Viewing a version of dataset "Sugar Maple Seedling Regeneration for the Northeast"
Version name: HardwoodRegeneration_Update_20230531
This page provides information about a version of dataset "Sugar Maple Seedling Regeneration for the Northeast" that was created. This version information can be used to accurately cite the dataset at a particular point in time, and to define dynamic subsets of data as they were used in publications or reports.
This approach to creating versions is built upon the of the
- Purpose
Softwood regeneration tells us the future composition of the forests dominated by species such as spruce and fir. While assessments of mature trees provide information about the current condition of Vermont’s forests, densities of seedlings give details about the likely softwood composition in the future.
- Version Name
- HardwoodRegeneration_Update_20230531
- Version ID
- 21
- Version Type
- Edit
- Created Date
- 2023-06-01 01:03:36
- Creator
- Matthias Sirch
- No DOI Assigned
- Download
Available for download
- Data License
- Linked - Third party determines data license
- Related Subsets
- Subset of Version 21 - VT Hardwood Regen For Indicators 20230922 (created 2023-09-22 by Matthias Sirch)
- Subset of Version 21 - NH Hardwood Regen For Indicators 20231009 (created 2023-10-09 by Matthias Sirch)
- Subset of Version 21 - NY Hardwood Regen For Indicators 20231009 (created 2023-10-09 by Matthias Sirch)
- Subset of Version 21 - NY_NE Hardwood Regen For Indicators 20231009 (created 2023-10-09 by Matthias Sirch)
- Subset of Version 21 - NY_NW Hardwood Regen For Indicators 20231009 (created 2023-10-09 by Matthias Sirch)
- Subset of Version 21 - NY_SE Hardwood Regen For Indicators 20231009 (created 2023-10-09 by Matthias Sirch)
- Subset of Version 21 - NY_SW Hardwood Regen For Indicators 20231009 (created 2023-10-09 by Matthias Sirch)