public read Nitrogen Content in Green Sugar Maple LeavesForest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
705 Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of America
Measurement of pear thrips damage, leaf litter weight, percent nitrogen using 20 trees and one soil sample plot Forest Ecosystem Monitoring CooperativeFoliar Nitrogen Variability and Resorption During Autumn Leaf Senescence in Sugar MapleTimScherbatskoycontentProviderEvelineLeonprincipalInvestigatorMeasure foliar nitrogen of sugar maple to determine relationships between leaf nitrogen content and resorption efficiency during autumn leaf senescence. To examine the variability in resorption efficiency among and within sugar maple trees. To establish a baseline for long-term nutrient cycling research. To examine the variability in resorption efficiency and foliar N content among and within sugar maple trees. To determine the relationship between resorption efficiency and foliar N content.Nitrogen Content in Green Sugar Maple LeavesMeasurement of pear thrips damage, leaf litter weight, percent nitrogen using 20 trees and one soil sample plot VMC.15.15mySQL/femc/data/archive/project/foliar-nitrogen-variability-resorption-during-autumn/dataset/nitrogen-content-green-sugar-maple-leaves1993-07-191993-08-12IDIDSite IdtextTreeNumberTree NumberNumber assigned to identify treeintdatesSample DateDate sample was collecteddatetimeYYYY-MM-DDLocationTree Sample LocationLocation of sample collection in tree textLNlower canopy on north side of treeLSlower canopy on south side of treeMNmiddle canopy north side of treeMSmiddle canopy south side of treeUNupper canopy north side of treeUSuppers canopy south side of treeAreaCM2Area Area of leaf surfacedecimalmeterrealThripsThrips Damage IndexAll green leaf samples were assigned a pear thrips damage index numberintdrywt_gDry WeightWeight of leaves or lead litter oven dried at 70 degrees CelsiusdecimalmeterrealCHN_analysisWT_ugCHN weightWeight determined by CHN elemental analyzer (weight of leaf of leaf litter sample)intmeterrealPercentage_NPercent NitrogenPercent nitrogendecimalmeterrealQC_adjustQC AdjustQC adjustmenttextug_N_cm2ug N/cm^2Micrograms of nitrogen per centimeter squared: the amount of nitrogen found in a given areadecimalmeterrealaverage_ug_N_cm2Average ug N/cm^2Mean micrograms of nitrogen per centimeter squared for all sample sites in a tree decimalmeterrealMG_Ngmg N/gMilligrams nitrogen per gramdecimalmeterreal