Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative(802) Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of AmericaCary Institute of Ecosystem Studies Vassar College Vassar Farm and Ecological PreserveTeatown Lake Reservation Ward Pound Ridge Reservation Huyck Preserve and Biological Research Station Mianus River Gorge Mohonk Preserve partnerThe Impact of Deer Overabundance on Forest RegenerationThe Environmental Monitoring and Management Alliance (EMMA) is examining the effects of deer overabundance on forest regeneration at seven upland oak forest sites centered in the Hudson Valley. These data, coupled with deer management programs, will allow us to both assess the impact deer are having on the survival of native species and evaluate the effectiveness of various deer management strategies across the region.The Impact of Deer Overabundance on Forest RegenerationChristensonLynnKellyVickyDeppenJamieVanCampKeriCharlopLindsaySienerHillaryAitchisonDanNapoliMeganNagyChrisSandersonErinLongElizabethViviritoMichaelFerreriCatherineRhoadsAnneKarpatiAmygrowthherbivoryregenerationforest healthEMMAwhite-tailed deersaplingodocoileus virginianusdeer browseenclosureDeer Exclosure Monitoring Sapling Data for Teatown Lake Reservation2018-01-01Data collected on saplings in paired exclosed and unexclosed plots at Teatown Lake Reservation.To contribute to an initiative led by the <a href=''>The Environmental Monitoring and Management Alliance (EMMA)</a> to examine the effect of overabundance of white-tailed deer on forest regeneration in urban and rural preserves throughout the Hudson ValleyZ0347_DeerData_Sapling_TeatownVMC.347.2116mySQLEnvironmental Monitoring & Management Alliance. 2016. EMMA Deer Exclosure Monitoring Sapling Data, [list the EMMA sites whose datasets were used]. Published via the Forest Ecosystems Monitoring Cooperative. [ list the DOI addresses for the datasets used. Each address should follow this format:]/femc/data/archive/project/deer-exclosure-monitoring/dataset/deer-exclosure-monitoring-sapling-data-forPlotPlot IDThe identification code for a plot. intTreatmentTreatment TypeWhether the sapling is in an exclosed or unexclosed plottextDD/MM/YYYY-1Treatment_NumberTreatment NumberNumeric code for unexclosed/exclosedint1Unfenced plot (unexclosed)2Fenced plot (exclosed)Sapling_ID_NumberSapling ID NumberSapling Identification Number. -999 indicates no saplings in the plot in question. intDD/MM/YYYY-1SpeciesSpeciesThe species of saplingintQURUITIS #19408, northern red oak (Quercus rubra)ACSAITIS #28731, sugar maple (Acer saccharum)ACRUITIS #28728, red maple (Acer rubrum)BENIITIS #19480, river birch (Betula Betula nigra)AMLAITIS #182046, Allegheny serviceberry (Amelanchier laevis)QUVEITIS #19447, black oak (Quercus velutina)HAVIITIS #19033, witch-hazel; witchhazel; American witchhazel (Hamamelis virginiana)QUMOITIS #19379, chestnut oak (Quercus montana)CASPNone #, Custom Species Code ( )ITIS_CodeIntegrated Taxonomic Information System codeThe Integrated Taxonomic Information System code for the species of a saplingintDD/MM/YYYY-1XCOGrid X coordinateDistance of the sapling from the origin (a selected corner of the plot) along x axisdecimal0.1rational010YCOGrid Y CoordinateDistance of the sapling from the origin (a selected corner of the plot) along y axisdecimal0.1rational010Study_YearStudy year numberthe number of years after the beginning of the study that the sapling was checkedint1wholeHeightSapling heightHeight to tallest buddecimal0.1rational50200BrowseDeer browse presence/absenceWhether or not deer browse was present on the saplingtextNotesNotesNotestextDD/MM/YYYY-1Measurement_DateMeasurement DateThe date that the measurements were takendatetimeMM/DD/YYYYMissing Value CodesMissing Value CodesThese codes will appear in the data for missing values instead of a blank cell.intDD/MM/YYYY-1-999There is no extant data; null. -555There should be data but it is missing.