public read Earthworm tally at all 18 sitesForest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
705 Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of America
Northeastern States Research Cooperative funderUniversity of Vermont Plant and Soil ScienceleadEarthworm counts and identification at 6 subplots each of the 18 sites in 2012 and 2013. Data are for three layers: the Oi/Oe horizon, 0-10 cm below the Oe, and 10-20 cm below the Oe.Forest Ecosystem Monitoring CooperativeLong-term Managed Forest Soil Monitoring for Carbon and NutrientsJulietteJuilleratcontentProviderSandraWilmotprincipalInvestigatorNancyBurtcontentProviderCharlieCogbillcontentProviderThomasVillarscontentProviderDonaldRossprincipalInvestigatorDavidBrynncontentProviderCarolineAlvescontentProviderMeghan KnowlescontentProviderJeff BriggscontentProviderLisa ThortoncontentProviderJosef³Òö°ù°ù±ð²õcontentProviderOngoing forest soil monitoring is essential for understanding the impact of human activities. With funding from the Northern States Research Cooperative, we established 18 plots in Vermont's managed forests. Most are located in federal, state and town forests, parks and management areas. The initial primary focus was on soil carbon, which serves as a major reservoir for carbon storage in forests. Initial soil sampling was done in 2008/2009, along with measurement of aboveground biomass. In 2012/2013 we resampled to determine earthworm numbers and species, and also performed a detailed land-use history of each site. In addition, four sites were resampled to assess the impact of partial harvesting on carbon in the forest floor. We hope that these plots will continue to provide a good baseline for future work.Earthworm tally at all 18 sitesEarthworm counts and identification at 6 subplots each of the 18 sites in 2012 and 2013. Data are for three layers: the Oi/Oe horizon, 0-10 cm below the Oe, and 10-20 cm below the Oe.VMC.1158.3945mySQL/femc/data/archive/project/Soil_Carbon_Monitoring/dataset/earthworm-tally-all-18-sites2012-05-032013-10-12Survey_DateSurvey DateDate that the worm count was performeddateM/D/YYYYSiteAbbreviation for siteThree letter abbreviation used for each sitetextPlot_degreePlot location (degrees)Location of the subplot from the plot center in degrees magnetic northtextDepthSoil layer sampled'Litter' is the Oi and Oe horizons, '0-10' is the depth in cm below the Oe horizon, and '10-20' is the second depth in cm below the Oe horziontextJuvenile_pigmntdCount of earthworms identified only as pigmented juvenileThese juvenile earthworms were not able to be identified by species in the field but only as far as 'pigmented' or 'unpigmented'.intJuvenile_unpigmCount of earthworms identified only as unpigmented juvenileThese juvenile earthworms were not able to be identified by species in the field but only as far as 'pigmented' or 'unpigmented'.intJuvenile_AporrectoCount of earthworms identified only as far as the genus AporrectodeaThese earthworms were not able to be identified to the species level in the field but only as far as the genus Aporrectodea.intJuvenile_LumbricCount of earthworms identified only as far as the genus LumbricusThese earthworms were not able to be identified to the species level in the field but only as far as the genus Lumbricus.intDendro_octaedraCount of Dendrobaena octaedraNumber of individual Dendrobaena octaedra in the plot layerintDendro_rubilusCount of Dendrobaena rubilusNumber of individual Dendrobaena rubilus in the plot layerintA_turgidaCount of Apporrectodea turgidaNumber of individual Apporrectodea turgida in the plot layerintA_roseaCount of Apporrectodea roseaNumber of individual Apporrectodea rosea in the plot layerintA_tuberculataCount of Apporrectodea tuberculataNumber of individual Apporrectodea tuberculata in the plot layerintA_trapizoidesCount of Apporrectodea trapizoidesNumber of individual Apporrectodea trapizoides in the plot layerintOctolasion_cyaneumCount of Octolasion cyaneumNumber of individual Octolasion cyaneum in the plot layerintOctolasion_tyrtacumCount of Octolasion tyrtacumNumber of individual Octolasion tyrtacum in the plot layerintLumbricus_terrestrisCount of Lumbricus terrestrisNumber of individual Lumbricus terrestris in the plot layerintLumbricus_rubelusCount of Lumbricus rubelusNumber of individual Lumbricus rubelus in the plot layerintUnknown_AporCount of non-juvenile unidentified Apporrectodea speciesNumber of individual non-juvenile unidentified Apporrectodea species in the plot layerintAmynthusCount of Amynthus generaNumber of individual Amynthus, not identified to species, in the plot layerintUnknownCount of unknown earthwormsNumber of individual earthworms not identified to species or genera or otherwise, in the plot layerintMounds_numberCount of surface midden moundsNumber of midden mounds on the surface of the litter layer, assumed to be a 1:1 correspondence to Lumbricus terrestris individualsintTOTAL_wormsSum of individual earthworm countsSum of individual earthworm counts (not including mound counts)intTotal_epigiecSum of individual earthworm counts of epigiec speciesSum of individual earthworm counts of Dendrobaena species, pigmented juveniles, and unknowns.intTotal_endogiecSum of individual earthworm counts of endogiec speciesSum of individual earthworm counts of Apporrectodea and Octolasion species, and unpigmented.intTotal_epi-endo_+_anecicSum of individual earthworm counts of epiendogiec and anecic speciesSum of individual earthworm counts of Lumbricus and Amynthus species, and mounds in the litter layer plots.intNumber_of_speciesNumber of unique earthworm speciesNumber of identified species. This does not include any unknown or