Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

Federal Forest Inventory and Analysis Data for the Northeast: Crown Dieback

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Metadata Provider

  • Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

    • Address:
      705 Spear Street
      South Burlington, Vermont 05403
      United States of America

      Phone: (802) 391-4135


    A summary of the latest USDA Forest Inventory and Analysis data for the Northeast. The network of randomly distributed inventory plots are designed to capture broad temporal changes in the condition of the nation’s forest resource. Spatial coverages of species distribution, extent of forest cover and biomass compliment the yearly data summaries to capture an unbiased estimated of the northeastern forests.


  • Matthias Nevins: Content Provider


  • crown health, dieback,


  • United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Forest Service : lead

Geographic Coverage

  • Coordinates

    Data Table

    • Title: Crown Dieback
    • Start Date: 2007-01-01
    • Description: Proportion of trees (greater or equal to 5 inch DBH) with poor crown health of 20% dieback or greater for New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont.

    • Purpose: Crown dieback is assessed by visually inspecting the leaves and crown of trees. When trees experience stress, they begin to reduce resources to the outermost leaves and branches, and these areas will die. This fine-scale measurement allows for a more detailed assessment of the tree's overall health and vigor and is an early indication of declining health. While dieback can vary from year to year based on weather or insects, trends over time can indicate more subtle issues in overall health.

    • Condensed Title: Z1384_3390_IP4JEK

    • Object Name: VMC.1384.3390

    • Data Type: mySQL
    • Citation: Federal Forest Inventory and Analysis Data for the Northeast: Crown Dieback, 2007-01-01

    • Online Distribution: /femc/data/archive/project/federal-forest-inventory-analysis-data-northeast/dataset/crown-dieback

    Attribute List

      Attribute Name: PoorCrown_Percent
      • Label: PoorCrown_Percent
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: PoorCrown_Ratio
      • Label: PoorCrown_Ratio
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: Region
      • Label: Region
      • Storage Type: text
      • Measurment Type: nominal
      Attribute Name: State
      • Label: State
      • Storage Type: text
      • Measurment Type: nominal
      Attribute Name: Trees
      • Label: Trees
      • Storage Type: text
      • Measurment Type: nominal
      Attribute Name: Trees_HealthyCrown
      • Label: Trees_HealthyCrown
      • Storage Type: text
      • Measurment Type: nominal
      Attribute Name: Trees_PoorCrown
      • Label: Trees_PoorCrown
      • Storage Type: text
      • Measurment Type: nominal
      Attribute Name: Year
      • Label: Year
      • Storage Type: int


    • No methods recorded for this dataset

    Sampling Equipment

    • No sampling equipment recorded for this dataset

    Site Characteristics

    • No site characteristics recorded for this dataset