Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative(802) Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of AmericaNational Atmospheric Deposition Program AMNetleadVermont Monitoring Cooperative partnerAtmospheric Mercury Network (AMNet): Continuous monitoring of elemental and reactive mercuryThis project measures atmospheric mercury fractions which contribute to dry and total mercury deposition. Proctor Maple Research Center and VMC participate in a network of sites collecting concentrations of atmospheric mercury species from automated, continuous measuring systems coordinated by the National Atmospheric Deposition Program.Atmospheric Mercury Network (AMNet): Continuous monitoring of elemental and reactive mercuryWaiteCarlPendletonMiriamDuncanJamesOlsonMarkair qualityfluxdry depositionair pollutionmercuryGaseous Elemental, Gaseous Oxidized and Particulate-Bound Mercury Flux2013-06-122016-01-04Flux of gaseous elemental, gaseous oxidized and particulate-bound mercury measured with automated instrumentation at Proctor Maple Research CenterMeasure the atmospheric concentrations of various species of mercury to better understand spatiotemporal patterns of mercury input into Vermont and the regionZ0318_GaseousElementalReactiveMercuryFluxVMC.318.309mySQLNational Atmospheric Deposition Program (NRSP-3). 2017. NADP Program Office, Illinois State Water Survey,University of Illinois, Champaign, IL 61820. (2017). Gaseous Elemental, Gaseous Oxidized and Particulate-Bound Mercury Flux. FEMC. Can be found at: Gaseous Elemental, Gaseous Oxidized and Particulate-Bound Mercury Flux/femc/data/archive/project/atmospheric-mercury-network-amnet-continuous-monitoring/dataset/gaseous-elemental-gaseous-oxidized-particulate-boundlampV_AvgAverage lamp voltageAverage voltage of the lamp in the analyzer during samplingdecimalvolt0.0000001realRECORDRecord numberInstrument-assigned identification number for the recordintnumber1integerT1baselnBaseline voltageBaseline reading emitted by zero air (no mercury)decimalvolt0.001realT1blnstdBaseline voltage standard deviationStandard deviation of the baseline leveldecimalvolt0.001realT1eventSample event Code indicating the type of sample (elemental, reactive, particulate) assayedint0GEM1Flush2Pyrolyzer heating3PBM2.5 heating 4GOM heatingT1HgConcSample concentrationConcentration of mercury in the sampledecimalcustomPicogramsPerCubicMeter0.001realTIMESTAMPRecord timestampTime the record was captureddatetimeYYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:sstime_of_yearDay and time of yearDay of year plus decimal representation of hours, minutes and secondsdecimalnominalDay0.0001real0365TkCartridgeInstrument cartridge sampledThe cartridge within the instrument from which sample was analyzedtextTkDateInstrument dateDate as set on the instrumenttextTkhourInstrument hourHour as set on the instrumentintnominalHour1integer023TkminInstrument minuteMinutes as set on the instrumentintnominalMinute1integer059TkPeakAreaPeak areaArea under the curve recorded by Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy analysisintdimensionless1integerTkPeakMaxPeak voltageMaximum voltage obtained during the sample analysis phasedecimalvolt0.001realTkSmpDurationSample period durationDuration of the sampling periodintsecond1integerTkSmpVolumeSample volumeVolume of the sample analyzedintliter1integerTkStatusInstrument status codeCode indicating nature of operation of each cartridgetextTkTimeInstrument timeTime as set on the instrumentdatetimeotherTkTypeMode of operationType of operation the instrument ran during time periodtextT_2537A_C_AvgAverage temperature of analyzerAnalyzer's average temperature during samplingdecimalcelsius0.00001real