Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative(802) Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of AmericaBird Habitat Assessment on Forest Health Monitoring PlotsAssessment of bird habitat parameters (e.g. vertical and horizontal structure, CWD functionality, tree spp.) at established Forest Health Monitoring plots using an adapted version of the Foresters for the Birds methodology.Bird Habitat Assessment on Forest Health Monitoring PlotsGurvichDianabird, bird habitat, forest health monitoring,BHA_TreeSpp2016-06-162016-08-17Abundance of tree species (1 being most abundant) found in midstory and understory corresponding to cover and distribution in subplot metrics file. Z1066_Bird_TreeSppVMC.1066.2098mySQLDiana Gurvich. 2016. BHA_TreeSpp. FEMC. Can be found at: /femc/data/archive/project/bird-habitat-assessment/dataset/bha_treespp/femc/data/archive/project/bird-habitat-assessment/dataset/bha_treesppYearYearYear of data collection.textPlotPlotPlot at which data was collected.textSubplotSubplotSubplot at which data was collected. textLocationLocationLocation in vertical forest profile, i.e. midstory or understory.textSpeciesSpeciesTree species found in subplot.textAbundanceAbundanceRelative abundance of tree species found in subplot, 1 being most abundant. textNotesNotesNotes regarding tree codes.text