public read BHA_SubplotMetricsForest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
705 Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of America
Bird habitat subplot metrics (including data collection time, overstory/midstory cover and distribution, and FWD/CWD functionality). Forest Ecosystem Monitoring CooperativeBird Habitat Assessment on Forest Health Monitoring PlotsDianaGurvichcontentProviderAssessment of bird habitat parameters (e.g. vertical and horizontal structure, CWD functionality, tree spp.) at established Forest Health Monitoring plots using an adapted version of the Foresters for the Birds methodology.BHA_SubplotMetricsBird habitat subplot metrics (including data collection time, overstory/midstory cover and distribution, and FWD/CWD functionality). VMC.1066.2097mySQL/femc/data/archive/project/bird-habitat-assessment/dataset/bha_subplotmetrics2016-06-162016-08-17Plot_SubplotPlot and subplotCombined plot and subplot string at which data was collected. text<-1/>DateDateDate string at which data was collected.text<-1/>MonthMonth Month of data collection.intmeterwhole112DayDayDay of data collection. intmeterwhole131YearYearYear of data collection.intmeterwholePlotPlot IDPlot at which data was collected.text<-1/>SubplotSubplot IDSubplot at which data was collected. intmeterwhole14Start timeStart timeStart time of subplot survey. datetimehh:mm:ssEnd timeEnd timeEnd time of subplot survey.datetimehh:mm:ssCanopy heightCanopy heightHeight of overstory. 1 = &lt;20 ft; 2 = 20-60 ft; 3 = >60 ftintOverstory % CoverOverstory % cover classPercent cover of overstory canopy (>30' in non-montane plots). Possible values are Open (&lt;30%), Intermediate (30-80%), and Closed (>80%).text<-1/>Overstory distributionOverstory distributionDistribution of overstory canopy cover. 0 = patchy; 1 = uniform. intMidstory % coverMidstory % coverPercent cover of midstory canopy (5-30'). Percent classes are 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%. intmeterwhole0100Midstory distributionMidstory distributionDistribution of midstory cover. 0 = patchy; 1 = uniform. intUnderstory % coverUnderstory % coverPercent cover of understory (0-5'). Percent classes are 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%.intmeterwhole0100Understory distributionUnderstory distributionDistribution of understory cover. 0 = patchy; 1 = uniform. intSoft mastSoft mastPresence of soft mast species in the subplot. text<-1/>Leaf litterLeaf litterQuality of leaf litter as foraging and nesting habitat. A = Adequate = Deciduous leaf litter is present, thick, and moist over most of (>75%) of the subplot. I = Inadequate = Leaf litter is not deciduous OR is deciduous, but covers &lt; 75% of the visual acre, is not thick, and/or is desiccated.text<-1/>Invasive % coverInvasive % coverPercent cover of invasive woody plants in the subplot. Percent classes are 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%.intmeterwhole0100Invasive sppInvasive spp.Invasive woody plants found in the subplot corresponding to the invasive % cover data. text<-1/>CWDCWD FunctionalityFunctionality of Coarse Woody Debris (>4 in. diameter) in the subplot based on estimated percent cover over plot and function as habitat (e.g. through use as a perch site, courtship displays, habitat for insects, etc.). 0 = No functionality, 1 = Low, 2 = Medium, 3 = High.intFWDFWD FunctionalityFunctionality of Fine Woody Debris (&lt;4 in. diameter) in the subplot based on estimated percent cover over plot and function as habitat (e.g. through use as cover, nesting substrate, etc.). 0 = No functionality, 1 = Low, 2 = Medium, 3 = High.intBBCBreeding Bird CodeMinimum breeding bird code of birds observed in subplot, if applicable. text<-1/>NotesNotesAny notes regarding weather and additional habitat features within plot. text<-1/>