Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

Biological Survey of Selected Stream Sites on Mount Mansfield: Diversity composition between different sampling methods

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  • Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

    • Address:
      705 Spear Street
      South Burlington, Vermont 05403
      United States of America

      Phone: (802) 391-4135


    Develop methods for monitoring macroinvertebrates and diatoms in small, sensitive, headwater streams on Mount Mansfield to characterize biotic communities along elevational gradients in streams of Mt. Mansfield, and to create an opportunity for students at Sterling College to participate in authentic research related to their programs of study.


  • E. Perry Thomas: Principal Investigator

  • Nicholas Augsberger: Content Provider

  • Adam Lewandowski: Content Provider


  • biodiversity, collector comparison, macroinvertebrates, stream ecology,

Geographic Coverage

  • Coordinates
    • -72.8422616, 44.5043916
    • -72.7708716, 44.5043916
    • -72.7708716, 44.5072066
    • -72.8422616, 44.5072066
    • -72.8422616, 44.5043916

Data Table

  • Title: Diversity composition between different sampling methods
  • Start Date: 1999-08-01
  • End Date: 2003-03-15
  • Description: Develop methods for monitoring macroinvertebrates and diatoms in small, sensitive, headwater streams on Mount Mansfield; comparison of biotic communities above and below the ski area in streams of Mt. Mansfield, and examine diatoms in streams as biological indicators.

  • Purpose: This project intended to (1) Develop a low-impact method for sampling subalpine streams; 2) Explore diatoms as biological indicators in 3 streams and 3) Compare macroinvertebrate communnity composition above and below a ski area.

  • Condensed Title:

  • Object Name: VMC.105.1105

  • Data Type: mySQL
  • Citation: Magoon, E. and E. P. Thomas. 2000. Diversity composition between different sampling methods. FEMC. /femc/data/archive/project/biological-survey-selected-stream-sites-mount/dataset/Diversity-composition-between-different-sampling-methods

  • Online Distribution: /femc/data/archive/project/biological-survey-selected-stream-sites-mount/dataset/Diversity-composition-between-different-sampling-methods

Attribute List


  • Past Methods (no longer in use)
    • Monitoring macroinvertebrates and diatoms
      • Started: 1999-08-01
        Ended: 2001-12-31
      • Method Description: For Methods for monitoring macroinvertebrates and diatoms: Macroinvertebrates collected according to protocol adapted from Karr and Chu 1999. Diatoms collected on introduced substrates (steriles), following method developed by A. Heidorn.

    • Macroinvertebrate collection
      • Started: 2002-10-11
        Ended: 2003-03-15
      • Method Description: For MacroInvertebrates as Water Quality Indicators: Collect macroinvertebrates from random confluence of 1st or 2nd order streams at 3 sites, using modified surber sampler. 5 samples will be collected from each site. Two sites will be on the Stowe side of Ranch Brook and West Branch; the third will be from the Spruce peak watershed.

    • Macroinvertebrate re-sampling
      • Started: 2002-10-11
        Ended: 2003-03-15
      • Method Description: For MacroInvertebrates as Water Quality Indicators: Re-sample from previous sites using conventional surber sampler and modified surber sampler.

    • Digital mapping
      • Started: 2002-06-01
        Ended: 2002-11-30
      • Method Description: For Digital Mapping of Paired Watersheds on Mt. Mansfield: Lewandowski will map stream channels on Mount Mansfield from June through November to create an accurate GIS layer.

    • Geomorphological assessment of streams
      • Started: 2002-10-20
        Ended: 2002-12-31
      • Method Description: For Geomorphological assessment of streams: Researchers will conduct a Phase 2 geomorphological assessment at 5 random locations on second order streams along the 1700' contour and 5 random locations on first order streams along the 2000' contour in each watershed, using Ausberger's macroinvertebrate study sites. Comparisons can be made between stream channel condition and macroinvertebrate species composition. Lewandowski subproject.

    • Amphibian observations
      • Started: 2002-06-01
        Ended: 2002-08-01
      • Method Description: For Amphibian species diversity: In this visual encounter survey researchers will walk the streams and record and photograph each amphibian observed w/in 1 meter of the stream bank. Rare, endangered or malformed amphibians will be photographed and their exact locations will be mapped.

Sampling Equipment

  • Surber sampler
    • Started: 2002-10-11
      Ended: 2003-03-15
    • Sampling Description: conventional surber sampler and surber sampler modified by Sterling students

Site Characteristics

  • Site Description: The West Branch (WB) watershed is 11.7 square kilometers and contains Stowe Mountain Resort, a ski area on Mount Mansfield in Stowe VT. The Ranch Brook (RB) watershed occupies the adjacent 9.6 square kilometers and is relatively undeveloped. RB is forested though it contains some cross country ski trails and a section of the mountain toll road. Approximately 20% of WB is taken up by manifestations of humans, including buildings, parking lots and roads.

  • Minimum Altitude: 1275 feet

  • Maximum Altitude: 1325 feet