Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative(802) Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of AmericaPaul Smith's College Adirondack Watershed InstituteleadLong-term bird monitoring in low elevation boreal habitats of the Adirondack ParkThis project was initiated and conducted by the Wildlife Conservation Society Adirondack Program beginning in 2004. We have monitored a suite of boreal target species in low elevation boreal habitats in the Adirondacks, conducting 10 minute point counts along transects of 5 points and occurring annually at approximately 60 locations. This work has been more robust in some years than others due to available funding; highest numbers of sites visited are associated primarily with 2007 and later. Official target species are American three-toed toodpecker, black-backed woodpecker, olive-sided flycatcher, yellow-bellied flycatcher, Canada jay, boreal chickadee, Tennessee warbler, Cape May warbler, bay-breasted warbler, palm warbler, Lincoln’s sparrow, and rusty blackbird, though this dataset includes information for other songbird and woodpecker species also. We have never had high enough detections of three-toed woodpeckers, nor Tennessee, Cape May, and bay-breasted warblers to conduct population analyses. Occupancy patterns and trends for these and other species are described in Glennon (2014) and Glennon et al. (In Review). These data also contributed to the findings described in Ralston et al. (2015) and McNulty et al. (2016). WCS closed its Adirondack Program in 2018; this work will continue through the Adirondack Watershed Institute of Paul Smith's College.Long-term bird monitoring in low elevation boreal habitats of the Adirondack ParkGlennonMichaleclimate changebirdsAdirondacksborealLong term bird monitoring in low elevation boreal habitats of the Adirondack Park2007-05-152016-07-17Ten minute point count survey data documenting occurrence of songbirds and woodpeckers in low elevation boreal habitats in the Adirondack Park, NY. This dataset contains information from surveys conducted between 2007-2016. Official target species are American three-toed toodpecker, black-backed woodpecker, olive-sided flycatcher, yellow-bellied flycatcher, Canada jay, boreal chickadee, Tennessee warbler, Cape May warbler, bay-breasted warbler, palm warbler, Lincoln’s sparrow, and rusty blackbird, though this dataset includes information for other songbird and woodpecker species also. Methods, as well as occupancy patterns and trends for these and other species are described in Glennon (2014) and Glennon et al. (In Review). These data also contributed to the findings described in Ralston et al. (2015) and McNulty et al. (2016). 20190305104532_2007-2016forFEMC.xlsxVMC.1332.2690mySQLMichale Glennon (2019) Long term bird monitoring in low elevation boreal habitats of the Adirondack Park. FEMC. Available online at: /femc/data/archive/project/borealbirds/dataset/long-term-bird-monitoring-low-elevation/femc/data/archive/project/borealbirds/dataset/long-term-bird-monitoring-low-elevationDummyDummyDummy variableintD-M-YY-1YearYearYear of surveyintD-M-YY-1DateDateDate of surveydateM/D/YYYY-1LocationLocationLocation of surveytextM/D/YYYY-1UTM1UTM1Approximate X coordinate of centroid of transect polygon (transects have 5 points each)intM/D/YYYY-1UTM2UTM2Approximate Y coordinate of centroid of transect polygon (transects have 5 points each)intM/D/YYYY-1ObserverObserverInitials of person who conducted the counttextM/D/YYYY-1Start_timeStart timeTime of start of transect of countstimehhmmEnd_timeEnd timeTime at end of transecttimehhmm-1TimeTimeTime at start of 10 minute point count timehhmm-1PointPointPoint on the transect (most transects have 5 points)inthhmm-1SpeciesSpeciesPasserine or Piciform species detected by sight or ear, 4 letter AOU code texthhmm-1Time_periodTime periodTime of detection during 10 minute count, either A (first 3 minutes), B (second 2 minutes), or C (last 5 minutes) texthhmm-1ActivityActivityActivity, generally I (individual seen), S (singing), C (calling), D (drumming), or some combination of thesetexthhmm-1Within_50mWithin 50mBased on their judgement, denotes whether bird was detected within 50m of observer or not, Y or Ntexthhmm-1NotesNotesAdditional information provided by observertexthhmm-1