Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

Mountain Birdwatch - VCE: Route Information

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Metadata Provider

  • Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

    • Address:
      705 Spear Street
      South Burlington, Vermont 05403
      United States of America

      Phone: (802) 391-4135


    Mountain Birdwatch (MBW) monitors songbirds that breed in the montane fir and spruce forests of the Northeast. MBW data provides the only region-wide source of population information on these high-elevation breeding birds. This project is in direct connection with the Mountain Birdwatch 2.0 data entry portal built by FEMC for VCE in fall of 2017. This improved data entry portal provides volunteers with easy access to their route information and then allows them to submit their completed route data, instantly transferring that data into VCE and FEMC's database.


  • Kent McFarland: Content Provider

  • Steven Faccio: Content Provider

  • John Lloyd: Principal Investigator

  • Jason Hill: Principal Investigator


  • forests, location, mountain birdwatch, northeast, northeastern forests, route information,


  • Vermont Center for Ecostudies VCE: lead
  • Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative (FEMC) : partner

Geographic Coverage

  • Coordinates

    Data Table

    • Title: Route Information
    • Start Date: 2010-06-01
    • Description: This dataset contains basic information about the routes use to conduct their bird, squirrel, and cone counts every for the MBW database. This dataset provides route name, sampling station id, state, latitude, longitude, and elevation.

    • Purpose: This dataset provides volunteers with basic information to find their routes.

    • Condensed Title: Z1215_2427_DJAV9Q

    • Object Name: VMC.1215.2427

    • Data Type: mySQL
    • Citation: Vermont Center For Ecostudies - Mountain Bird Watch (2017) Route Information. FEMC. Available online at: /femc/data/archive/project/MBW/dataset/route-information

    • Online Distribution: /femc/data/archive/project/MBW/dataset/route-information

    Attribute List

      Attribute Name: Elevation
      • Label: Elevation
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.0000001
      • Unit: meter
      • Number Type: rational
      Attribute Name: Latitude
      • Label: Latitude
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: Longitude
      • Label: Longitude
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: Route
      • Label: Route
      • Description: Name of the route
      • Storage Type: text
      • Measurment Type: nominal
      Attribute Name: Sampling_Station
      • Label: Sampling_Station
      • Description: Sampling station for that route
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: ordinal
      Attribute Name: State
      • Label: State
      • Description: State in which the route is located
      • Storage Type: text
      • Measurment Type: nominal


    • No methods recorded for this dataset

    Sampling Equipment

    • No sampling equipment recorded for this dataset

    Site Characteristics

    • Site Description: Maine - The routes were located at Abraham, Baker Mountain, Baldpate, Black Nubble, Brothers East, Caribou Pond West, Caribou Valley, Coburn, Coe, Doubletop Mountain, Katahdin, Katahdin South, Kibby Mountain, Kibby South, Lone Mountain, Merrill Strip, North Bottle Mountain, Old Blue Mountain, Redington Southeast, Sabbath Day Pond, Saddleback Junior, Speck Pond, Sugarloaf_ME, White Cap Pond, White Cap Pond Northeast, and Wiggle Sable Mill Brook.

    • Minimum Altitude: 640 meters

    • Maximum Altitude: 1238 meters

    • Site Description: New Hampshire - The routes were located at Bunnell Notch, Carter Dome, Cherry Mountain, Chocorua, Cleveland Notch, Crescent, Eisenhower, Engine Hill, Hancock, Huntington Ravine, Isolation, Jefferson Ravine, Madison East, Madison Gulf, Magalloway, Middle Moriah Mountain, Monroe Brook, Moosilauke North, Mount Blue East, Mount Jefferson West, Mount Moosilauke, Mt Martha, Nelson Crag, North Carter, North Peak, Osceola, Passaconaway, Pierce East, Pierce West, Prospect Hill, Resolution, Roble Brook, S

    • Minimum Altitude: 579 meters

    • Maximum Altitude: 1424 meters

    • Site Description: New York - The routes were located at Algonquin North, Algonquin South, Armstrong, Big Slide, Big Slide East, Big Slide South, Dix South, Gothics, Hedgehog, Hopkins Mountain South, Hunter North, Hunter South, Hunter West, Hurricane, Jay Mountain, Loon Mountain, Lower Wolfjaw Mountain, Lyon Mountain, Morgan Mountain, Plateau Mountain North, Plateau Mountain South, Porter, Saddleback Mountain East, Slide, Soda Range, and Wallface Ponds.

    • Minimum Altitude: 834 meters

    • Maximum Altitude: 1506 meters

    • Site Description: Vermont - The routes were located at Battell North, Battell South, Belvidere, Big Jay, Bolton East, Bolton Mountain, Bolton Southwest, Bread Loaf Mt, Burnt Mt, Cleveland, Dorset Peak, East Mountain, Equinox, Ethan Allen, Gillespie Peak, Gilpin, Glastenbury, Hunger, Killington, Killington North, Mansfield, Mansfield Adams Apple, Mansfield Nose, Mt Ellen, Stark South, Stratton, Styles Peak, Worcester, and Worcester West.

    • Minimum Altitude: 793 meters

    • Maximum Altitude: 1204 meters