Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

Wild Brook Trout Monitoring in the West Branch of the Little River and Ranch Brook: Young of Year Brook Trout Abundance

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  • Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

    • Address:
      705 Spear Street
      South Burlington, Vermont 05403
      United States of America

      Phone: (802) 391-4135


    Trout population surveys were conducted annually from 1997 through 2015 at 3 stations on the West Branch and 2 stations on Ranch Brook. Trout population surveys consisted of multiple run sampling with a 500-volt DC stream-side electrofisher. Survey sections were generally 250 ft in length and were conducted during the summer months (July-early August) when stream flow had subsided and brook trout young-of-year (yoy) became large enough to effectively sample.


  • Corrina Parnapy: Content Provider

  • Bret Ladago: Principal Investigator

  • Lee Simard: Principal Investigator


  • fish, rivers, trout, vermont, wildlife, young of year,

Geographic Coverage

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    Data Table

    • Title: Young of Year Brook Trout Abundance
    • Start Date: 1987-01-01
    • Description: Trout population surveys were conducted throughout the state beginning in 1987 at Sugarbush Resorts and since 1997 at Stowe Mountain. Surveys consisted of multiple run sampling with a 500-volt DC stream-side electrofisher. Survey sections were generally 250 ft in length and were conducted during the summer months (July-early August) when stream flow had subsided and brook trout young-of-year (YOY) became large enough to effectively sample. Note that YOY brook trout abundance is generally more variable than that of adult abundance.

    • Purpose: This evaluation initially focused on the potential effects of ski area development and snowmaking water withdrawals on brook trout populations, these data also provide valuable insights into the effects of broader environmental variables over the long term.

    • Condensed Title:

    • Object Name: VMC.1081.2642

    • Data Type: mySQL
    • Citation: Vermont Fish and Wildlife Derpartment (2018) Young of Year Brook Trout Abundance. FEMC. Available online at: /femc/data/archive/project/Wild-Brook-Trout-Monitoring-in-the-west-Branch-of-the-little-river-and-ranch-brook/dataset/young-year-brook-trout-abundance

    • Online Distribution: /femc/data/archive/project/Wild-Brook-Trout-Monitoring-in-the-west-Branch-of-the-little-river-and-ranch-brook/dataset/young-year-brook-trout-abundance

    Attribute List


    • No methods recorded for this dataset

    Sampling Equipment

    • No sampling equipment recorded for this dataset

    Site Characteristics

    • No site characteristics recorded for this dataset