Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative(802) Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of AmericaBaxter State Park leadBaxter State Park Scientific Forest Management Area - Continuous Forest InventoryThe Scientific Forest Management Area in Baxter State Park, Maine contains 111 plots established in 1996 to provide detailed assessments of the forest condition.Baxter State Park Scientific Forest Management Area - Continuous Forest InventorySypitkowskiEben DunhamSteve PounchMichaelManzoGeorgiatree growthforest inventorytree healthbaxter state parkforest compositionworking forestsBaxter State Park Sapling Measurements1999-08-17This dataset contains basic information about saplings measured within Baxter State Park as part of the CFI effort.Z1147_2403_R45591VMC.1147.2403mySQLBaxter State Park, Maine (2017) Baxter State Park Sapling Measurements. FEMC. Available online at: /femc/data/archive/project/Baxter_Park_sfma_cfi/dataset/baxter-state-park-sapling-measurements/femc/data/archive/project/baxter_park_sfma_cfi/dataset/baxter-state-park-sapling-measurementsBSPAIDBSPAIDDBHDBHdecimalMeasurement_YearMeasurement_YearintOBJECTIDOBJECTIDintQualityQualitytextAGSAcceptable growing stock, tree capable of producing sawlog product now or in future.UGSUn-acceptable growing stock, tree not capable of producing sawlog product now or in future.NALive Tree unkown AGS or UGS status.AGS+High quality tree potential veneer or clear sawlog now or in future.CULLLive Tree not capable of producing commercial product now or in future.UKNWNQuality is unknown or un-recordedRemarksRemarkstextSIDSIDtextSpeciesSpeciestextABITIS #19462, American beech (Fagus grandifolia)EHITIS #183397, Canada hemlock; hemlock spruce (Tsuga canadensis)HHITIS #19511, eastern hophornbeam; hophornbeam (Ostrya virginiana)NCNone #, Custom Species Code ( )PBITIS #19489, paper birch (Betula papyrifera)BFITIS #18032, balsam fir (Abies balsamea)QAITIS #195773, quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides)RMITIS #28728, red maple (Acer rubrum)RSITIS #18034, red spruce (Picea rubens)SMITIS #28731, sugar maple (Acer saccharum)STITIS #28754, striped maple (Acer pensylvanicum)YBITIS #19481, yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis)WSITIS #183295, white spruce (Picea glauca)WPITIS #183385, eastern white pine (Pinus strobus)WCITIS #505490, arborvitae; eastern white cedar (Thuja occidentalis)WAITIS #32931, white ash (Fraxinus americana)TAITIS #183412, tamarack (Larix laricina)RPITIS #183375, red pine (Pinus resinosa)ROITIS #19408, northern red oak (Quercus rubra)PCITIS #24799, pin cherry (Prunus pensylvanica)BTITIS #22463, bigtooth aspen (Populus grandidentata)BSITIS #183302, black spruce; bog spruce (Picea mariana)bpITIS #22453, balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera)BCITIS #24764, black cherry (Prunus serotina)BAITIS #32945, black ash (Fraxinus nigra)AEITIS #19049, American elm (Ulmus americana)UNNone #, Custom Species Code ( )SWITIS #19300, swamp white oak (Quercus bicolor)HWSNone #, Custom Species Code ( )SWSNone #, Custom Species Code ( )StatusStatustext1Living2Living Ingrowth3Living Previously missed4Harvested5Dead brash failure6Dead Standing7Dead Uprooted8Dead on the Ground9Dead Ingrowth10Missing11Outside PlotStem_CountStem_CountintTallyGT0TallyGT0textTotal_HGTTotal_HGTintTree_NumberTree_Numberint