public read Chemical ParametersForest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
705 Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of America
Vermont Agency of Natural Resources leadChemical features of each study siteForest Ecosystem Monitoring CooperativeAn Evaluation of the Chemical, Physical, and Biological Characteristics of Seasonal Pools and Northern White Cedar SwampsDougBurnhamcontentProviderEricSorensonprincipalInvestigatorWetland bioassessment of seasonal pools and white cedar swamps with an emphasis on determining presence/absence of macroinvertebrates. The effects of disturbance on the ecological integrity of seasonal pools and northern white cedar swamps were determined. Drawing on the expertise of the VT Nongame and Natural Heritage Program with the VT Department of Environmental Conservation's background in biocriteria development, this project captured a range of data on natural community composition and structure at these less common wetland sites.Chemical ParametersChemical features of each study siteVMC.332.353mySQL/femc/data/archive/project/an-evaluation-chemical-physical-biological-characteristics/dataset/chemical-parameters1999-01-012000-12-31SiteSite NameName of site visitedtextDateDateDate of site visitdatetimeMM/DD/YYYYVisitVisit NumberFirst or second visittextColorWater ColorWater color of pooldecimalmeterrealFieldField-Measured pHPool water pH measured in fielddecimalpHpHMeasure of water acidity/basicity decimalAlk.AlkalinityCapacity of pool water able to neutralize an aciddecimalmeterrealCondConductanceAbility of water to transmit through materialdecimalmeterrealCaCalcium ConcentrationConcentration of calcium in waterdecimalmeterrealNaSodium ConcentrationConcentration of sodium in waterdecimalmeterrealKPotassium ConcentrationConcentration of potassium in waterdecimalmeterrealMgMagnesium ConcentrationConcentration of magnesium in waterdecimalmeterrealAlAluminum ConcentrationConcentration of aluminum in waterdecimalmeterrealSO4Sulfate ConcentrationConcentration of sulfate in waterdecimalmeterrealNO3Nitrate ConcentrationConcentration of nitrate in waterdecimalmeterrealClChlorine ConcentrationConcentration of chlorine in waterdecimalmeterreal