Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

Continuous Forest Inventory on the state forests in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont: Small Sapling Data

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Metadata Provider

  • Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

    • Address:
      705 Spear Street
      South Burlington, Vermont 05403
      United States of America

      Phone: (802) 391-4135


    The Vermont State Continuous Forest Inventory is a data collection program with a comprehensive measure of tree health, growth, and decay within Vermont state lands. It serves as a baseline data set for a variety of tree growth, landscape models, and climate predictive models. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to use this data.


  • Emily Meacham: Principal Investigator


  • Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation: partner

Geographic Coverage

  • Coordinates

    Data Table

    • Title: Small Sapling Data
    • Start Date: 2015-06-01
    • Description: Small sapling presence and metrics in plots

    • Purpose: Baseline data set for a variety of tree growth, landscape models, and climate predictive models.

    • Condensed Title: Z0344_Small_Sapling

    • Object Name: VMC.344.2024

    • Data Type: mySQL
    • Citation: Emily Meacham. 2017. Small Sapling Data. VT Forests, Parks and Recreation. FEMC. Can be found at: /femc/data/archive/project/continuous-forest-inventory/dataset/vtcfi-small-sapling

    • Online Distribution: /femc/data/archive/project/continuous-forest-inventory/dataset/vtcfi-small-sapling

    Attribute List

      Attribute Name: Azimuth
      • Label: Azimuth
      • Storage Type: int
      Attribute Name: DBH_in
      • Label: DBH_in
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: Distance_ft
      • Label: Distance_ft
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: Field10
      • Label: Field10
      Attribute Name: Field11
      • Label: Field11
      Attribute Name: Field12
      • Label: Field12
      Attribute Name: Field8
      • Label: Field8
      Attribute Name: Field9
      • Label: Field9
      Attribute Name: Location
      • Label: Location
      • Storage Type: text
      • Measurment Type: nominal
      Attribute Name: Notes
      • Label: Notes
      • Storage Type: text
      • Measurment Type: nominal
      Attribute Name: Tree_Id
      • Label: Tree_Id
      Attribute Name: Plot
      • Label: Plot
      • Description: Unique plot identifier
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: nominal
      • Standard Unit: -1
      • String Format: DD/MM/YYYY
      • Number Type: -1
      Attribute Name: Year
      • Label: Year
      • Description: Year data was collected
      • Storage Type: datetime
      • Measurment Type: datetime
      • Standard Unit: -1
      • String Format: YYYY
      • Number Type: -1
      Attribute Name: Tree Id
      • Label: Tree ID
      • Description: Tree identification number
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: nominal
      • Standard Unit: -1
      • String Format: DD/MM/YYYY
      • Number Type: -1
      Attribute Name: Sector
      • Label: Sector
      • Description: Plot sector (Ten 36 degree sectors/plot)
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: nominal
      • Standard Unit: -1
      • String Format: DD/MM/YYYY
      • Number Type: -1
      Attribute Name: Azimutha
      • Label: Azimuth
      • Description: Azimuth from plot center to sapling
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: interval
      • Standard Unit: degree
      • Precision: 1
      • String Format: DD/MM/YYYY
      • Unit: degree
      • Number Type: rational
        • Bounds:
        • Minimum: 0
        • Maximum: 360
      Attribute Name: Species
      • Label: Species
      • Description: Species of small sapling
      • Storage Type: -1
      • Measurment Type: nominal
      • Species List: Vermont Continuous Forest Inventory Species Codes
        • Code: AB
          • Definition: ITIS #19462, American beech (Fagus grandifolia)
        • Code: AE
          • Definition: ITIS #19049, American elm (Ulmus americana)
        • Code: BA
          • Definition: ITIS #32945, black ash (Fraxinus nigra)
        • Code: BC
          • Definition: ITIS #24764, black cherry (Prunus serotina)
        • Code: BE
          • Definition: ITIS #28749, boxelder (Acer negundo)
        • Code: BF
          • Definition: ITIS #18032, balsam fir (Abies balsamea)
        • Code: BP
          • Definition: ITIS #22453, balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera)
        • Code: BS
          • Definition: ITIS #183302, black spruce; bog spruce (Picea mariana)
        • Code: BT
          • Definition: ITIS #22463, bigtooth aspen (Populus grandidentata)
        • Code: BW
          • Definition: ITIS #21536, American basswood (Tilia americana)
        • Code: EH
          • Definition: ITIS #183397, Canada hemlock; hemlock spruce (Tsuga canadensis)
        • Code: GA
          • Definition: ITIS #32929, green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica)
        • Code: GB
          • Definition: ITIS #19497, gray birch (Betula populifolia)
        • Code: HH
          • Definition: ITIS #19511, eastern hophornbeam; hophornbeam (Ostrya virginiana)
        • Code: MM
          • Definition: ITIS #28758, mountain maple (Acer spicatum)
        • Code: PB
          • Definition: ITIS #19489, paper birch (Betula papyrifera)
        • Code: PR
          • Definition: ITIS #24799, pin cherry (Prunus pensylvanica)
        • Code: PY
          • Definition: ITIS #22445, Eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides)
        • Code: QA
          • Definition: ITIS #195773, quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides)
        • Code: RM
          • Definition: ITIS #28728, red maple (Acer rubrum)
        • Code: RO
          • Definition: ITIS #19408, northern red oak (Quercus rubra)
        • Code: RP
          • Definition: ITIS #183375, red pine (Pinus resinosa)
        • Code: RS
          • Definition: ITIS #18034, red spruce (Picea rubens)
        • Code: SE
          • Definition: ITIS #25108, serviceberry (Amelanchier sp.)
        • Code: SM
          • Definition: ITIS #28731, sugar maple (Acer saccharum)
        • Code: ST
          • Definition: ITIS #28754, striped maple (Acer pensylvanicum)
        • Code: SV
          • Definition: ITIS #28757, silver maple (Acer saccharinum)
        • Code: TA
          • Definition: ITIS #183412, tamarack (Larix laricina)
        • Code: WA
          • Definition: ITIS #32931, white ash (Fraxinus americana)
        • Code: WC
          • Definition: ITIS #505490, arborvitae; eastern white cedar (Thuja occidentalis)
        • Code: WP
          • Definition: ITIS #183385, eastern white pine (Pinus strobus)
        • Code: WS
          • Definition: ITIS #183295, white spruce (Picea glauca)
        • Code: YB
          • Definition: ITIS #19481, yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis)
      Attribute Name: Distance (ft)
      • Label: Distance
      • Description: Distance in feet from plot center to pith of sapling
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Standard Unit: foot
      • Precision: 0.1
      • Unit: foot
      • Number Type: rational
        • Bounds:
        • Minimum: 0
        • Maximum: 16.3
      Attribute Name: DBH (in)
      • Label: DBH
      • Description: Diameter at breast height in inches at 4.5 feet
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Standard Unit: inch
      • Precision: 0.1
      • Unit: inch
      • Number Type: rational
        • Bounds:
        • Minimum: 1
        • Maximum: 2.5


    • Current Methods
      • Small Sapling Data
        • Started: 2015-06-01
        • Method Description: Each tree that is between >= 1” and <2.5 DBH is counted, species recorded, azimuth from plot center taken, the distance from plot center to the pith is measured and diameter at breast height, which is defined as 4.5’, is measured.
        • Instrumentation: Hypsometer (Haglof Vertex IV), 100’ steel logger’s diameter tape, 100’ fiber glass ground tape, compass, bark scribe, blue paint pen, PVC pipe, orange, blue, and pink flagging, data collection sheets, pencils, Garmin gps

      • Small Sapling Plot: 16.3’ radius
        • Started: 2017-04-28
        • Method Description: Each tree that is between >= 1” and <2.5 DBH is counted, species recorded, azimuth from plot center taken, the distance from plot center to the pith is measured and diameter at breast height, which is defined as 4.5’, is measured. Each sapling that is recorded is painted with a paint pen at 4.5’, a line that is around 2” long and ½” high facing plot center.
        • Instrumentation: Hypsometer (Haglof Vertex IV), 100’ steel logger’s diameter tape, 100’ fiber glass ground tape, compass, bark scribe, blue paint pen, PVC pipe, orange, blue, and pink flagging, data collection sheets, pencils, Garmin gps

      • Plot Location
        • Method Description: Plots are randomly distributed within the study area and stratified by natural community type at a density of approximately 1 per 200ac

      • Plot Design
        • Method Description: These are all nested plots. Plot center is marked with PVC pipe painted fluorescent orange. At the plot there are three main plots nested around the center stake. The overstory plot is 52.7’ in radius, the large sapling plot is 26.3’ in radius and the small sapling is 16.6’ in radius. To organize the data each plot is divided into 10, 36 degree sectors. At each plot the sectors are flagged out with a blue flag at 16.6’, an orange flag at 26.3’ and a pink flag at 52.7’. At each cardinal direction there are seedling plots located 26.3’ from plot center. At each of the seedling plots an orange painted PVC pipe is at plot center. From plot center a 100’ transect is established at a random azimuth and a PVC pipe is located at the end of the transect. Along this transect course woody material is measured from 0’-100’ and fine woody material is measured from 80’-100’.

    Sampling Equipment

    • Current Equipment
      • Tools
        • Sampling Description: Hypsometer (Haglof Vertex IV), 100’ steel logger’s diameter tape, 100’ fiber glass ground tape, compass, bark scribe, blue paint pen, PVC pipe, orange, blue, and pink flagging, data collection sheets, pencils, Garmin gps

      • Small Sapling Data
        • Started: 2015-06-01
        • Sampling Description: Each sapling that is recorded is painted with a paint pen at 4.5’, a line that is around 2” long and ½” high facing plot center.
        • Frequency: Each plot will be remeasured on a 7-year rotation following the original measurement protocols.

      • Small Sapling Plot: 16.3’ radius
        • Started: 2017-04-28
        • Sampling Description: Each tree that is between >= 1” and <2.5 DBH is counted, species recorded, azimuth from plot center taken, the distance from plot center to the pith is measured and diameter at breast height, which is defined as 4.5’, is measured. Each sapling that is recorded is painted with a paint pen at 4.5’, a line that is around 2” long and ½” high facing plot center.
        • Frequency: Each plot will be remeasured on a 7-year rotation following the original measurement protocols.

    Site Characteristics

    • No site characteristics recorded for this dataset