public read Birch Condition SurveyForest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
705 Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of America
Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and RecreationleadThe data associated with the Birch Condition Survey.Forest Ecosystem Monitoring CooperativeBirch Condition SurveySandraWilmotprincipalInvestigatorBarbaraSchultzprincipalInvestigatorThe purpose of this survey was to evaluate birch dieback and decline and to collect information on possible contributing factors. Paper birch stands defoliated by birch leaf miners and/or birch skeletonizers were monitored from 1993 to 2002. This survey mainly focused on paper birch stands but defoliated yellow birch stands were also evaluated. Sites were selected on state lands or stands with cooperative landowners, where no future logging was planned. Tree health assessments were conducted every-other year.Birch Condition SurveyThe data associated with the Birch Condition Survey.VMC.1140.2384mySQL/femc/data/archive/project/Birch_condition_survey/dataset/birch-condition-survey-11993-08-012002-08-01%_DIE_%_DIE_Percent crown dieback recorded in 5% incrementsint%_TRNS_%_TRNS_No description for this attributeintno dataASPECT_(AZ)ASPECT_(AZ)Take in degrees azimuth from point center lookingintBTLS_BTLS_No description for this attributeno dataBz__B__BORERBz__B__BORERNo description for this attributeno dataCNKR/LES_CNKR/LES_No description for this attributeno dataCONKSCONKSNo description for this attributeno dataCRN__BRK_CRN__BRK_No description for this attributeno dataCRN__CLS_CRN__CLS_No description for this attributeint1open grown2dominant3codominant4intermediate5overtopped(suppressed)CRN__DENS_CRN__DENS_No description for this attributeintno dataCRN__VIG_CRN__VIG_NAMP ratingsint1healthy; <10% dieback2light decline; 10-25% dieback3moderate decline, 26-50%4severe decline; >50% dieback5standing dead6dead tree on ground or removedDAM__FOL_DAM__FOL_No description for this attributeno dataDATEDATENo description for this attributetextDBHDBHNo description for this attributeintno dataDISC__FOL_DISC__FOL_No description for this attributetextDRAINAGEDRAINAGENo description for this attributetextELEVATIONELEVATIONNo description for this attributeintno dataLOCATIONLOCATIONNo description for this attributetextOBLIQ_OBLIQ_No description for this attributeno dataOUTCROPS_(Y/N)OUTCROPS_(Y/N)No description for this attributetextPOINT_#POINT_#No description for this attributeintno dataREMARKSREMARKSNo description for this attributetextSAP-SCKRSAP-SCKRNo description for this attributeno dataSEAMSSEAMSNo description for this attributeno dataSLOPE_(%)SLOPE_(%)Take percent slope across point center by standing 50 feet uphill from center and sighting on second person 50 feet downhill. intSPP_Tree SpeciesNo description for this attributeint212balsam fir97red spruce129eastern white pine135260hemlock261eastern hemlock313boxelder315striped maple316red maple318319mountain maple325345361371yelow birch372sweet birch375paper birch391American hornbeam; musclewood531American beech541white ash601butternut633675701eastern hophornbeam; ironwood746quaking aspen761pin cherry833northern red oak855935American mountain-ash3187371637573758STEM_BRK_STEM_BRK_No description for this attributeno dataSTEM_WDS_STEM_WDS_No description for this attributeintno dataTREE_#TREE_#Number trees consecutively, beginning with the first tree to the right of north. intVT_ATLAS_GRID_EVT_ATLAS_GRID_ENo description for this attributeintno dataVT_ATLAS_GRID_NVT_ATLAS_GRID_NNo description for this attributetextYEARS_DEFOLIATEDYEARS_DEFOLIATEDNo description for this attributetext