Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative(802) Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of AmericaFederal Forest Inventory and Analysis Data for VermontA summary of the latest USDA Forest Inventory and Analysis data for the state of Vermont. The network of randomly distributed inventory plots are designed to capture broad temporal changes in the condition of the nation’s forest resource. Spatial coverages of species distribution, extent of forest cover and biomass compliment the yearly data summaries to capture an unbiased estimated of the state of Vermont's forests.Federal Forest Inventory and Analysis Data for VermontMorinRandallforest dynamicsforest ecologyspatial variabilitytemporal propertiesTree Data for Intensive Sampling Forest Health Measurement (Phase 3) Plots2003-01-01Measurements of tree species height, growth, mortality, carbon and forest dry biomassTo capture broad temporal changes in the condition of the national forest resource and estimate the condition of Vermont forests.Z0311_FIA_Phase3TreeDataVMC.311.304mySQLRandall Morin. 2017. Tree Data for Intensive Sampling Forest Health Measurement (Phase 3) Plots. USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station. FEMC. Can be found at: /femc/data/archive/project/federal-forest-inventory-analysis-data-for/dataset/tree-data-for-intensive-sampling-forest/femc/data/archive/project/federal-forest-inventory-analysis-data-for/dataset/tree-data-for-intensive-sampling-forestPLOTPhase 2 plot number An identifier for a plotintSUBPSubplot numberThe number assigned to the subplot. The national plot design has subplot number values of 1 through 4. Other plot designs have various subplot number valuesintTREETree record numberA number used to uniquely identify a tree on a subplot. Tree numbers can be used to track trees when PLOT.DESIGNCD is the same between inventoriesintINVYRInventory yearThe year that best represents when the inventory data were collected. Under the annual inventory system, a group of plots is selected each year for sampling. The selection is based on a panel system. INVYR is the year in which the majority of plots in that group were collected (plots in the group haintLATLatitude of plotThe approximate latitude of the plot in decimal degrees using NAD 83 datum. Actual plot coordinates cannot be released because of a Privacy provision enacted by Congress in the Food Security Act of 1985. Therefore, this attribute is approximately +/- 1 mile and, for annual inventory data, most plotsdecimaldegree0.000006realLONLongitude of plotThe approximate longitude of the plot in decimal degrees using NAD 83 datum. Actual plot coordinates cannot be released because of a Privacy provision enacted by Congress in the Food Security Act of 1985. Therefore, this attribute is approximately +/- 1 mile and, for annual inventory data, most plotdecimaldegree0.000006realELEVElevation of plotThe distance the plot is located above sea level, recorded in feet (NAD 83 datum). Negative values indicate distance below sea level. intSPCDSpecies codeA panel is a sample in which the same elements are measured on two or more occasions. FIA divides the plots in each State into 5 panels that can be used to independently sample the population. The value for P3PANEL ranges from 1 to 5 for those plots where Phase 3 data were collected. If the plot is intCOMMON_NAMECommon nameCommon name of the speciestextGENUSGenusThe genus name associated with the FIA tree species code.textSPECIESSpeciesThe species name associated with the FIA tree species code.textDIACurrent diameterThe current diameter (in inches) of the sample tree at the point of diameter measurement. DIA is measured at either breast height (DBH) or at root collar (DRC). DBH is usually measured at 4.5 feet above the ground line on the uphill side of the tree. DRC is measured on woodland species (often multi-decimalinch0.1realHTTotal heightThe total length (height) of a sample tree (in feet) from the ground to the tip of the apical meristem beginning in PLOT.MANUAL = 1.1. The total length of a tree is not always its actual length. If the main stem is broken, the actual length is measured or estimated and the missing piece is added to intfoot1integerACTUALHTActual heightThe length (height) of the tree to the nearest foot from ground level to the highest remaining portion of the tree still present and attached to the bole. If ACTUALHT = HT, then the tree does not have a broken top. If ACTUALHT <HT, then the tree does have a broken or missing top. The minimum height intfoot1integerMORTCFALVolume of timberland tree for mortality purposesSound cubic-foot volume of a tree on timberland for mortality purposes. Represents the cubic-foot volume of the tree at time of mortality. To obtain estimates of annual per acre mortality, multiply by TPAMORT_UNADJ. MORTCFAL differs from MORTCFGS by including all trees, regardless of tree class. intTPAMORT_UNADJMortality trees per acre per year unadjusted Mortality trees per acre per year unadjusted. The number of mortality trees per acre per year that the sample tree theoretically represents based on the sample design. For fixed-radius plots taken with the mapped plot design (PLOT.DESIGNCD =1), TPAMORT_UNADJ is set to a constant derived from the plintGROWCFALNet annual growth of alive tree on timberland Net annual sound cubic-foot growth of a live tree on timberland. The net change in cubic-foot volume per year of this tree (for remeasured plots (V2- V1)/(t2- t1)). Because this value is net growth, it may be a negative number. Negative growth values are usually due to mortality (V2= 0) but can alsointTPAGROW_UNADJGrowth trees per acre unadjustedGrowth trees per acre unadjusted. The number of growth trees per acre that the sample tree Theoretically represents based on the sample design. For fixed-radius plots taken with the mapped plot design (PLOT.DESIGNCD =1), TPAGROW_UNADJ is set to a constant derived from the plot size. Variable-radius intCDIEBKCDCrown dieback code Crown dieback code. A code indicating the amount of recent dead material in the upper and outer portion of the crown, estimated in percent classes. Collected for all live trees at least 5 inches DBH/DRC. intTRANSCDFoliage transparency codeFoliage transparency code. A code indicating the amount of light penetrating the foliated portion of the crown, estimated in percent classes. Collected for all live trees at least 5 inches DBH/DRC. intDRYBIO_STUMPDry biomass in the tree stumpThe oven-dry biomass (pounds) in the stump of timber species [trees where diameter is measured at breast height (DBH)] ≥ 5 inches in diameter. The stump is that portion of the tree from the ground to the bottom of the merchantable bole (i.e., below 1 foot). This is a per tree value and must be multidecimalpound0.000001realDRYBIO_BOLEDry biomass in the merchantable boleThe oven-dry biomass (pounds) in the merchantable bole of timber species [trees where diameter is measured at breast height (DBH)] ≥ 5 inches in diameter. This is the biomass of sound wood in live and dead trees, including bark, from a 1-foot stump to a minimum 4-inch top diameter of the central stedecimalpound0.000001realDRYBIO_TOPDry biomass in the top of the treeThe oven-dry biomass (pounds) in the top and branches (combined) of timber species [trees where diameter is measured at breast height (DBH)] ≥ 5 inches in diameter. Excludes foliage. Estimated for live and dead trees. This is a per tree value and must be multiplied by TPA_UNADJ to obtain per acre indecimalpound0.000001realDRYBIO_BGDry biomass of the rootsDry biomass of the roots. The oven-dry biomass (pounds) of the belowground portion of a tree, includes coarse roots with a root diameter ≥ 0.1 inch. This is a modeled estimate, calculated on live trees with a diameter of ≥ 1 inch and dead trees with a diameter of ≥ 5 inches, for both timber and wooddecimalpound0.000001realDRYBIO_STEMSDry biomass of the saplingsThe oven-dry biomass (pounds) of the aboveground portion, excluding foliage, of live trees with a diameter from 1 to 4.9 inches. Calculated for timber species only. The biomass of saplings is based on biomass computed from Jenkins and others (2003), using the observed diameter and an adjustment factdecimalpound0.000001realDRYBIO_WDLD_SPPDry biomass of the woodland tree speciedsThe oven-dry biomass (pounds) of the aboveground portion of a live or dead tree, excluding foliage, the tree tip (top of the tree above 1½ inches in diameter), and a portion of the stump from ground to diameter at root collar (DRC). Calculated for woodland species (trees where diameter is measured adecimalpound0.000001realCARBON_AGCarbon in the aboveground portion of the treeThe carbon (pounds) in the aboveground portion, excluding foliage, of live trees with a diameter ≥ 1 inch, and dead trees with a diameter ≥ 5 inches. Calculated for both timber and woodland species. This is a per tree value and must be multiplied by TPA_UNADJ to obtain per acre information. Carbon idecimalpound0.000001realCARBON_BGCarbon in the belowground portion of the treeThe carbon (pounds) of coarse roots >0.1 inch in root diameter. Calculated for live trees with a diameter ≥ 1 inch, and dead trees with a diameter ≥ 5 inches, for both timber and woodland species. This is a per tree value and must be multiplied by TPA_UNADJ to obtain per acre information. Carbon is decimal1E-060.000001realP3PANELPhase 3 panel numberA panel is a sample in which the same elements are measured on two or more occasions. FIA divides the plots in each State into 5 panels that can be used to independently sample the population. The value for P3PANEL ranges from 1 to 5 for those plots where Phase 3 data were collected. If the plot is intCNSequence numberA unique sequence number used to identify a tree record. intPLT_CNPlot sequence numberForeign key linking the tree record to the plot recordint