public read NADP Ammonia Concentration- one samplerForest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
705 Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of America
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) leadVermont Monitoring Cooperative partnerWeekly ammonia concentration from single samplerForest Ecosystem Monitoring CooperativeAquatic Acidification Index pilot study to measure airborne sulfur and nitrogen oxide concentrationsMiriamPendletonprincipalInvestigatorRichScheffeprincipalInvestigatorAcidification of waterbodies is linked to deposition of sulfur and nitrogen oxides. This project will assess the relationship between a proposed index of aquatic acidification due to airborne pollutants and the concentrations in air of ammonia, ammonium, nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides. Data comes from participation in both the Ammonia Monitoring Network (AMoN) and EPA's CASTNet. AMoN is a NADP network measuring NH3 concentrations across the United States with the goal of providing long term trends in ambient NH3 concentrations and depositions. The VMC air quality site began participating in this network in November 2012 as a component of the AAI. CASTNET is a national air quality monitoring network designed to provide data to assess trends in air quality, atmospheric deposition, and ecological effects due to changes in air pollutant emissions.CASTNET measurements are used to assess long-term, regional trends in sulfur and nitrogen pollutants.NADP Ammonia Concentration- one samplerWeekly ammonia concentration from single samplerVMC.312.413mySQL/femc/data/archive/project/aquatic-acidification-index-pilot-study-to/dataset/nadp-ammonia-concentration-one-sampler2012-11-20AIRVOLAIRVOLSample VolumedecimalmeternaturalCHNGDATECHNGDATEMost recent date and time any data values were edited within the NADPID setdatetimeM-DD-YYYY hh:mm:ssCONCCONCGaseous ammonia concentration, missing values are indicated by -9.00decimalmeternaturalENDDATEENDDATEEnd date and time of sample exposure, GMTdatetimeM-DD-YYYY hh:mm:ssEXPTIMEEXPTIMESample exposure timetimeotherEXTRACTVOLEXTRACTVOLFilter extract solution volumedecimalmeternaturalNADPIDNADPIDUnique NADP identifier of individual sample sets consisting of one or more sample replicates and a travel blank deployed together.textNH4NH4Measured ammonium ion concentration of filter extract, in mg/L of solution as NH4+; missing values are indicated by -9.00decimalmeternaturalNOTESNOTESSample notes flagstextQRQRQuality rating Code, A = Fully qualified with no problems, B= Valid data with minor problems, C = invalid datatextREPLICATEREPLICATESample replicate (A,B,C) or travel bank (T)textSITEIDSITEIDTwo-letter location designator followed by a two digit numbertextSTARTDATESTARTDATEStart date and time of sample exposure, GMTdatetimeM-DD-YYYY hh:mm:ss