde at RA-location collecting temperature (°C), specific conductivity (uS/cm), pH, and turbidity (NTU) at 20 minute intervals.Forest Ecosystem Monitoring CooperativeFontynkill ProjectJohnBrandtcontentProviderMonitoring project to assess the effects of development on the health of an urban stream. YSI sondes were deployed at four locations from 2012-2018. We measured temperature (°C), specific conductivity (uS/cm), pH, and turbidity (NTU). Partial data was collected for depth (m) and dissolved oxygen (mg/L).RA Sonde 2012-15YSI sonde at RA-location collecting temperature (°C), specific conductivity (uS/cm), pH, and turbidity (NTU) at 20 minute intervals.VMC.1278.2533mySQL/femc/data/archive/project/fontynkill/dataset/ra-sonde-2012-152012-07-11DateDateNo description for this attributedatetimeM/D/YY hh:mmpHpHNo description for this attributedecimalno dataSpCondSpCondNo description for this attributedecimalno dataTempTempNo description for this attributedecimalno dataTurbTurbNo description for this attributedecimalno data