Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative(802) Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of AmericaLake Champlain Sea Grant leadEarly Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Volunteer Water Monitoring Programs in the United States and CanadaA survey (approved via low-risk exemption as STUDY00000950 by ¶¶Òõ̽̽, USA, Institutional Review Board, with anonymous analysis of data) to assess the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on volunteer monitoring programs was conducted over an 8-week period from late May to late July 2020. Responses to the survey were sought from two groups: (1) individuals who participated in the April webinar who self-identified as volunteer monitoring program coordinators/directors, staff, administrators, or volunteers; and (2) directors/coordinators of volunteer water monitoring programs included in a national directory available at whose programs were not represented in the April webinar.Early Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Volunteer Water Monitoring Programs in the United States and CanadaWhiteJuliannaStepenuckKristineimpactsvolunteer monitoringcovid-19water monitoringpandemiccoranavirusEarly Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Volunteer Water Monitoring Programs in the United States and Canada 2020-04-012020-07-30This survey was carried out in follow up to an April 2020 webinar to assess impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic had on volunteer water monitoring programs by early-summer 2020. The study sought to understand the extent to which best practices identified through the webinar had been implemented and to assess other types of outcomes and impacts that had resulted for volunteer water monitoring programs as a result of the pandemic.Z1728_3797_UDAQL2VMC.1728.3797mySQLStepenuck, Kristine F., Carr, Jill. 2022. Early Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Volunteer Water Monitoring Programs in the United States and Canada in Summer 2020: Survey Results. FEMC. Available online at: /femc/data/archive/project/covid-19-volunteer-water-monitoring/dataset/early-influence-covid-19-pandemic-volunteer/femc/data/archive/project/covid-19-volunteer-water-monitoring/dataset/early-influence-covid-19-pandemic-volunteerQ2Participate in webinarDid you participate in the Citizen-based aquatic field sampling in the time of COVID webinar on April 21, 2020? Options were Yes (1); No (2), but I watched the recording or reviewed available online materials; No (3)textQ3Expect to share knowledge"Do you expect to use or share any knowledge or practices you learned from the webinar in the next 6-12 months? Yes (1) ; No (2) ; Unsure (3) ; NA (4) "textDistributionChannelDistributionChanneltextDuration_secondsDuration_secondsintEndDateEndDatedatetimeM/D/YY hh:mmFinishedFinishedtextProgressProgressintQ10_1Training to be held live onlinePlease describe how you plan to or have provided your online training. Was/Will your training (be) offered live? Yes (1); No (2): Does not apply (3); Unknown/TBD (4)textQ10_2Training to be held using recorded video onlinePlease describe how you plan to or have provided your online training. Did you/will you use recorded videos? Yes (1); No (2): Does not apply (3); Unknown/TBD (4)textQ11Need to create new training videos?Did you need to create new training videos or did they already exist? Check all that apply. Existed for my program (1) ; Need(ed) to create (2) ;Used/will use videos from another organization (3) ; Other (please describe) (4) textQ11_4_TEXTCreate new video other please describe textDid you need to create new training videos or did they already exist? Check all that apply. Other (please describe) texttextQ12Other actions to protect volunteers or staff during pandemicPlease feel free to share other actions not previously mentioned that you are planning to implement, or that you have implemented to protect volunteers and/or staff during the pandemic.textQ13Program losses anticipated or known due to COVIDDo you anticipate any of the following losses as a result of COVID-19-induced programmatic changes? Please check all that apply. Reduction in number of data observations (1); Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program (2); Loss in number of volunteers (3); Loss of staff or staff time (4)textQ13_5_TEXTOther type of loss due to COVID textDo you anticipate any of the following losses as a result of COVID-19-induced programmatic changes? Other type of loss or negative outcome (please describe) text textQ14Expected economic loss to program"What is the extent of expected economic loss to your volunteer monitoring or citizen science program? (If you have a broader organization than just volunteer water monitoring and can report on just the volunteer monitoring program component, that’s what we’re aiming to collect here and in the next textQ15Annual volunteer mnitoring program income 2019"In 2019, in what range was your annual volunteer monitoring program income? <$10,000 (1); $10,001-$25,000 (2); $25,001 - $50,000 (3); $50,001 – $100,000 (4); $100,001 - $150,000 (5);>$150,000 (6) "textQ16Benefits to program due to COVIDPlease list any known or anticipated benefits for your volunteer water monitoring or citizen science program as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.textQ17What state or province and country?In what state/province (as applicable) and country is your volunteer water monitoring or citizen science program based? textQ18Future information needsWhat information needs do you have related to COVID-19 that could be addressed in future webinars?textQ19Other commentsPlease share any other comments you have below.textQ4Describe what learnedIn one or two sentences, please briefly describe what information you learned from the webinar and how you plan to use or share that information within the next 6-12 months. textQ5Identify role in volunteer monitoring"Please identify your role within the field of volunteer water monitoring/citizen science. Check the answer that best fits your role. Program Coordinator/Director (1) ; Program support staff (2) ; Program administrator (3) ; Volunteer monitor (4); Not associated with a specific volunteer monitortextQ5_5_TEXTIdentify role textPlease describe your roletextQ6Please describe your roleWhat type of environments are monitored in your volunteer water monitoring or citizen science program? Check all that apply. Marine (1) ; Estuarine (2) ; Lake or pond (3) ; River or stream (4) ; Beach (5); Wetland (6) ; Groundwater (7) ; Other type of environment, phenomenon, animal, etc. (i.textQ6_8_TEXTOther type of environment text responseWhat type of environments are monitored in your volunteer water monitoring or citizen science program? Other type of environment, phenomenon, animal, etc. (i.e., something not related to water) (please describe) - TexttextQ6_9_TEXTOther type of citizen science text responseWhat type of environments are monitored in your volunteer water monitoring or citizen science program? Other (please describe) (9) textQ9_1Likelihood to cancel field seasonTo assess changes volunteer water monitoring or citizen science programs have implemented or intend to implement as a result of COVID-19, for each of the following, please identify how likely your program is to do each of the following: Cancel field sampling for 2020: Have implemented (1); Likely totextQ9_10Modify how samples make their way to the lab To assess changes volunteer water monitoring or citizen science programs have implemented or intend to implement as a result of COVID-19, for each of the following, please identify how likely your program is to do each of the following: Modify how samples make their way to the lab; Have implementedtextQ9_11Modify lab setup to support physical distancingModify lab setup to support physical distancingtextQ9_12Develop and communicate a planTo assess changes volunteer water monitoring or citizen science programs have implemented or intend to implement as a result of COVID-19, for each of the following, please identify how likely your program is to do each of the following: Develop and communicate a plan for if a volunteer cannot monitotextQ9_13Modify communications approaches with volunteers Modify communications approaches with volunteers textQ9_14Other modificationTo assess changes volunteer water monitoring or citizen science programs have implemented or intend to implement as a result of COVID-19, for each of the following, please identify how likely your program is to do each of the following: Other (please describe); Have implemented (1); Likely to implemtextQ9_14_TEXTOther modification textTo assess changes volunteer water monitoring or citizen science programs have implemented or intend to implement as a result of COVID-19, for each of the following, please identify how likely your program is to do each of the following: Other (please describe) texttextQ9_2Postpone start of field seasonTo assess changes volunteer water monitoring or citizen science programs have implemented or intend to implement as a result of COVID-19, for each of the following, please identify how likely your program is to do each of the following: Postpone the start of field sampling: Have implemented (1); LiktextQ9_3Update program guidance with COVID modifications To assess changes volunteer water monitoring or citizen science programs have implemented or intend to implement as a result of COVID-19, for each of the following, please identify how likely your program is to do each of the following: Update program guidance to include COVID-related program modifitextQ9_4Conduct training online To assess changes volunteer water monitoring or citizen science programs have implemented or intend to implement as a result of COVID-19, for each of the following, please identify how likely your program is to do each of the following: Conduct training online ; Have implemented (1); Likely to impletextQ9_5Rely only upon seasoned volunteersTo assess changes volunteer water monitoring or citizen science programs have implemented or intend to implement as a result of COVID-19, for each of the following, please identify how likely your program is to do each of the following: Rely only upon seasoned volunteers (i.e., no new volunteers thitextQ9_6Change field team or timing logistics To assess changes volunteer water monitoring or citizen science programs have implemented or intend to implement as a result of COVID-19, for each of the following, please identify how likely your program is to do each of the following: Change field team or timing logistics (e.g., solo or household textQ9_7Provide PPE or cleaning/disinfecting supplies to volunteers To assess changes volunteer water monitoring or citizen science programs have implemented or intend to implement as a result of COVID-19, for each of the following, please identify how likely your program is to do each of the following: Provide PPE or cleaning/disinfecting supplies to volunteers ; HtextQ9_9Modify data entry procedures To assess changes volunteer water monitoring or citizen science programs have implemented or intend to implement as a result of COVID-19, for each of the following, please identify how likely your program is to do each of the following: Modify data entry procedures; Have implemented (1); Likely to textQ9_8Modify field sampling methodsTo assess changes volunteer water monitoring or citizen science programs have implemented or intend to implement as a result of COVID-19, for each of the following, please identify how likely your program is to do each of the following: Modify field sampling methods (e.g., add or remove certain typetextRecordedDateRecordedDatedatetimeM/D/YY hh:mmStartDateStartDatedatetimeM/D/YY hh:mmUserLanguageUserLanguagetext