Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

Foliar Nitrogen Variability and Resorption During Autumn Leaf Senescence in Sugar Maple: Precipitation Throughfall Chemistry

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  • Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

    • Address:
      705 Spear Street
      South Burlington, Vermont 05403
      United States of America

      Phone: (802) 391-4135


    Measure foliar nitrogen of sugar maple to determine relationships between leaf nitrogen content and resorption efficiency during autumn leaf senescence. To examine the variability in resorption efficiency among and within sugar maple trees. To establish a baseline for long-term nutrient cycling research. To examine the variability in resorption efficiency and foliar N content among and within sugar maple trees. To determine the relationship between resorption efficiency and foliar N content.


  • Tim Scherbatskoy: Content Provider

  • Eveline Leon: Principal Investigator


  • foliar nitrogen, nutrient cycling, ph, precipitation, throughfall,

Geographic Coverage

  • Coordinates

Data Table

  • Title: Precipitation Throughfall Chemistry
  • Start Date: 1993-09-09
  • End Date: 1993-10-12
  • Description: Measurement of precipitation pH and concentrations of magnesium, calcium, nitrate, potassium, sodium and sulfate

  • Purpose: To determine relationships between leaf nitrogen content and resorption efficiency during autumn leaf senescence, examine the variability in resorption efficiency among and within sugar maple trees, and establish a baseline for long-term nutrient cycling research examine the variability in resorptio

  • Condensed Title: Z0015_SMLL_Precip

  • Object Name: VMC.15.17

  • Data Type: mySQL
  • Citation: Eveline Leon. 1993. Precipitation Throughfall Chemistry. University of Vermont. FEMC. Can be found at: /femc/data/archive/project/foliar-nitrogen-variability-resorption-during-autumn/dataset/precipitation-throughfall-chemistry

  • Online Distribution: /femc/data/archive/project/foliar-nitrogen-variability-resorption-during-autumn/dataset/precipitation-throughfall-chemistry

Attribute List

    Attribute Name: ID
    • Label: Sample ID
    • Description: Sample ID
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    Attribute Name: Sample
    • Label: Precipitation Sample
    • Description: Precipitation sample type (rain or throughfall)
    • Storage Type: text
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    Attribute Name: dates
    • Label: Precipitation Sample Date
    • Description: Date when precipation sample was collected
    • Storage Type: datetime
    • Measurment Type: datetime
    • String Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Attribute Name: pH
    • Label: pH
    • Description: pH of the precipitation sample
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ordinal
    • Standard Unit: number
    • Precision: 0.01
    • Unit: number
    • Number Type: real
      • Bounds:
      • Minimum: 0
      • Maximum: 14
    Attribute Name: NO3_N
    • Label: NO3-N
    • Description: The portion of the nitrate in the precipitation sample that is nitrogen
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: milligramsPerLiter
    • Precision: 0.01
    • Unit: milligramsPerLiter
    • Number Type: real
    Attribute Name: NH4_N
    • Label: NH4-N
    • Description: The portion of the NH4-N in the precipitation sample that is nitrogen
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: milligramsPerLiter
    • Precision: 0.01
    • Unit: milligramsPerLiter
    • Number Type: real
    Attribute Name: Ca2plus
    • Label: Ca2+
    • Description: Calcium concentration in precipitation sample
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: milligramsPerLiter
    • Precision: 0.01
    • Unit: milligramsPerLiter
    • Number Type: real
    Attribute Name: Mg2plus
    • Label: Mg2+
    • Description: Magnesium concentration in precipitation sample
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: milligramsPerLiter
    • Precision: 0.01
    • Unit: milligramsPerLiter
    • Number Type: real
    Attribute Name: Kplus
    • Label: K+
    • Description: Potassium concentration in precipitation sample
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: milligramsPerLiter
    • Precision: 0.01
    • Unit: milligramsPerLiter
    • Number Type: real
    Attribute Name: Naplus
    • Label: Na+
    • Description: Sodium concentration in precipitation sample
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: milligramsPerLiter
    • Precision: 0.1
    • Unit: milligramsPerLiter
    • Number Type: real
    Attribute Name: S04_
    • Label: SO4
    • Description: Sulfate concentration in precipitation sample
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: milligramsPerLiter
    • Precision: 0.01
    • Unit: milligramsPerLiter
    • Number Type: real


  • Current Methods
    • Study specimens
      • Started: 1993-05-01
      • Method Description: Twenty sugar maple trees used for foliage sampling.

    • Plot description
      • Method Description: One 75 X 50 m plot used for soil, litter, throughfall and precipitation collections.

    • Leaf samples
      • Method Description: Leaf samples collected from north and south sides of tree; from lower, middle and upper canopy. Samples of leaves were collected once in mid-July and once in mid-August to obtain a measure of the maximum nitrogen pool. Foliar nutrient concentrations are most stable in this time frame.

    • Leaf litter
      • Started: 1993-09-20
      • Method Description: Leaf litter traps collected twice weekly. One litter trap was placed under each tree, positioned so that minimal litter would fall in from surrounding trees. Leaf litter was collected throughout the leaf drop period (September 20-October 22).

    • Throughfall collection
      • Method Description: Throughfall collections consisted of two funnel collectors under each of five trees, on north and south sides of tree. Plus two collectors in an open area in close proximity to the site to collect rain as a control.

    • Leaf tissue analysis
      • Method Description: After each sampling, leaf tissue was run through a leaf area meter, assigned a thrips damage index number, oven dried at 70 degrees C to a constant weight and ground in a Wiley mill.

Sampling Equipment

  • Current Equipment
    • Chromatograph
      • Sampling Description: Dionex Ion Chromatograph Model 2010i was used to analyze nitrate.

    • Flow injection analysis
      • Sampling Description: Lachat Quick Chem AE flow injection analysis was used to test ammonium colorimetrically.

    • Elemental Analyzer
      • Started: 1993-05-01
      • Sampling Description: Leeman Laboratories CHN CE440 Elemental Analyzer was used to determine total nitrogen.

    • Leaf litter traps, funnel precipitation colle
      • Started: 1993-05-01
      • Sampling Description: Leaf litter traps. Funnel precipitation collectors.

    • Pole pruners, ladders and rope climbing equip
      • Started: 1993-05-01
      • Sampling Description: Pole pruners, ladders and rope climbing equipment.

Site Characteristics

  • Site Description: Stevensville Brook watershed, west slope of Mt. Mansfield, northern hardwood forest.

  • Site Description: The site is in the drainage of Nettle Brook, a small tributary to the north branch of Stevensville Brook.