EMMA Weather Station Data - Huyck Preserve: Huyck_Weather_Data_Apr_2020_ongoing
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► Metadata Provider
- Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
- Address:
705 Spear Street
South Burlington, Vermont 05403
United States of America
Phone: (802) 391-4135
Email: femc@uvm.edu
Website: www.uvm.edu/femc
► Abstract
These datasets are from the weather stations at the Edmund Niles, Huyck Preserve and Biological Research Station. Huyck Preserve is one of 14 sites recording data in the Hudson Valley as part of the .
► People
- Vicky Kelly: Principal Investigator
- Anne Rhoads: Principal Investigator
► Geographic Coverage
- Coordinates
► Data Table
- Title: Huyck_Weather_Data_Apr_2020_ongoing
- Start Date: 2020-04-02
- Description: Dataset Description: Half-hourly measurements of weather variables taken at the Edmund Niles, Huyck Preserve Eldridge Research Center. Values are averages unless otherwise specified. Campbell Scientific weather station
- Purpose: To monitor climate change in support the EMMA network, a regionally-coordinated ecological monitoring network dedicated to protecting ecological systems and developing sustainable stewardship practices through scientific research and public participation.
- Condensed Title: Z1024_3845_N1WFIA
- Object Name: VMC.1024.3845
- Data Type: mySQL
- Citation: Edmund Niles Huyck Preserve, Inc. and Biological Research Station. FEMC. Available online at: /femc/data/archive/project/EMMA-weather-data-Huyck/dataset/huyck_weather_data_apr_2020_ongoing
- Online Distribution: /femc/data/archive/project/EMMA-weather-data-Huyck/dataset/huyck_weather_data_apr_2020_ongoing
► Attribute List
- Attribute Name: AirTC
- Label: AirTC
- Description: Air Temperature
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.001
- Unit: C
- Attribute Name: AirTF
- Label: AirTF
- Description: Air Temperature
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.001
- Unit: F
- Attribute Name: BP_mbar
- Label: BP_mbar
- Description: Barometric Pressure
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.0001
- Unit: millibars
- Attribute Name: DewPntTempC
- Label: DewPntTempC
- Description: Dew Point Temperature
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.001
- Unit: C
- Attribute Name: DewPntTempF
- Label: DewPntTempF
- Description: Dew Point Temperature
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.001
- Unit: F
- Attribute Name: EC
- Label: EC
- Description: Soil Electrical Conductivity Sensor 1 buried at 12 inches
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.001
- Unit: milliSiemens
- Attribute Name: EC_2
- Label: EC_2
- Description: Soil Electrical Conductivity Sensor 2 buried at 18 inches
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.001
- Unit: milliSiemens
- Attribute Name: EC_3
- Label: EC_3
- Description: Soil Electrical Conductivity Sensor 3 buried at 24 inches
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.001
- Unit: milliSiemens
- Attribute Name: HeatIndex_C
- Label: HeatIndex_C
- Description: Heat Index
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.001
- Unit: C
- Attribute Name: HeatIndex_F
- Label: HeatIndex_F
- Description: Heat Index
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.001
- Unit: F
- Attribute Name: Rain_in_Tot
- Label: Rain_in_Tot
- Description: Total Precipitation
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.01
- Unit: inches
- Attribute Name: RH
- Label: RH
- Description: Relative Humidity
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.01
- Unit: percent
- Attribute Name: SlrW
- Label: SlrW
- Description: Solar Radiation
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.001
- Unit: Watts per m^2
- Attribute Name: SoilTemp
- Label: SoilTemp
- Description: Soil Temperature Sensor 1 buried at 12 inches
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.001
- Unit: C
- Attribute Name: SoilTemp_2
- Label: SoilTemp_2
- Description: Soil Temperature Sensor 2 buried at 18 inches
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.001
- Unit: C
- Attribute Name: SoilTemp_3
- Label: SoilTemp_3
- Description: Soil Temperature Sensor 3 buried at 24 inches
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.001
- Unit: C
- Attribute Name: SoilTemp_F
- Label: SoilTemp_F
- Description: Soil Temperature Sensor 1 buried at 12 inches
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.01
- Unit: F
- Attribute Name: SoilTemp_F2
- Label: SoilTemp_F2
- Description: Soil Temperature Sensor 2 buried at 18 inches
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.01
- Unit: F
- Attribute Name: SoilTemp_F3
- Label: SoilTemp_F3
- Description: Soil Temperature Sensor 3 buried at 24 inches
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.01
- Unit: F
- Attribute Name: Timestamp_(UTC-4)
- Label: Timestamp_(UTC-4)
- Description: Datetime
- Storage Type: datetime
- Measurment Type: datetime
- String Format: M/D/YYYY hh:mm
- Attribute Name: Vapor_Press
- Label: Vapor_Press
- Description: Vapor Pressure
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.001
- Unit: kPa
- Attribute Name: VWC
- Label: VWC
- Description: Soil Volumetric Water Content Sensor 1 buried at 12 inches
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.001
- Unit: unitless
- Attribute Name: VWC_2
- Label: VWC_2
- Description: Soil Volumetric Water Content Sensor 2 buried at 18 inches
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.001
- Unit: unitless
- Attribute Name: VWC_3
- Label: VWC_3
- Description: Soil Volumetric Water Content Sensor 3 buried at 24 inches
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.001
- Unit: unitless
- Attribute Name: WindChill_C
- Label: WindChill_C
- Description: Wind Chill Factor
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.001
- Unit: C
- Attribute Name: WindChill_F
- Label: WindChill_F
- Description: Wind Chill Factor
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.001
- Unit: F
- Attribute Name: WindDir_D1_WVT
- Label: WindDir_D1_WVT
- Description: Wind Direction
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.001
- Unit: degrees
- Attribute Name: WindDir_SD1_WVT
- Label: WindDir_SD1_WVT
- Description: Standard Deviation of Wind Direction
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.001
- Unit: degrees
- Attribute Name: WS_mph_Max
- Label: WS_mph_Max
- Description: Maximum Wind Speed
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.001
- Unit: mph
- Attribute Name: WS_ms_Max
- Label: WS_ms_Max
- Description: Maximum Wind Speed
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.001
- Unit: mps
- Attribute Name: WS_ms_S_WVT
- Label: WS_ms_S_WVT
- Description: Scalar Wind Speed
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.001
- Unit: mps
► Methods
- Current Methods
- Campbell Scientific Weather Station
- Started: 2020-04-02
- Method Description: Half-hourly measurements of weather variables taken at the Huyck Preserve Eldridge Research Center. Values are averages unless otherwise specified.
- Started: 2020-04-02
► Sampling Equipment
- Current Equipment
- Barometric Pressure
- Started: 2020-04-02
- Sampling Description: Setra 278 Barometer
- Frequency: 30 minutes
- Campbell Scientific Weather Station
- Started: 2020-04-02
- Sampling Description: Half-hourly measurements of weather variables taken at the Huyck Preserve Eldridge Research Center. Values are averages unless otherwise specified.
- Frequency: half hour
- Datalogger
- Started: 2020-04-02
- Sampling Description: Campbell Scientific CR310 Datalogger
- Frequency: 30 minutes
- Precipitation
- Started: 2020-04-02
- Sampling Description: Texas Instruments TE525 Electronic Rain Gauge
- Frequency: 30 minutes
- Soil Sensors
- Started: 2020-04-02
- Sampling Description: Campbell Scientific CS655 12 cm Soil Moisture and Temperature Sensor
- Frequency: 30 minutes
- Solar Radiation
- Started: 2020-04-02
- Sampling Description: Apogee Digital Thermopile Pyranometer
- Frequency: 30 minutes
- Temperature / Humidity
- Started: 2020-04-02
- Sampling Description: Campbell Scientific CS215 Temperature / Humidity Sensor
- Frequency: 30 minutes
- Wind Speed & Direction
- Started: 2020-04-02
- Sampling Description: RM Young Wind Monitor
- Frequency: 30 minutes
► Site Characteristics
- Site Description: Edmund Niles Huyck Preserve, Inc. and Biological Research Station
- Minimum Altitude: 1650 feet