Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

FPR Fire weather Remote Automated Weather Stations (RAWS): Woodford State Park - 431303 - WFRV1

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Metadata Provider

  • Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

    • Address:
      705 Spear Street
      South Burlington, Vermont 05403
      United States of America

      Phone: (802) 391-4135


    Five Remote Automated Weather Stations (RAWS) are operated by Vermont Dept. of Forests, Parks and Recreation to predict fire danger.Three historical stations data records are also available. Continuous monitoring of meteorological variables to use in conjunction with other FEMC weather stations give improved spatial coverage of weather conditions around Vermont.


  • Tess Greaves: Principal Investigator


  • Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation: lead

Geographic Coverage

  • Coordinates
    • -73.125711, 42.890356
    • -71.701389, 42.890356
    • -71.701389, 44.767222
    • -73.125711, 44.767222
    • -73.125711, 42.890356

Data Table

  • Title: Woodford State Park - 431303 - WFRV1
  • Start Date: 2013-07-31
  • Description: Measurements of wind, temperature, relative humidity, dew point, solar radiation and precipitation to predict fire danger.

  • Purpose: To predict danger of wildfire in VT; to expand spatial coverage of meteorological observations in VT.

  • Condensed Title: Z1028_2053_NYSLO7

  • Object Name: VMC.1028.2053

  • Data Type: mySQL
  • Citation: VT ANR Dept. of Forest, Parks and Recreation Division of Forests University of Utah MesoWest Copyright © 2002-2016 University of Utah

  • Online Distribution: /femc/data/archive/project/Remote-Fire-Weather-Stations/dataset/woodford-state-park-431303-wfrv1

Attribute List

    Attribute Name: AirTempAveDegC
    • Label: Average Air Temperature
    • Description: Daily average air temperature
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Precision: 0.1
    • Unit: Degrees centigrade
    • Number Type: rational
      • Bounds:
      • Minimum: -100
      • Maximum: 100
    Attribute Name: AirTempMax
    • Label: Maximum Air Temperature
    • Description: Daily maximum air temperature
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Precision: 0.1
    • Unit: Degrees centigrade
    • Number Type: rational
      • Bounds:
      • Minimum: -100
      • Maximum: 100
    Attribute Name: AirTempMin
    • Label: Minimum Air Temperature
    • Description: Daily minimum air temperature
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Precision: 0.1
    • Unit: Degrees centigrade
    • Number Type: rational
      • Bounds:
      • Minimum: -100
      • Maximum: 100
    Attribute Name: BaroPresAvembar
    • Label: Average Barometric Pressure
    • Description: Daily average barometric pressure
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Precision: 0.01
    • Unit: millibars
    • Number Type: rational
    Attribute Name: FuelTempMinDegC
    • Label: Minimum Fuel Temperature
    • Description: Daily minimum fuel temperature
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Precision: 1
    • Unit: Degrees centigrade
    • Number Type: rational
      • Bounds:
      • Minimum: -100
      • Maximum: 100
    Attribute Name: Date
    • Label: Date
    • Description: Date data was collected
    • Storage Type: date
    • Measurment Type: datetime
    • String Format: M/D/YYYY
    • Unit: Day
    Attribute Name: DayOfRun
    • Label: Day Of Run
    • Description: Data record number
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    • Unit: Day
    Attribute Name: DayOfYear
    • Label: Day Of Year
    • Description: Day of year from 1 to 365
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: interval
    • Precision: 1
    • Unit: Day
    • Number Type: whole
      • Bounds:
      • Minimum: 1
      • Maximum: 365
    Attribute Name: FuelTempAveDegC
    • Label: Average fuel temperature
    • Description: Daily average temperature of fuel
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Precision: 0.1
    • Unit: Degrees centigrade
    • Number Type: rational
      • Bounds:
      • Minimum: -100
      • Maximum: 100
    Attribute Name: FuelTempMaxDegC
    • Label: Maximum Fuel Temperature
    • Description: Daily maximum fuel temperature
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Precision: 0.1
    • Unit: Degrees centigrade
    • Number Type: rational
      • Bounds:
      • Minimum: -100
      • Maximum: 100
    Attribute Name: GrowingDegreeDaysBase40
    • Label: GrowingDegreeDaysBase40
    • Storage Type: int
    Attribute Name: GrowingDegreeDaysBase50
    • Label: GrowingDegreeDaysBase50
    • Storage Type: int
    Attribute Name: HeatingDegreeDays
    • Label: HeatingDegreeDays
    • Storage Type: int
    Attribute Name: PrecipTotalmm
    • Label: Total Precipitation
    • Description: Daily total precipitation (mm)
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Precision: 0.01
    • Unit: millimeters
    • Number Type: rational
      • Bounds:
      • Minimum: 0
      • Maximum: 6000
    Attribute Name: RelativeHumidityAvePercent
    • Label: Average Relative Humidity
    • Description: Daily average relative humidity
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Precision: 1
    • Unit: percent
    • Number Type: whole
      • Bounds:
      • Minimum: 1
      • Maximum: 100
    Attribute Name: RelativeHumidityMaxPercent
    • Label: Maximum Relative Humidity
    • Description: Daily maximum relative humidity
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Precision: 1
    • Unit: percent
    • Number Type: whole
      • Bounds:
      • Minimum: 1
      • Maximum: 100
    Attribute Name: RelativeHumidityMinPercent
    • Label: Minimum Relative Humidity
    • Description: Daily minimum relative humidity
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Precision: 1
    • Unit: percent
    • Number Type: whole
      • Bounds:
      • Minimum: 0
      • Maximum: 100
    Attribute Name: SoilTempAveDegC
    • Label: Average Soil Temperature
    • Description: Daily average soil temperature
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Precision: 0.1
    • Unit: Degrees centigrade
    • Number Type: rational
      • Bounds:
      • Minimum: -100
      • Maximum: 100
    Attribute Name: SoilTempMaxDegC
    • Label: Maximum Soil Temperature
    • Description: Daily maximum soil temperature
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Precision: 0.1
    • Unit: Dgrees centigrade
    • Number Type: rational
      • Bounds:
      • Minimum: -100
      • Maximum: 100
    Attribute Name: SoilTempMinDegC
    • Label: Minimum Soil Temperature
    • Description: Daily minimum soil temperature
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Precision: 0.1
    • Unit: Degrees centigrade
    • Number Type: rational
      • Bounds:
      • Minimum: -100
      • Maximum: 100
    Attribute Name: SolarRadiationTotal_KW-hr-per-m2
    • Label: Total Solar Radiation
    • Description: Daily Total Solar Radiation
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Precision: 0.001
    • Unit: Kilowatt hour per meter squared (KW-hr-per-m2)
    • Number Type: rational
      • Bounds:
      • Minimum: 0
      • Maximum: 14
    Attribute Name: WindDirVector
    • Label: Wind Direction Vector
    • Description: Daily wind direction vector
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: interval
    • Precision: 1
    • Unit: degrees
    • Number Type: whole
      • Bounds:
      • Minimum: 1
      • Maximum: 360
    Attribute Name: WindSpeedAveMeterPerSecond
    • Label: Average Wind Speed
    • Description: Daily average wind speed
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Precision: 0.01
    • Unit: meters per second
    • Number Type: rational
      • Bounds:
      • Minimum: 0
      • Maximum: 135
    Attribute Name: WindSpeedGust
    • Label: Wind Speed Gust
    • Description: Daily highest wind speed gust
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Precision: 0.01
    • Unit: meters per second
    • Number Type: rational
      • Bounds:
      • Minimum: 0
      • Maximum: 135
    Attribute Name: Year
    • Label: Year
    • Description: Year data was collected
    • Storage Type: date
    • Measurment Type: datetime
    • String Format: YYYY
    • Unit: year


  • Current Methods
    • Meteorological variables
      • Started: 1999-05-01
      • Method Description: Meteorological data comes from five remote automated weather stations operated by VT FPR as part of a national network of stations used to predict fire danger. Variables measured are solar radiation, wind speed, wind direction, air temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure and precipitation. Some stations measure fuel temperature also. The data here are daily averages made available by MesoWest. For detailed information on each station visit MesoWest Weather Summary for Vermont
      • Instrumentation: Pyranometer, anemometer, temperature probes, Relative humidity sensor, barometric pressure sensor, tipping bucket.Quality Control Measures: VT FPR maintains the equipment and Mesowest aggregates and QA/QC checks the data published on its website

Sampling Equipment

  • No sampling equipment recorded for this dataset

Site Characteristics

  • Site Description: Woodford State Park Mobile Fire Weather Station ( WFRV1 )

  • Minimum Altitude: 706 meter

  • Maximum Altitude: 706 meter