Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative(802) Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of AmericaEMMA Weather Station Data - Louis Calder CenterThese datasets are from the weather station at the Louis Calder Center. The Louis Calder Center is one of 14 sites recording data in the Hudson Valley as part of the <a href=''>Environmental Monitoring and Management Alliance (EMMA)</a>.EMMA Weather Station Data - Louis Calder CenterKellyVickyScrivanosKerriCharlopLindsayPerroneAlissaclimate changeclimateprecipitationtemperatureweatherwindsoilEMMAsolarleafCalder Center Calder Hall Weather Station2014-07-30Measurements of temperature, precipitation, humidity, dew point, wind speed, wind direction, barometric pressure, solar radiation and energy, soil moisture, soil temperature, and leaf wetness.To monitor climate change in support the <a href=''>Environmental Monitoring & Management Alliance (EMMA)</a>, a regionally-coordinated ecological monitoring network dedicated to protecting ecological systems and developing sustainable stewardship practices through scientific research and public participation.Z1023_2065_G9P8B1VMC.1023.2065mySQLWe ask that the end user acknowledge the source in any reports, publications, or presentations using these data. As an example: "We thank the Louis Calder Center, the Biological Field Station of Fordham University for providing weather data (from NY, years, etc. whatever descriptor you choose). FEMC. Can be found at: /femc/data/archive/project/EMMA-weather-data-Calder/dataset/calder-center-forest-weather-station/femc/data/archive/project/EMMA-weather-data-Calder/dataset/calder-center-lawn-weather-stationDATEDateDate data was reporteddatetimeD-M-YY-1TIMETimeTime data was reportedtimehh:mm:ss-1TEMP_OUTOutside TemperatureAverage Temperature at 30 minute intervals, collected every 15 seconds-1D-M-YY-1HI_TEMPMaximum temperatureHighest temperature recorded in a 30 minute interval-1D-M-YY-1LOW_TEMPMinimum temperatureLowest temperature recorded in a 30 minute interval-1D-M-YY-1OUT_HUMOutside humidityAverage humidity reported at 30 minute invervals (collected every 15 seconds)-1-1DEW_PT.Dew pointCalculated using temperature and humidity at the time dew point is reported (every 30 minutes)-1D-M-YY-1WIND_SPEEDWind speedAverage wind speed reported at 30 minute intervals (collected every 15 seconds)-1-1WIND_DIRWind directionIf wind speed is greater than 0 when the WeatherLink samples wind direction, it places a "marker" into one of sixteen "bins"that correspond to sixteen compass points. At the time of the archive, the WeatherLink determines which bin contains the most markers and writes the corresponding wind directio-1WIND_RUNWind RunMeasures "amount" of wind passing the station during a given period of time. Calculated by multiplying average wind speed with archive interval (30 min)-1-1HI_SPEEDMaximum wind speedHighest wind speed during the 30 min interval-1-1HI_DIRDirection of wind when at its highest speedDirection of wind when at its highest speed-1WIND_CHILLWind chillWind chill-1D-M-YY-1HEAT_INDEXHeat indexCalculate using temperature and relative humidity at the time heat index is reported (every 30 minutes)-1D-M-YY-1THW_INDEXTemperature, humidity, wind indexUses humidity, temperature and wind to calculate an apparent temperature that incorporates the cooling effects of wind on our perception of temperature-1D-M-YY-1THSW_INDEXTemperature, humidity, sun, wind indexUses humidity, temperature, the cooling effects of wind and the heating effects of direct solar radiation to calculate an apparent temperature-1D-M-YY-1BARbarometerMeasured every 15 minutes but reported every 30 minutes-1-1RAINRainfallCompares the current total rain value to the previous total rain entry in the archive to determine the amount of rainfall that occurred during the 30 minute interval-1-1RAIN_RATERain ratecalculated by measuring the time interval between each rainfall increment. When there is rainfall within the archive period, the highest measured value is reported. When no rainfall occurs, the rain rate will slowly decay based on the elapse time since the last measured rainfall-1-1SOLAR_RADSolar RadiationAverage solar radiation reported at 30 minute intervals (collected every 15 seconds)-1-1SOLAR_ENERGYSolar energyReported as amount accumulated solar radiation energy over a period of time measured in Langleys-1-1HI SOLAR_RADMaximum solar radiationMaxiumum solar radiatoin measured during the 30 min interval-1-1UV_INDEXUV indexAverage UV measured reported at 30 minute intervals (collected every 15 seconds)-1-1UV_DOSEMinimum Erythemal Dose of UVMinimum Erythemal Dose of UV-1-1HI_UVMaximum UVHighest UV reading during a 30 minute interval-1-1HEAT_D-DHeating degree daysUses an integration method, where the software calculates degree-days using the average temperature (above a base threshold) for an interval and the interval time-1-1COOL_D-DCooling degree daysUses an integration method, where the software calculates degree-days using the average temperature (below a base threshold) for an interval and the interval time-1D-M-YY-1IN_TEMPIndoor temperatureIndoor temperature-1D-M-YY-1IN_HUMIndoor humidityIndoor humidity-1-1IN_DEWIndoor dew pointIndoor dew point-1D-M-YY-1IN_HEATin heat-1D-M-YY-1In_EMCIndoor Equiplibrium Moisture ContentIndoor Equiplibrium Moisture Contentdecimal0.01In_Air_DensityIndoor air densitydecimal0.0001ETEvapotranspirationEvapotranspirationdecimal0.001SOIL 1_MOIST.Soil moistureSoil moisture reading at a depth of 10cm-1-1SOIL2_MOIST.Soil moistureSoil moisture reading at a depth of 30 cm-1-1SOIL_TEMP1Soil temperatureSoil temperature reading at a depth of 5cm-1D-M-YY-1SOIL_TEMP2Soil TemperatureSoil temperature reading at a depth of 10 cm-1D-M-YY-1LEAF_WET1Leaf wetnessMeasures the conductivity across the grid and displays the result as moisture level, scaled from 0 to 15-1-1Wind_SampNumber wind packets received during the archive intervalThe number of wind packets received during the archive intervalint1Wind_TxRF Channel for wind dataThe RF Channel for wind dataintISS_RECEPTISS reception-1Arc__Int_Archival IntervalHow often the data logger collects dataint1integer