Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

Bicknell's Thrush Population Demographics and Ecology: Bicknell's thrush captures on Mount Mansfield, 1993 to 2001

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  • Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

    • Address:
      705 Spear Street
      South Burlington, Vermont 05403
      United States of America

      Phone: (802) 391-4135


    Research to examine questions of population stability, territory size, movements, site fidelity, territorial turnover, productivity and survivorship using banded Bicknell's thrush.


  • Christopher Rimmer: Principal Investigator

  • Kent McFarland: Principal Investigator

  • Allan Strong: Principal Investigator

  • John Lloyd: Content Provider

  • Rosalind Renfrew: Principal Investigator


  • bird banding, birds, montane, populations, species productivity,

Geographic Coverage

  • Coordinates

    Data Table

    • Title: Bicknell's thrush captures on Mount Mansfield, 1993 to 2001
    • Start Date: 1992-07-05
    • End Date: 2002-08-26
    • Description: This dataset has band number, sex and location of capture.

    • Purpose: Determine the population density and breeding ecology of Bicknell's Thrush on Mount Mansfield; band birds.

    • Condensed Title: Z0079_mansfieldBITHcaptures93_01

    • Object Name: VMC.79.239

    • Data Type: mySQL
    • Citation: Vermont Center for Ecostudies.(2017) Bicknell's thrush captures on Mount Mansfield, 1993 to 2001. FEMC. Dataset. /femc/data/archive/project/bicknells-thrush-population-demographics-ecology-ongoing/dataset/bicknells-thrush-captures-mount-mansfield-1993

    • Online Distribution: /femc/data/archive/project/bicknells-thrush-population-demographics-ecology-ongoing/dataset/bicknells-thrush-captures-mount-mansfield-1993

    Attribute List

      Attribute Name: bandnum
      • Label: Band Number
      • Description: Bird band ID number
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: nominal
      Attribute Name: Date
      • Label: Date
      • Description: Date bird was captured for banding
      • Storage Type: datetime
      • Measurment Type: datetime
      Attribute Name: age
      • Label: Age
      • Description: Age of bird when captured for banding
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: nominal
      Attribute Name: sex
      • Label: Sex
      • Description: Sex of bird in numeric code
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: nominal
      Attribute Name: LOC
      • Label: Location
      • Description: Location where bird was captured
      • Storage Type: text
      • Measurment Type: nominal
      • Custom List: Plot Location Names
        • Code: FORE
          • Definition: Forehead
        • Code: MANS
          • Definition: Mansfield moderately disturbed ridgeline
        • Code: OCTA
          • Definition: Octagon near restauraut
        • Code: RABR
          • Definition: Ranch Brook relatively undisturbed habitat
        • Code: NDPO
          • Definition: Nose Dive Pod area


    • Current Methods
      • Site establishment and measurements
        • Started: 1992-06-01
        • Method Description: An 8.8 ha population monitoring plot was established south of the summit of the mountain in 1992, where 5-30 m radius circles per forest type were used for point counts and habitat plots. This ranged in elevation from 1160-1200 m, in krummholz and spruce-fir forests. Measurements included species, frequency, sighting locations, habitat measurements.

      • Additional Plots 1995
        • Started: 1995-06-01
        • Method Description: Additional plots added in 1995: a 20 ha plot in Ranch Valley, and a 20 ha plot at a lower elevation in the Nose Dive Pod area. Elevation range expanded to 885-1200 m. 25 m grid sampling points used. Measurement include: population density, territory dispersion, sighting locations and movements of known-identity individuals, habitat measurements, survival and productivity and site fidelity.

      • Additional Plot 1996
        • Started: 1995-06-01
        • Method Description: An additional plot was added in 1996: a 10 ha plot northeast of the Forehead, off the Long Trail in spruce-fir forest.

      • Reduced Plot 1997
        • Started: 1998-06-01
        • Method Description: Nose Pod Dive plot discontinued after 1997.

      • Mist nets and vocal lures
        • Started: 1992-06-01
        • Method Description: Strategically placed mist nets were deployed on two plots (Mansfield ridgeline and Octagon) in combination with tape recorded playbacks of Bicknell's Thrush vocalizations to attempt to capture and color band Bicknell’s Thrushes.

      • Passive mist nets and metrics collected
        • Started: 1992-06-01
        • Method Description: Up to 30 mist nets were used simultaneously to passively capture thrushes as a complement to the use of vocal lures. Detailed mensural (e.g., wing chord, weight, tarsus, culmen) and body condition (e.g., subcutaneous fat, molt, feather wear) data were recorded for all captured birds. Sex was determined by status of cloacal protuberance and brood patch. Individuals were aged, too.

      • Banding
        • Started: 1992-06-01
        • Method Description: Each individual was banded with a numbered aluminum band and three color bands to uniquely identify birds for resighting.

    Sampling Equipment

    • No sampling equipment recorded for this dataset

    Site Characteristics

    • Site Description: Mount Mansfield summit ridgeline and east slope. Elevation range: 885-1200 m. Krummholz, larger stature spruce-fir, and transitional forest types.

    • Minimum Altitude: 885 meters

    • Maximum Altitude: 1200 meters

    • Site Description: From 1992-2000 on Mt. Mansfield birds were captured on a 14 ha area on the ridgeline (Ridge subplot) at 1150-1200 m elevation and on a 19 ha area on the east slope (Octagon subplot) at 915-1100 m elevation. Both areas contained a gravel access road, several small buildings, and hiking trails with the addition of ski trail development through the Octagon area.

    • Minimum Altitude: 915 meters

    • Maximum Altitude: 1200 meters

    • Site Description: The study site was located on Mount Mansfield (44º 32' N, 72º 49'W) in Vermont, USA between 900-1200m elevation in montane fir forest. These sites have a mixed canopy dominated by balsam fir, with lesser amounts of white birch (Betula papyrifera var. cordifolia) and mountain ash (Sorbus spp.). The mountain containa areas altered by ski area development and unmanaged, natural areas. Focal species were found in both unaltered and altered habitat.

    • Minimum Altitude: 900 meters

    • Maximum Altitude: 1200 meters