Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative(802) Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of AmericaVermont Monitoring Cooperative funderVermont Reptile and Amphibian Atlas leadMiddlebury College partnerAmphibian Monitoring at the Lye Brook Wilderness and Mt. MansfieldThe Vermont Reptile and Amphibian Atlas Project collects and disseminates data needed to make informed recommendations regarding the state status, state rank, and conservation of Vermont’s reptiles and amphibians.Amphibian Monitoring at the Lye Brook Wilderness and Mt. MansfieldAndrewsJamesTrombulakStephenTolgyesiKristianne G.WrightKatherineTalmageErinpopulationsabundanceamphibiansreptilesAmphibian Drift Fence Captures on Mt. Mansfield and Lye Brook Wilderness Area1991-06-13Amphibian capture and physiological data from drift fences operated on Mt. Mansfield and in the Lye Brook Wilderness Area <p><b>Dataset Disclaimer</b>: This data is stratified when used in summary statistics and reports such as those included in this project. Users of this data should be aware that the raw data found within this dataset includes all of the data collected during the study, including some observations not used within the reports. To review the methodology on how annual comparisons are generated please refer to one of the Amphibian Monitoring Update reports found within the Document/Images section.<p/>Data collection to make informed recommendations regarding the state status, state rank, and conservation of Vermont’s reptiles and amphibians.Z0000_AmphibianDriftFenceVMC.349.443mySQLJames Andrews. 2017. Amphibian Drift Fence Captures on Mt. Mansfield and Lye Brook Wilderness Area. Vermont Reptile and Amphibian Atlas. FEMC. Can be found at : /femc/data/archive/project/amphibian-monitoring-lye-brook-wilderness-mt/dataset/amphibian-drift-fence-data/femc/data/archive/project/amphibian-monitoring-lye-brook-wilderness-mt/dataset/amphibian-drift-fence-data#_Field_workers#_Field_workersintAir_TempAir_TempintCommon_nameCommon_nametextDate_EnteredDate_EntereddateMM/DD/YYYYEnding_timeEnding_timetimehh:mmInfo_Info_textLarge_BlockLarge_BlocktextLatin_nameLatin_nametextLatitude_in_dec__degreesLatitude_in_dec__degreesdecimalLongitude_in_dec__degreesLongitude_in_dec__degreesdecimalNumber_egg_massesNumber_egg_massestextNumber_totalNumber_totalintNum_Field_workersNum_Field_workersintObservation_IDObservation_IDintOther_speciesOther_speciestextOther_species__Other_species__textOther_species___Other_species___textPhysical_infoPhysical_infotextSite_notesSite_notestextSite_notes__Site_notes__textSite_notes___Site_notes___textSpecific_locSpecific_loctextStarting_timeStarting_timetimehh:mmSV_valueSV_valueintTotal_timeTotal_timeintTotal_valueTotal_valueintCountyCountycounty in which animal was identified or collectedtextTownTownThe town in which sampling occurredtextLarge BlockBlock informationThe name of the larger block within which sampling was donetextDateDate of collectionThe date of the collectiondatetimeYYYY-MM-DDSiteSite informationThe site within the block that was being sampledtextLatin nameScientific nameThe scientific (Latin) name of the individual capturedtextAmbystoma maculatumITIS #173590, (Ambystoma maculatum)Pseudacris cruciferITIS #207303, (Pseudacris crucifer)Lithobates sylvaticusITIS #775117, Wood Frog (Lithobates sylvaticus)Lithobates palustrisITIS #775107, Pickerel Frog (Lithobates palustris)Eurycea bislineataITIS #173685, (Eurycea bislineata)Anaxyrus americanusITIS #773511, American Toad (Anaxyrus americanus)Gyrinophilus porphyriticusITIS #173715, Spring Salamander; salamandre pourpre (Gyrinophilus porphyriticus)Desmognathus fuscusITIS #173633, Northern Dusky Salamander; Dusky Salamander; salamandre sombre du nord (Desmognathus fuscus)Thamnophis sirtalisITIS #174136, (Thamnophis sirtalis)Notophthalmus viridescensITIS #173615, Eastern Newt; triton vert (Notophthalmus viridescens)Pletodon cinereusITIS #173649, (Plethodon cinereus)Lithobates clamitansITIS #775087, Green Frog (Lithobates clamitans)Hyla versicolorITIS #173503, Gray Treefrog (Hyla versicolor)Common nameCommon nameThe common name for the individualtextNumber totalTotal number capturedThe total number of individuals capturedintdimensionless1integer010000SV valueSnout to vent lengthstandard length measurement for amphibians (tip of snout to end of vent)decimalmillimeter0.1realTotal valueTotal lengthThe total length of the specimendecimalmillimeter0.1realPhysical infoPhysical informationPhysical information about the speciestextSpecific locSpecific locationThe specific location of the data collectiontextStatusVisit statusThe outcome of the search in terms of species detectiontextInfoGeneral informationGeneral information about the specific visittextWeatherWeather on search dateDescription of the weather on search datetextAir TempAir temperatureAir temperature at time of data collectiondecimalcelsius0.01realMethodMethod of captureHow the specimen was capturedtextStarting timeStarting timeThe time when the search begaintexthh:mmEnding timeEnding timeThe time when the search was endedtexthh:mmTotal timeTotal timeTotal time spent searching on this dateintminute1integerNamesNames of field workersThe names of field workerstextNum field workersNumber of field workersThe number of workers collecting data for this survey (indicator of search intensity)intdimensionless1integerSite notesSite notesNotes about the site at the time of collectiontextOther speciesOther species observedOther species observed during the visittextClassSpecies classCommon name of the species class, reptile or amphibiantextOrderSpecies orderThe scientific name of the order of the specimentextDate EnteredDate enteredDate the data was originally entereddatetimeYYYY-MM-DDObservation IDObservation IDA unique record identifying the particular observationint