StartDate,EndDate,Progress,Duration_seconds,Finished,RecordedDate,DistributionChannel,UserLanguage,Q2,Q3,Q4,Q5,Q5_5_TEXT,Q6,Q6_8_TEXT,Q6_9_TEXT,Q9_1,Q9_2,Q9_3,Q9_4,Q9_5,Q9_6,Q9_7,Q9_8,Q9_9,Q9_10,Q9_11,Q9_12,Q9_13,Q9_14,Q9_14_TEXT,Q10_1,Q10_2,Q11,Q11_4_TEXT,Q12,Q13,Q13_5_TEXT,Q14,Q15,Q16,Q17,Q18,Q19 5/26/20 12:48,5/26/20 12:53,100,338,True,5/26/20 12:53,email,EN,Yes,Yes,The spreadsheet of recommendations and other notes from the webinar were used as the baseline to then create specific guidelines for our organization to adapt and continue our field work throughout this spring and for the duration.,Program support staff,No Response,"Estuarine,River or stream",No Response,No Response,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,Unknown / TBD,Unknown / TBD,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Loss in number of volunteers,Loss of staff or staff time",No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"California, USA",No Response,No Response 5/26/20 13:23,5/26/20 13:26,100,132,True,5/26/20 13:26,email,EN,Yes,Yes,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Lake or pond,River or stream,Beach,Wetland,Groundwater",No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Definitely will not implement,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,Yes,Yes,"Need(ed) to create,Used/will use videos from another organization",No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers,Loss of staff or staff time",No Response,<25% annual income,"$10,001-$25,000",No Response,Wisconsin,No Response,No Response 5/26/20 13:28,5/26/20 13:34,100,352,True,5/26/20 13:34,email,EN,Yes,Yes,"Suggestions for completing sampling while practising physical distancing and working alone protocols. I have shared webinar information and resources with my network of community based watershed groups. ",Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Marine,Estuarine,Lake or pond,River or stream,Wetland,Other type of environment, phenomenon, animal, etc. (i.e., something not related to water) (please describe)","FIsh sampling, macroinvertebrates, terresterial animals ",No Response,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,Unlikely to implement,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,Yes,Yes,Need(ed) to create,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program",No Response,<25% annual income,No Response,No Response,PEI Canada,No Response,Thanks for the follow-up! 5/26/20 13:30,5/26/20 13:36,100,386,True,5/26/20 13:36,email,EN,Yes,Yes,There is a generic template that will allow us to compile data in a shared format.,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Estuarine,Lake or pond,River or stream,Wetland,Groundwater",No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Definitely will not implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,No Response,No Response,No,No,No Response,No Response,No Response,Other type of loss or negative outcome (please describe),"Increased mileage costs, work takes longer",No Response,No Response,None ,PEI,None at the moment,No Response 5/26/20 13:24,5/26/20 13:40,100,979,True,5/26/20 13:40,email,EN,Yes,Yes,"I learned about the methods that other states and programs are using in order to safely take data without spreading the virus, while still being efficient. I will plan to use that information to help our own team with sampling while staying safe!",Volunteer monitor,No Response,"Marine,Estuarine,Lake or pond,River or stream,Beach,Wetland",No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,Massachusetts,What methods do the other programs have so far at getting to a place where parking lots are closed for data analysis?,I am a volunteer 5/26/20 14:13,5/26/20 14:21,100,494,True,5/26/20 14:21,email,EN,Yes,Unsure,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,River or stream,No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,Unknown / TBD,Yes,Need(ed) to create,No Response,No Response,Reduction in number of data observations,No Response,No Response,No Response,Initial slow down of collected data allowed for in depth review of entire program.,Colorado,No Response,No Response 5/26/20 14:32,5/26/20 14:40,100,491,True,5/26/20 14:40,email,EN,Yes,Yes,"I don't remember the specifics, but could access the information later. But, I remember there were some good ideas regarding training, calibrating instruments, and sampling to still meet social distancing guidelines. This is important because many volunteers (and me too) are of a certain age if you know what I mean! ",Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,Estuarine,No Response,No Response,No Response,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,No Response,No Response,Unknown / TBD,Unknown / TBD,No Response,No Response,No Response,Reduction in number of data observations,No Response,No Response,No Response,no benefits,Massachusetts,No Response,"thanks for the webinar and presentation, very effective use of google drive and webinar format" 5/26/20 14:37,5/26/20 14:49,100,715,True,5/26/20 14:49,email,EN,Yes,Yes,The google spreadsheet was great. I've shared that with many water quality monitoring programs in the region as it provides clear direction and considerations to be made for every level needed when running a monitoring program.,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Marine,Estuarine,River or stream,Beach",No Response,No Response,No Response,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,No Response,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers,Loss of staff or staff time",No Response,No Response,No Response,Strengthened the need for communication and sharing practices among the many volunteer and NGO groups that conduct monitoring. Also improving communication to state agencies to help protect and guide volunteers on best practices.,New York and New Jersey,"Better understanding as to how long groups should wait to monitoring CSO-impacted waters. This is a major concern for the region, though more research is needed to understand SARS-CoV-2 in the environment.",No Response 5/26/20 14:40,5/26/20 15:01,100,1270,True,5/26/20 15:01,email,EN,Yes,Yes,"We are reopening volunteer sampling opportunities at the beginning of April with updated safety protocols shared by email. For example, hand sanitizer is now provided in every sampling kit, alternative pick-up/drop-off sites are offered, only single-household teams are encouraged with no carpooling for volunteers from more than one household. ",Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Lake or pond,River or stream",No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Providing no-contact hand off of equipment and samples.,Unknown / TBD,Yes,"Existed for my program,Need(ed) to create",No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers,Other type of loss or negative outcome (please describe)",Elimination of in-person educational and outreach events.,<25% annual income,"$100,001 - $150,000","Luckily, we were able to get a PPP loan to support staff for two months. If we successfully record online training workshops, it will increase our capacity against future disruptions due to shutdowns or even scheduling conflicts.","North Carolina, US",Best practices and technical resources for leading online/recorded trainings.,Thank you for taking an interest in this topic! 5/26/20 15:15,5/26/20 15:17,100,130,True,5/26/20 15:17,email,EN,Yes,Unsure,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"River or stream,Wetland",No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Likely to implement,Definitely will not implement,Likely to implement,Definitely will not implement,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,Loss in number of volunteers,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,West Virginia,No Response,No Response 5/26/20 15:17,5/26/20 15:30,100,744,True,5/26/20 15:30,email,EN,Yes,Yes,"I sent the spreadsheet to my staff, and we included some information in the newsletter to volunteers such as limiting sampling teams to people who live in the same household and being extra cautious in streams that may receive raw sewage.",Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"River or stream,Groundwater",No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,No Response,No Response,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,No Response,No Response,Unknown / TBD,Unknown / TBD,No Response,No Response,"We have reduced by half the number of volunteers that can sign up for face-to-face trainings. We are exploring how to host a virtual water festival for children in the fall. We have done lots of online education through FB videos and FB live events. Social media efforts have been in addition to, not in lieu of, the training required for certification. It is likely that we will develop an online version of the 16-hour training required for certification.","Reduction in number of data observations,Other type of loss or negative outcome (please describe)","We are about to enter fish collection season. It is likely that many volunteers will choose not to fish with us. Since fish collections occur at each site every 4-5 years, this is a substantial loss in participation.",No Response,No Response,"We needed to move more into the realm of online/virtual education before the COVID-19 crisis. This has pushed us (hard!) in a direction we already needed to go. Staff have learned an impressive list of new skills in a relatively short time. Responses to FB videos have been overwhelmingly positive, and staff are excited about exploring this mode of education in more depth.",Oklahoma,"We could use more training on conducting effective online trainings. We could also use some training on producing really excellent, short educational videos. ",No Response 5/26/20 15:57,5/26/20 16:07,100,600,True,5/26/20 16:07,email,EN,Yes,No,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,River or stream,No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,No Response,Have implemented,Definitely will not implement,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,I am letting the parent organization WAV handle any changes they want made. I feel that people can be adults and can plan to be outside if they want and don't see the need to inundate them with more instructions. Everyone knows how to distance now. I offered that if anyone didn't feel comfortable monitoring this year that they should simply let me know. I had 3 teams out of about 30 that are opting to not monitor this year. All my people that needed training this year were joining an experienced team so I will work with them individually to get them started. ,"Reduction in number of data observations,Loss in number of volunteers",No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,Wisconsin,No Response,No Response 5/26/20 18:54,5/26/20 19:05,100,640,True,5/26/20 19:05,email,EN,Yes,Yes,I learned how other organizations are preparing for field work during the current pandemic. I plan to use the information and resources shared to guide volunteer monitoring activities for my groups.,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,River or stream,No Response,No Response,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,No Response,No Response,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,No Response,No Response,Unknown / TBD,Unknown / TBD,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Loss in number of volunteers",No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Ohio River Watershed - Multiple States, United States",General information sharing with other monitoring groups is the most valuable benefit overall.,I hope that these webinars continue to share knowledge between groups to promote best practices in the field during this dynamic and ever-changing crisis. 5/26/20 16:41,5/26/20 20:36,100,14062,True,5/26/20 20:36,email,EN,"No, but I watched the recording or reviewed available online materials",Yes,Volunteer-specific COVID-19 guidance; will summarize and send out to our volunteers within the week.,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Lake or pond,River or stream",No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Definitely will not implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,No Response,No Response,No,No,No Response,No Response,No Response,Reduction in number of data observations,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"CT, USA",No Response,No Response 5/26/20 22:29,5/26/20 22:36,100,381,True,5/26/20 22:36,email,EN,Yes,Yes,"Plan to share COVID tips, including online training resources with staff that are coordinating community science projects within our program.",Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Estuarine,Beach,Other type of environment, phenomenon, animal, etc. (i.e., something not related to water) (please describe)",horseshoe crab spawning,No Response,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Loss in number of volunteers,Loss of staff or staff time",No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,Delaware,No Response,No Response 5/27/20 0:34,5/27/20 0:39,100,327,True,5/27/20 0:39,email,EN,Yes,Unsure,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Marine,Estuarine",No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Definitely will not implement,No Response,No Response,Have implemented,Likely to implement,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Loss in number of volunteers,Loss of staff or staff time,Other type of loss or negative outcome (please describe)",Data quality challenges due to lack of refresher training and site visit,No Response,No Response,"Potentially more opportunities for more genuine and caring interactions with volunteers, ",Washington,No Response,No Response 5/27/20 9:54,5/27/20 10:14,100,1243,True,5/27/20 10:14,email,EN,Yes,Yes,The webinar and materials were most useful to me as a coordinator for a volunteer sampling program. We have already used many of the suggestions for protocols during each part of a volunteer monitoring event to develop a COVID-safe sampling guide for our samplers. We expect to continue using this information and best practices while beginning our summer sampling programs with our interns.,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Lake or pond,River or stream",No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,No Response,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,No Response,No Response,Yes,Yes,"Existed for my program,Other (please describe)",Also updated with new protocols,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Loss of staff or staff time",No Response,No Response,No Response,More social connection between samplers; new ways of training.,Massachusetts,No Response,No Response 5/27/20 10:21,5/27/20 10:36,100,885,True,5/27/20 10:36,email,EN,Yes,Yes,"I learned that due to Covid19 in human waste, the presence of the virus is still in wastewater for several days. Because of this, we (Parker River Clean Water Association) will not be sampling water quality until the risks are reduced. But, we have lots of data analysis to complete, so this is a plus.",Program administrator,No Response,"Estuarine,Lake or pond,River or stream,Wetland",No Response,No Response,Have implemented,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,No Response,Focus on comleting and sharing data analysis,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"We are creating a newsletter, online, something new for the PRCWA. We also are creating an app for cellphone use to share photos of the watershed while staying socially distanced.","Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers,Other type of loss or negative outcome (please describe)","Loss of momentun in addressing ""hot spots"" of concern.",26-50% annual income,"<$10,000",More focused on sharing the state of the watershed with the public through crowdsourced apps (like Survey123). We are also working more with the towns to iniate the vulnerability studies of our coastline to climate change.,"Massachusetts, USA","Remote sampling successes - what is the eqiupment and technology needed, particularly on a low budget.",Thank you for sharing! 5/27/20 11:25,5/27/20 11:34,100,549,True,5/27/20 11:34,email,EN,Yes,Yes,"Ideas were shared, such as family based sampling teams, that will help us design our sampling program.",Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,River or stream,No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Definitely will not implement,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Unlikely to implement,No Response,No Response,Yes,Yes,Need(ed) to create,No Response,Streamlined the procedure for picking up kits. We may keep this new procedure in the future post coronavirus.,"Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers",No Response,<25% annual income,"$10,001-$25,000","New capabilities were developed, such as video training modules, and the ability to sample with smaller teams.",Massachusetts,No Response,No Response 5/27/20 12:52,5/27/20 12:58,100,404,True,5/27/20 12:58,email,EN,Yes,Yes,"I learned what guidelines program coordinators should be sharing with program volunteers, and I plan to share applicable guidelines with GA Adopt-A-Stream volunteers. ",Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Lake or pond,River or stream,Wetland",No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,No Response,No Response,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,No Response,No Response,Yes,Unknown / TBD,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers",No Response,No Response,No Response,"We are in the process of planning a virtual conference since we cannot have our annual conference in person this year. It is possible that because it is online and more accessible, we will have more attendees, including interested members of the public and potential volunteers. This would expand our program reach. ",Georgia ,"Tips and tricks for online training, online events, how to create an online volunteer community ",No Response 5/27/20 12:29,5/27/20 13:07,100,2283,True,5/27/20 13:07,email,EN,Yes,Yes,We used the information to develop our own guidelines for Missouri's Stream Team Volunteers which is now posted on our website.,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,River or stream,No Response,No Response,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,No Response,No Response,No Response,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,We have implemented guidance which will allow those volunteers who want to participate to do so in a safe manner.,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers",No Response,<25% annual income,"$50,001 – $100,000","A renewed emphasis on use of PPE already provided, and maintaining safety and QC protocols",Missouri,virtual learning/training for volunteers which have traditionally used active learning/field activities ,Thank you for the opportunity to participate! 5/27/20 9:05,5/27/20 15:03,100,21499,True,5/27/20 15:03,email,EN,Yes,Yes,The additional PPE worn by entero/ sewage research was helpful as an added layer or protection in the water.,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Estuarine,River or stream",No Response,No Response,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,No Response,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,No,Yes,Need(ed) to create,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Loss in number of volunteers",No Response,No Response,No Response,Virtual com sci project using Zooniverse and SciStarter and iNaturalist.,NY,No Response,No Response 5/27/20 14:49,5/27/20 16:37,100,6493,True,5/27/20 16:37,email,EN,Yes,Yes,Learned different considerations for resumption of fieldwork under COVID. Plan to share information with other agency staff as we resume fieldwork duties. ,Not associated with a specific volunteer monitoring or citizen science program (please describe your role),Perform own monitoring and fieldwork within state agency,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response 5/27/20 19:27,5/27/20 19:33,100,358,True,5/27/20 19:33,email,EN,Yes,Yes,I work to provide resources to a network of urban waters practitioners. I shared the webinar and resources with our network members that do water quality monitoring. ,Not associated with a specific volunteer monitoring or citizen science program (please describe your role),I am a team member of the Urban Waters Learning Network and provide resources for people who do water quality monitoring work.,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,Adjusting protocols for changing regulations around COVID-19. Some of our network members are interested specifically in protocols for fieldwork-based work during physical distancing. How to engage volunteers again. When is it safe to resume group work? How to continue to secure funding sources. ,"I thought that the webinar that you ran was terrific! (And, I've been to a lot!!). I loved the interactive nature of it and the sense of shared community, shared expertise. We are all in this together attitude came through very clearly. And, it was much appreciated! " 5/28/20 5:56,5/28/20 6:08,100,730,True,5/28/20 6:08,email,EN,Yes,Yes,The recommendation not to try to train any new leaders for benthic macroinvertebrate monitoring was useful.,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"River or stream,Wetland",No Response,No Response,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,Unknown / TBD,Unknown / TBD,No Response,No Response,Am developing a SOP for the program post COVID Stay at Home Orders.,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers",No Response,26-50% annual income,"$25,001 - $50,000",Live video of me sampling on our regular day reached more people than our sampling day does.,Michigan,"More detailed info on how to move things online, SOPs.",No Response 5/28/20 9:38,5/28/20 9:48,100,597,True,5/28/20 9:48,email,EN,Yes,Yes,"What other volunteer organizations are doing to incorporate COVID 19 health and safety procedures into their activities. That information was used to update monitoring SOPs and is used daily during water quality monitoring activities. ",Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,River or stream,No Response,No Response,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,No Response,Have implemented,No Response,Have implemented,No Response,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers",No Response,<25% annual income,No Response,Volunteer expressing appreciation for program willingness to participate once restrictions are lifted,Michigan,No Response,No Response 5/28/20 9:39,5/28/20 9:55,100,954,True,5/28/20 9:55,email,EN,Yes,Yes,"I found the information that other groups shared, especially on issues with using volunteers in 2020, social distancing using boats, and how to safely collect water sampling/monitoring data to be most useful. Some people shared online resources that I found very helpful as we plan our summer sampling programs. ",Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Marine,Estuarine,Lake or pond,River or stream,Beach,Wetland,Groundwater",No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Likely to implement,No Response,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,No Response,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,No Response,No Response,Yes,No,No Response,No Response,Will be rearranging transport of staff/volunteers to sites to allow for proper social distancing. ,Loss in number of volunteers,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Massachusetts, U.S.A.","Interacting safely with public at sampling/monitoring sites. Public outreach in the time of COVID to let people know what we are still doing","This was the most informative webinar I have done during COVID lockdown with practical, useful information. " 5/27/20 15:33,5/28/20 10:16,100,67375,True,5/28/20 10:16,email,EN,Yes,Yes,Best practices for social distancing while water quality monitoring and how to share this information with citizen scientist. ,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,River or stream,No Response,No Response,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Unlikely to implement,No Response,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,No Response,No Response,Unknown / TBD,Unknown / TBD,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Loss in number of volunteers",No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,Wisconsin,"It is helpful to know what other organizations are doing, many of our guidelines are based off of what we learned in the webinar. ",No Response 5/27/20 8:41,5/28/20 13:36,100,104058,True,5/28/20 13:36,email,EN,Yes,Yes,"Minimizing equipment sharing, disinfecting monitoring kits. E-newsletters were sent to trainers, kit locations and volunteers. ",Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,River or stream,No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Definitely will not implement,No Response,Have implemented,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,No Response,No Response,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Have implemented,"We extended yearly certifications by 4 months. If the volunteer ""falls out"" of certification they can not enter data into our database. ",No,Yes,Need(ed) to create,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers,Loss of staff or staff time",No Response,<25% annual income,"<$10,000","People will be looking for things to do now that all events have been cancelled or postponed. People have been doing more activities outside, we just have to figure out how to market the program better to those people. This pandemic has forced a faster transition to online learning tools and additional e-communication. ","Columbia, South Carolina (Statewide Program)","Resources on developing, marketing and providing quality online workshops to NEW program volunteers. ",Thank you for providing the webinar and survey. 5/28/20 14:21,5/28/20 14:31,100,578,True,5/28/20 14:31,email,EN,Yes,Yes,Useful information included the idea of providing all volunteers with hand sanitizer and a specific checklist for adherence to CDC and state guidelines. We also updated our 2020 Sampling Protocol document to include those items. ,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,Lake or pond,No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,No Response,No Response,Yes,Yes,Existed for my program,No Response,"Training new volunteers remains our greatest challenge. We expect to hold ""socially distant"" (not on the boat) training sessions so that we can at least see people using the kemmerer bottle. Training sessions will have very limited attendance. We also have training videos that we will rely on. Historically, we find them to be useful as a ""refresher"" but not necesssarily great for new recruits. Our volunteers will be given guidance and links to the CDC/NYS DOH websites. We have a checklist for cleaning equipment. ","Loss in number of volunteers,Other type of loss or negative outcome (please describe)","We have lost a few lakes from the program due to COVID-19, but only about 8 of the 158 have opted out. Data/sample reduction will only occur if there's another outbreak that forces people back inside or closes the laboratory. We don't have an economic loss this year, but 2021 could be another story depending on state contracts.",No Response,No Response,I can't think of a single one. Ordering laboratory supplies/bottles/gloves etc. has been interesting!,NY,No Response,No Response 6/1/20 11:52,6/1/20 12:00,100,483,True,6/1/20 12:00,email,EN,Yes,Yes,I learned what other groups were doing to create best practices for volunteer groups for the 2020 sampling field season. I used this information to create a best practices in the field document to distribute to our water quality volunteers for the 2020 field season. ,Program support staff,No Response,"Marine,Estuarine,River or stream,Wetland",No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,We normally have an in person Center wide volunteer conference and this year we did it virtually via zoom,Does not apply,Does not apply,No Response,No Response,No Response,Loss in number of volunteers,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Banstabe County, MA, US",Ways to keep volunteers engaged and interested since we can not have in person meet ups/ invite them to lectures/ etc.,This was a great webinar and I would be interested in attending more in the future! 6/2/20 13:41,6/2/20 13:45,100,223,True,6/2/20 13:45,email,EN,Yes,Unsure,No Response,Program support staff,No Response,River or stream,No Response,No Response,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Have implemented,No Response,Unlikely to implement,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,No Response,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers",No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,PA/OH/WV,No Response,I'm really only on the data management side so this webinar wasn't really for me. It was good but not applicable to my role. 6/2/20 15:01,6/2/20 15:06,100,325,True,6/2/20 15:06,email,EN,Yes,Yes,"Learned: How other states an organizations are advising their volunteers with regard to PPE or behavior to protect themselves during the pandemic. Share Info: Sharing internally with our volunteer monitoring coordinators and externally with our volunteer partners. ",Not associated with a specific volunteer monitoring or citizen science program (please describe your role),Supervise staff who coordinate volunteer monitoring program.,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Post-sampling season check in with volunteer monitoring coordinators to discuss what worked, what didn't. Suggestions or ideas to adapt for 2021 volunteer sampling efforts",No Response 6/2/20 15:09,6/2/20 15:12,100,189,True,6/2/20 15:12,email,EN,Yes,Unsure,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Marine,Estuarine,Lake or pond,River or stream,Beach,Wetland",No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers,Loss of staff or staff time",No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,California,No Response,No Response 5/26/20 16:33,6/2/20 15:13,100,600008,True,6/2/20 15:13,email,EN,"No, but I watched the recording or reviewed available online materials",Unsure,No Response,Not associated with a specific volunteer monitoring or citizen science program (please describe your role),Not currently involved in volunteer monitoring but I have been in the past and hope to be soon; currently do some stream monitoring for my day job ,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Maybe more discussion about the risks/strategies to minimize risk when sharing equipment? Most of my questions about best practices/the things I've been thinking about were covered in the previous webinar, and soliciting guidance from local health departments was an especially useful suggestion. ",No Response 6/2/20 15:02,6/2/20 15:14,100,735,True,6/2/20 15:14,email,EN,Yes,Yes,It was useful to learn about the protocols other are using for volunteer sampling during COVID. I shared this info with my community science program manager,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,Beach,No Response,No Response,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,No Response,No Response,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,No Response,No Response,Unknown / TBD,Unknown / TBD,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Loss in number of volunteers",No Response,No Response,No Response,Funds on grants that were allocated for travel may be reallocated to fund the Program Manager,CA,Interesting to hear how people are implementing COVID safe proceedures,No Response 6/2/20 15:11,6/2/20 15:16,100,276,True,6/2/20 15:16,email,EN,Yes,Unsure,No Response,Program support staff,No Response,River or stream,No Response,No Response,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,Reduction in number of data observations,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"PA, USA","-How to address COVID-19 precautions in monitoring manuals -How to communicate indefinite changes to volunteers while being sensitive to everyone's needs",No Response 6/2/20 7:59,6/2/20 15:20,100,26468,True,6/2/20 15:20,email,EN,Yes,Yes,"learned new practices and methods to keep employees and potential volunteers safe while collecting data, the potential risks and studies being conducted on wastewater quality during covid",Program support staff,No Response,"Estuarine,River or stream,Wetland",No Response,No Response,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Likely to implement,No Response,Have implemented,Likely to implement,No Response,Likely to implement,No Response,No Response,Likely to implement,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers,Loss of staff or staff time",No Response,51-75% annual income,"<$10,000",No Response,"New York, NY",No Response,No Response 6/2/20 15:13,6/2/20 15:22,100,556,True,6/2/20 15:22,email,EN,Yes,Yes,Learned: Follow the most strict monitoring guidelines for increased health and safety of our citizen monitors. Check in with volunteers to assess level of comfort in monitoring. Create a SOP (standard operating procedure) for future events like the pandemic.,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Marine,Beach",No Response,No Response,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,No Response,Have implemented,No Response,Have implemented,Definitely will not implement,No Response,No Response,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,Unknown / TBD,Unknown / TBD,No Response,No Response,"Weekly check-ins to gauge comfort level of volunteers. Now that restrictions have been lifted and folks are allowed on the beach for all recreational activities, I am still encouraging them to follow CDC guidelines when monitoring on the beach.","Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers",No Response,<25% annual income,"<$10,000",NA at the moment.,"Maine, USA","Related to citizen-science monitoring, do programs already have an SOP for handling emergency situations like COVID-19? If so, what are they? And are the measures they take to protect monitors effective?","Great webinar, thanks for the resources and willingness of participants to share!" 6/2/20 15:19,6/2/20 15:23,100,243,True,6/2/20 15:23,email,EN,Yes,Yes,Sharing of PPE and safety measures to use in field work.,Program support staff,No Response,"Marine,Estuarine,Lake or pond,River or stream,Beach,Wetland,Groundwater",No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,No,Unknown / TBD,No Response,No Response,No Response,Reduction in number of data observations,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,Colorado,No Response,No Response 6/2/20 15:19,6/2/20 15:23,100,268,True,6/2/20 15:23,email,EN,Yes,Yes,"I learned that other organizations have canceled projects that I continued with, because we had different tolerances of risk or capability to manage during quarantine.",Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Marine,Estuarine,River or stream,Wetland",No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,Yes,Yes,Need(ed) to create,No Response,No Response,Loss in number of volunteers,No Response,No Response,No Response,I suspect we will lose volunteers who are new this season.,Massachusetts,No Response,No Response 6/2/20 15:07,6/2/20 15:39,100,1925,True,6/2/20 15:39,email,EN,Yes,Yes,"Dealing with shared equipment and samples that need to be handed off to another person could be problematic, but some solutions/guidelines are helpful. Also that online training for sample collection should be followed up by emails or phone calls.",Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Lake or pond,River or stream",No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Provide full season of supplies to each volunteer instead of monthly pickup.,Yes,Yes,Need(ed) to create,No Response,No Response,Other type of loss or negative outcome (please describe),Changing parameters to incorporate more field testing and no lab testing.,No Response,No Response,"More people wanting to be outside and involved in a proactive activity means more volunteers this year, more families involved as citizen scientists (one pair of brothers is including their monitoring as part of their science work for school). This has been an opportunity to enhance the robust nature of our field testing program by building turbidity tubes and doing online bioassessments.","Vermont, USA",No Response,No Response 6/2/20 15:37,6/2/20 15:43,100,361,True,6/2/20 15:43,email,EN,Yes,Unsure,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,River or stream,No Response,No Response,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,No Response,Have implemented,Likely to implement,No Response,No Response,Yes,Unknown / TBD,No Response,No Response,No Response,Reduction in number of data observations,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Not sure, but people are really excited to get back in the field. ",Wisconsin,No Response,No Response 5/29/20 16:22,6/2/20 15:45,100,343399,True,6/2/20 15:45,email,EN,"No, but I watched the recording or reviewed available online materials",Unsure,No Response,Not associated with a specific volunteer monitoring or citizen science program (please describe your role),No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response 6/2/20 15:56,6/2/20 16:00,100,219,True,6/2/20 16:00,email,EN,Yes,Yes,I learned about the sources sharing document,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Estuarine,River or stream",No Response,No Response,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,No Response,No Response,Likely to implement,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Likely to implement,No Response,No Response,No Response,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Loss in number of volunteers,Loss of staff or staff time",No Response,No Response,No Response,none,NY,No Response,No Response 6/2/20 16:15,6/2/20 16:20,100,307,True,6/2/20 16:20,email,EN,Yes,Yes,"keeping good records of all protocols for COVID monitoring and a log of people, dates, and COVID practices followed",Program administrator,No Response,"Marine,Estuarine,River or stream",No Response,No Response,No Response,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,Yes,No,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers,Loss of staff or staff time",No Response,26-50% annual income,"$10,001-$25,000",No Response,MA,No Response,No Response 5/26/20 12:29,5/26/20 12:30,17,70,False,6/2/20 12:31,email,EN,Yes,Yes,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response 5/26/20 20:46,6/2/20 16:40,100,590043,True,6/2/20 16:40,email,EN,Yes,Unsure,No Response,Volunteer monitor,No Response,"Marine,Beach",No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Boston, MA USA",Precautions we should take if we are working near a site that may have sewage.,No Response 6/2/20 16:35,6/2/20 16:41,100,346,True,6/2/20 16:41,email,EN,Yes,Unsure,No Response,Program support staff,No Response,"Marine,Estuarine",No Response,No Response,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,No Response,No Response,Yes,Yes,"Need(ed) to create,Used/will use videos from another organization",No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Loss in number of volunteers",No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,New York and New Jersey ,No Response,No Response 5/27/20 14:18,6/2/20 18:52,100,534807,True,6/2/20 18:52,email,EN,"No, but I watched the recording or reviewed available online materials",Yes,"incorporated brief, focused CoVid-19 protocols and developed new online training materials for volunteers participating in monitoring this year ",Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,River or stream,No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,Yes,Yes,Need(ed) to create,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers,Loss of staff or staff time,Other type of loss or negative outcome (please describe)",all planning takes longer and needs to be VERY flexible,<25% annual income,"$10,001-$25,000",none identified,Vermont,No Response,appreciate the efforts and links to a wider community 6/2/20 15:23,6/2/20 21:26,100,21820,True,6/2/20 21:26,email,EN,Yes,Yes,General best practices for social distancing and sanitizing to reduce disease transmission while conducting field research. We've used the best practices you've outlined heavily in our own COVID-19 safety protocols for field work.,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,River or stream,No Response,No Response,No Response,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Have implemented,No Response,Definitely will not implement,No Response,Definitely will not implement,No Response,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,"Disinfecting all field gear before sending to volunteers, and shipping to them rather than having them pick up in person.",Yes,Yes,Existed for my program,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Loss in number of volunteers,Loss of staff or staff time",No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Montana, USA",No Response,No Response 6/3/20 8:13,6/3/20 8:22,100,572,True,6/3/20 8:22,email,EN,Yes,Yes,I am using this information to help guide our volunteer water quality monitoring program through social distancing requirements and to minimize contact between individuals and materials.,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,River or stream,No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Definitely will not implement,No Response,No Response,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,No Response,No Response,Unknown / TBD,Yes,Need(ed) to create,No Response,No Response,Reduction in number of data observations,No Response,No Response,No Response,Volunteers express an increased desire to monitor as a way to get outside.,"Massachusetts, USA",No Response,No Response 5/29/20 9:44,6/3/20 8:59,100,429302,True,6/3/20 8:59,email,EN,Yes,Yes,Learned more about the US citizen science network and shared some of the procedures with water monitoring programs in Atlantic Canada through our newsletter,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Marine,Estuarine,Lake or pond,River or stream,Wetland",No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,Yes,Yes,Existed for my program,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Loss in number of volunteers",No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,Atlantic Provinces of Canada ,No Response,No Response 6/3/20 9:13,6/3/20 9:22,100,571,True,6/3/20 9:22,email,EN,Yes,Yes,"My organization seems to be at the forefront of much of the brainstorming that occurred during the webinar, however it was helpful to know how many organizations are working through these ideas and concepts and have a sense for the breadth of ways that fieldwork could continue during a COVID summer. ",Program support staff,No Response,River or stream,No Response,No Response,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,No Response,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,No,Yes,Need(ed) to create,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers",No Response,<25% annual income,"$50,001 – $100,000","Implementation of virtual programming has led to discussion of accessibility for our volunteer community, as well as decision to offer virtual attendance options for some events to increase turnout. ",Michigan,"I am interested in learning more about the legal aspects of collecting health information on volunteers, for example we are conducting screenings (a simple questionnaire) of volunteers each day before fieldwork. What is our responsibility as an organization regarding storage, dispersal and communication of that information (other than general confidentiality guidelines)?",No Response 6/3/20 9:13,6/3/20 9:24,100,645,True,6/3/20 9:24,email,EN,Yes,Yes,We are convening our own regional group to discuss sampling procedures this year and many of the suggestions for social distancing (i.e. on the spreadsheet) will be floated to the group for consensus.,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Estuarine,River or stream",No Response,No Response,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Definitely will not implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,No Response,No Response,Unknown / TBD,Unknown / TBD,No Response,No Response,"We collaborate with Riverkeeper, the Center for the Urban River at Beczak, and the New York City Water Trail Association, so anything that we decide to implement will likely look similar to what the others will implement. It's still bad in NYC, so that's why no decisions have been made yet about the season.","Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers,Other type of loss or negative outcome (please describe)",Loss of lab space,26-50% annual income,"$50,001 – $100,000","None - we did move into our new facility that will have lab access, but most staff are still working remotely because we take the subway to get to work, so that may be a benefit when we are released from sequestration, but not necessarily a direct benefit from COVID-19","New York, USA",We are still very concerned about the possibility of infection if volunteers come into contact with contaminated sewage in the water. More information would be appreciated as to whether there are linkages to outbreaks from virus in sewage.,No Response 6/3/20 9:46,6/3/20 10:05,100,1145,True,6/3/20 10:05,email,EN,"No, but I watched the recording or reviewed available online materials",Yes,"The concerns, risks, needs and possible solutions the participants have on water monitoring and watershed restoration activities by project managers and volunteers. Sharing protocols as part of our research and extension COVID19 reopening plans.",Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Marine,Estuarine,Lake or pond,River or stream,Beach,Wetland,Other type of environment, phenomenon, animal, etc. (i.e., something not related to water) (please describe)",Trainings for field crews and volunteers,No Response,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,Yes,Yes,"Need(ed) to create,Used/will use videos from another organization",No Response,Exploring the use of face shields as one form of PPE,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers",No Response,26-50% annual income,"$10,001-$25,000","Flexibility in work environments, time and shelter in place has generated more interest in volunteer and citizen science ",The Pacific NW,Be happy to work with you in contributing to a webinar on an Extension Framework to potential risks of COVID 19 and water activities.,No Response 6/3/20 11:39,6/3/20 11:43,100,228,True,6/3/20 11:43,email,EN,Yes,Unsure,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,River or stream,No Response,No Response,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Likely to implement,No Response,No Response,No Response,Unknown / TBD,Yes,Need(ed) to create,No Response,Reduction in number of sites monitored,"Reduction in number of data observations,Loss in number of volunteers",No Response,No Response,No Response,Having the online training available in future years,"Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut",No Response,No Response 6/3/20 13:01,6/3/20 13:21,100,1190,True,6/3/20 13:21,email,EN,Yes,Yes,"I learned ideas on how to help volunteers feel safe while maintaining the program during COVID-19 fears. I'm sharing the information with my supervisor, program sponsors (primarily cities) and volunteers to help them understand we can still get good results while providing the best possible program and taking measures to keep everyone safe. ",Program administrator,No Response,"Lake or pond,Wetland",No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,adding lab identification of macroinvertebrates to consultant responsibilities because cannot social distance or set up partitions for volunteers,No,Yes,Existed for my program,No Response,reduced the number of wetland volunteers are asked to monitor (this has an impact on less income in the budget),"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers",No Response,26-50% annual income,"$50,001 – $100,000",Forced me to rethink the way we've always done things. ,"Minnesota, US",No Response,No Response 6/3/20 14:51,6/3/20 15:01,100,561,True,6/3/20 15:01,email,EN,Yes,Yes,"webinar got me thinking about the logistics of shared field equipment, we are developing plans for shared equipment ",Not associated with a specific volunteer monitoring or citizen science program (please describe your role),manager of interns and staff who conduct environmental monitoring,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response 6/3/20 21:44,6/3/20 21:55,100,672,True,6/3/20 21:55,email,EN,Yes,Unsure,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Marine,Estuarine,Lake or pond,Beach",No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,sampling locations and length of season both scaled back; only a handful of volunteers will participate,"Reduction in number of data observations,Loss in number of volunteers,Other type of loss or negative outcome (please describe)",less public interest,No Response,No Response,"fewer sites and samplers means less organizing and administration ",New York,curious about possibilities for citizen monitoring of surface waters for Covd 19 itself ,"our program's primary mission is to inform human powered boaters of likely water quality at their chosen launch sites, and since many of our volunteers are already boating (and being exposed to the water in that way), we don't see any reason to cancel or limit sampling " 6/5/20 12:47,6/5/20 12:53,100,356,True,6/5/20 12:53,email,EN,Yes,Unsure,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Estuarine,River or stream",No Response,No Response,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Loss in number of volunteers,Loss of staff or staff time",No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,Oregon/Douglas County,Best practices for moving forward with volunteer use. ,No Response 6/5/20 1:27,6/6/20 9:09,100,114096,True,6/6/20 9:09,email,EN,Yes,Yes,I found the information about maintaining equipment and organizing monitoring tools very helpful. I usually have a large canvas bag that goes to the stream with me. ,Volunteer monitor,No Response,River or stream,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,Wisconsin,none,No Response 6/8/20 15:45,6/8/20 15:53,100,472,True,6/8/20 15:53,email,EN,Yes,Yes,We pretty much developed our own protocol before the meeting but hearing what everyone else was planning was very helpful in terms of safety concerns to prevent virus spread,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,Lake or pond,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,No,Yes,"Need(ed) to create,Other (please describe)",Manual and quiz,Manual and liability form updated to include new Covid safety protocol,"Loss in number of volunteers,Other type of loss or negative outcome (please describe)",Not all volunteers could participate as same household team. That is unfortunate because we have many volunteers unable to help this year who have volunteered for years,No Response,No Response,No Response,Iowa USA,Protocol for disinfecting equipment. Where to get good supply of PPE,Thank you! 5/28/20 12:32,6/2/20 15:16,33,441857,False,6/9/20 15:17,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,Other (please describe),No Response,Not volunteer based. Regulated sampling.,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response 6/2/20 15:22,6/2/20 15:23,39,68,False,6/9/20 15:23,email,EN,"No, but I watched the recording or reviewed available online materials",Yes,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Estuarine,Lake or pond,River or stream,Beach,Wetland,Groundwater",No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response 6/3/20 6:34,6/3/20 6:37,39,188,False,6/10/20 6:37,email,EN,Yes,Yes,I found the link to boating safely very helpful.,Program support staff,No Response,"Lake or pond,River or stream",No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response 6/2/20 15:17,6/3/20 11:32,78,72876,False,6/10/20 11:32,email,EN,Yes,Yes,Received best safety practices to date and helped name present uncertainties/needs that I will be sharing with NY/NJ Harbor Estuary Program's Citizen Advisory Council on 6/4/20. ,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,Estuarine,No Response,No Response,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Definitely will not implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Definitely will not implement,Likely to implement,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,We are scaling projects down and canceling some projects so that our core team can lead safely. We are planning on not relying on volunteers for support with monitoring projects in Hudson River Park at all this year. ,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers,Loss of staff or staff time,Other type of loss or negative outcome (please describe)",no monitoring from boats because of challenges with social distancing,<25% annual income,"$10,001-$25,000",No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response 6/30/20 8:23,6/30/20 8:38,100,891,True,6/30/20 8:38,email,EN,"No, but I watched the recording or reviewed available online materials",Yes,Good planing tips and suggestions for doing filed work.,Program administrator,No Response,"Lake or pond,River or stream,Beach,Wetland,Groundwater",No Response,No Response,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,No Response,No Response,Yes,Yes,"Need(ed) to create,Used/will use videos from another organization",No Response,No Response,"Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers,Loss of staff or staff time",No Response,26-50% annual income,"<$10,000",No Response,MI,No Response,No Response 6/30/20 8:49,6/30/20 8:57,100,449,True,6/30/20 8:57,email,EN,Yes,Yes,"How other organizations were approaching field monitoring. The discussion helped me make decisions about my own organization was approaching our field season. Safety information and thoughts around risk were very helpful. I also contacted another researcher based on comments she made during the webinar and had a helpful follow up discussion. No joke, this was among the most useful webinars I have ever attended.",Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Estuarine,River or stream,Beach,Wetland",No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,Unknown / TBD,Unknown / TBD,No Response,No Response,"We are only working with 3 volunteers this year, versus the dozens that we usually have engaged during the field season. Most sampling will be done by program staff.","Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers,Loss of staff or staff time",No Response,26-50% annual income,">$150,000",I cannot imagine that many people are benefiting from this...,CT,No Response,Thank you for your work on this! 6/30/20 8:59,6/30/20 9:02,100,195,True,6/30/20 9:02,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"River or stream,Other (please describe)",No Response,Submerged Aquatic Vegetation,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,No,Yes,Need(ed) to create,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Loss in number of volunteers",No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,MD,No Response,No Response 6/30/20 8:59,6/30/20 9:08,100,525,True,6/30/20 9:08,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Estuarine,Lake or pond,River or stream",No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers,Loss of staff or staff time",No Response,<25% annual income,">$150,000",Learning new technology with virtual meetings that we may continue in addition to our usual face to face meetings so busy people can attend as travel and time permits.,Florida,No Response,No Response 6/30/20 9:37,6/30/20 9:47,100,594,True,6/30/20 9:47,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,Lake or pond,No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,"Create training videos, posted to YouTube",No,Yes,Need(ed) to create,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss of staff or staff time",No Response,<25% annual income,">$150,000","Slight increase in new volunteers for 2020. People stuck at home, often living on a lake, and looking for something to do find us online.","Missouri, USA",Creative ways to get samples to the lab. FedEx is expensive!,No Response 6/30/20 9:45,6/30/20 9:49,100,225,True,6/30/20 9:49,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,River or stream,No Response,No Response,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Definitely will not implement,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,Reduction in number of data observations,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,New Jersey,No Response,No Response 6/30/20 10:32,6/30/20 10:37,100,308,True,6/30/20 10:37,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"River or stream,Wetland",No Response,No Response,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,Yes,Unknown / TBD,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers,Loss of staff or staff time",No Response,51-75% annual income,"$25,001 - $50,000","we are forced to think outside the box regarding engagement so we're trying some news things to keep people interested such as scavenger hunts in nature, invertebrate bingo, etc.",Minnesota,engagement strategies,No Response 6/30/20 10:30,6/30/20 10:40,100,603,True,6/30/20 10:40,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Lake or pond,River or stream,Wetland,Groundwater",No Response,No Response,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,Yes,Yes,"Existed for my program,Need(ed) to create,Used/will use videos from another organization",No Response,River Source pivoted successfully to online education with other clients. We are positioning ourselves to continue providing online and in person contact time with volunteers and students.,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program",No Response,26-50% annual income,"$100,001 - $150,000","Distance learning tools that we have and are developing can actually reach more people then if we are focusing on face-to-face. The training materials we are providing have been more standardized because of the level of organization it takes to provide online resources and less variability in direct instruction by staff",New Mexico,I need to know about when the Web and ours are being held,No Response 6/30/20 9:53,6/30/20 12:47,100,10462,True,6/30/20 12:47,email,EN,"No, but I watched the recording or reviewed available online materials",Yes,Learned how other volunteer programs are dealing with COVID-19. Increased confidence in our own safety measures and picked up some more safety suggestions. ,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Marine,Estuarine,River or stream",No Response,No Response,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Likely to implement,No Response,Have implemented,No Response,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,No,Yes,Need(ed) to create,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers,Loss of staff or staff time",No Response,26-50% annual income,">$150,000",Increased immediacy for online training videos. ,"Myrtle Beach area, South Carolina",No Response,No Response 6/30/20 12:43,6/30/20 13:37,100,3271,True,6/30/20 13:37,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,River or stream,No Response,No Response,Have implemented,No Response,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,Have implemented,No Response,We went digital - volunteers monitored a remote camera online for fish and wildlife.,No,Unknown / TBD,No Response,No Response,"Stream fish spawning was conducted mostly by volunteers watching live video online from a webcam already located at the stream. Some volunteers who lived close enough opted to visit the site in-person. Training was broken down into 10 Sessions that were more like newsletters, full of small articles and photos. Links were sent to datasheets, maps, and YouTube videos. It tuned out to be a great opportunity to document the program in a way it had never been formally documented before. ","Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers,Loss of staff or staff time,Other type of loss or negative outcome (please describe)",Loss of opportunities. We would not even consider activities like macroinvertebrate monitoring this summer because it would be too difficult with social distancing. ,<25% annual income,"$10,001-$25,000",Taking the time to document our spring program has been beneficial. Giving citizens a chance to learn and be involved in something they love during this crazy time has been good for me and them. ,Washtington,No Response,No Response 6/30/20 14:57,6/30/20 15:02,100,288,True,6/30/20 15:02,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program administrator,No Response,"Marine,Estuarine,River or stream",No Response,No Response,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,Yes,Yes,Need(ed) to create,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Loss in number of volunteers",No Response,No Response,No Response,"We weren't able to send the lab grab samples, but modified procedures to allow volunteers to still go out and collect field parameters at their site with their instrument.","Florida, USA",No Response,No Response 7/1/20 3:55,7/1/20 4:01,100,345,True,7/1/20 4:01,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Volunteer monitor,No Response,Lake or pond,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,Massachusetts,None,None 7/1/20 8:29,7/1/20 8:35,100,366,True,7/1/20 8:35,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Lake or pond,River or stream",No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Our Volunteer effort involves lakeshore residents checking their own docks, boats, etc in the fall when they are removed, or a sampler suspended from their dock. All commuication/training is done via mail or email. Reporting forms are either email, web, or mail. Thus, there is no direct person-to-person contact, and no changes are needed due to the current situation. Participants do not experience any increased risk due to participation in this effort.","Reduction in number of data observations,Loss in number of volunteers",No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,Minnesota,none,No Response 7/1/20 9:53,7/1/20 9:56,100,128,True,7/1/20 9:56,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Lake or pond,River or stream",No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Loss of staff or staff time",No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,Michigan,No Response,No Response 7/1/20 12:17,7/1/20 12:22,100,318,True,7/1/20 12:22,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Lake or pond,River or stream",No Response,No Response,Have implemented,No Response,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,No Response,No Response,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,No Response,No Response,Yes,Yes,Need(ed) to create,No Response,No Response,"Loss in number of volunteers,Loss of staff or staff time",No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response 6/30/20 13:41,7/1/20 13:07,100,84397,True,7/1/20 13:07,email,EN,"No, but I watched the recording or reviewed available online materials",Yes,"I appreciated hearing what other organizations are doing regarding sampling waters with known wastewater leaks. I also learned what some organizations are changing regarding procedures, such as disinfecting equipment, changing timing logistics, and moving to on-line training. I will be utilizing some of this with our organizations volunteers to improve safety and ease of participation.",Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Lake or pond,River or stream,Beach",No Response,No Response,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,No Response,No Response,Does not apply,Does not apply,No Response,No Response,"We have postponed activities as have most organizations. As we resume sampling we are using drop boxes outside our lab so volunteers can safely drop off samples without entering the office/lab area. We have also reduced staff in the lab to 1, which slows down our capabilities. We are resuming sampling slowly, adding our sites back (190 active sites) in phases.","Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss of staff or staff time,Other type of loss or negative outcome (please describe)",We will need to go without our intern program for the timebeing.,<25% annual income,"$25,001 - $50,000",Program flexibility was forced to evolve which is never a bad thing. ,Georgia,Just to make sure we are doing everything we can to keep volunteers and staff safe while continuing to deliver substantive water quality monitoring for the Chattahoochee watershed. ,Thank you! 7/1/20 18:42,7/1/20 19:06,100,1440,True,7/1/20 19:06,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Estuarine,River or stream",No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,Unlikely to implement,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Other type of loss or negative outcome (please describe)",No site access due to closures,No Response,No Response,Possible data tend changes due to reduced use or new normal land use practices. ,"Oregon, USA",Small Boat operations for sample collection,No Response 7/2/20 12:10,7/2/20 12:18,100,473,True,7/2/20 12:18,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Lake or pond,River or stream",No Response,No Response,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,No Response,No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,No Response,No Response,No,Yes,Need(ed) to create,No Response,"Created a robust, visually interesting series of online learning mocules. Using Blackboard Open Education, with support from U-Idaho CETL (Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning). Created base videos with Prezi-Video, then layered clarifying photos, video clips, text, and other graphics using Adobe Premier. ","Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers",No Response,26-50% annual income,"<$10,000","It forced me to (and provided the time for me to) create new Prezi presentations, which can be used for synchronous online and asynchronous online teaching of the classroom portion oft he IDAH2O workshop. ",Idaho,"How to deliver in-person, hands-on, in-stream skills building/demonstration workshops. ",Thank you for all the hard work in helping us all better navigate these crazy times! 7/4/20 16:32,7/4/20 16:42,100,556,True,7/4/20 16:42,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Lake or pond,Beach",No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,No,Yes,Need(ed) to create,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,Ohio,No Response,No Response 6/30/20 8:08,6/30/20 8:09,33,46,False,7/7/20 8:09,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Lake or pond,River or stream,Wetland",No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response 6/30/20 13:51,6/30/20 13:53,39,90,False,7/7/20 13:53,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,River or stream,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response 6/30/20 19:52,6/30/20 19:54,39,74,False,7/7/20 19:54,email,EN,Yes,Unsure,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,River or stream,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response 7/8/20 11:52,7/8/20 12:00,100,433,True,7/8/20 12:00,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Lake or pond,River or stream",No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,Yes,Yes,Need(ed) to create,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers,Loss of staff or staff time",No Response,<25% annual income,"$25,001 - $50,000",We have some time now to regroup and think about changes we would like to make to our program going forward. Quarantine has been a good opportunity for self-reflection and program evaluation.,NJ,What type of cleaning solution(s) are people using to clean their equipment to manage both invasives and COVID-19? ,No Response 7/8/20 12:40,7/8/20 12:55,100,927,True,7/8/20 12:55,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Marine,Estuarine,Lake or pond,River or stream,Beach",No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Student staff not participating in field monitoring,No,Yes,Need(ed) to create,No Response,"We reduced the number of new volunteers because of the difficulty of training when they could not share equipment to practice with during much more limited face to face training opportunities. So we did largely rely on experienced volunteers, but not exclusively. Some of the new reduced contact procedures and training videos may become part of our program even after the need to do so due to Covid 19 has ended.","Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers,Loss of staff or staff time,Other type of loss or negative outcome (please describe)",A strength of our program was the personal interaction with our volunteers. The loss of that engagement is significant and may make it difficult to keep some volunteers iin the program.,<25% annual income,"$100,001 - $150,000","We did get some videos created and available to our volunteers, something that we have been planning to do for some time. And the contact-less sample exchange system developed will broaden the time periods over which our volunteers can deliver samples in the future, providing more flexibility for some volunteers.","Rhode Island, USA","Given that sewage treatment systems have identified Covid-19 in their effluent, how concerned should we be about the potential for infection from water monitoring, especially in receiving waters?","I am forever impressed by the tenacity and dedication of both monitoring program staff and the volunteers, so many of whom we really excited to get back out monitoring." 7/8/20 12:58,7/8/20 13:03,100,286,True,7/8/20 13:03,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Estuarine,River or stream,Beach",No Response,No Response,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Definitely will not implement,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,Yes,Yes,Need(ed) to create,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers",No Response,<25% annual income,"<$10,000",No Response,"Maryland, USA","I have been unable to attend previous webinars so this may have been covered, but a need is to assess the exposure risk to volunteers from potentially contaminated water samples. ",No Response 7/8/20 15:17,7/8/20 15:26,100,533,True,7/8/20 15:26,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,River or stream,No Response,No Response,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Individualized trainings were provided so that we didn't meet up in a group. Hand off of samples will be similar as in the past, just with as much social distancing and wearing of masks and disinfecting when handing off samples. Communications have been by email / phone in the past and today","Reduction in number of data observations,Loss of staff or staff time,Other type of loss or negative outcome (please describe)",Chose not to do any outreach / promotion of the program - limited it to current volunteers. Decreased the value to the volunteers for meeting up and getting to know each other,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Berkshire County, Massachusetts",No Response,No Response 7/8/20 15:59,7/8/20 16:11,100,722,True,7/8/20 16:11,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Lake or pond,River or stream",No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,Have implemented,Definitely will not implement,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,Reduction in number of data observations,No Response,No Response,No Response,Learning how to train volunteers through online training.,Texas,None at this time.,No Response 7/8/20 14:40,7/8/20 16:54,100,8021,True,7/8/20 16:54,email,EN,Yes,No,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Lake or pond,River or stream",No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,We did cancel the advanced CLMP+ option that normally engages a few volunteers annually to collect water samples for lake profile data and lab analyses.,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,See comment on previous question about cancelling CLMP+ for the 2020 monitoring season.,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers,Other type of loss or negative outcome (please describe)","We did not actively recruit new volunteers as we normally do from February-May through various outreach and advertising, as we were uncertain about our ability to ship equipment to new volunteers and whether the monitoring season would even happen. This will likely impact growth and possibly even impact retention of current participation numbers.",<25% annual income,"$50,001 – $100,000",No Response,MN USA,No Response,No Response 7/8/20 19:05,7/8/20 19:10,100,319,True,7/8/20 19:10,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"River or stream,Beach",No Response,No Response,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers",No Response,76-99% annual income,"<$10,000",No Response,NH & MA,No Response,We have two volunteers who have stepped up to monitor E. coli at one site used for swimming on weekly basis 7/8/20 19:10,7/8/20 19:30,100,1184,True,7/8/20 19:30,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,River or stream,No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,No Response,Have implemented,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Definitely will not implement,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Our monitors visit remote sites far from the public, and only need to practice social distancing if they are a team (we have at least two teams of two).",No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,None,Pennsylvania,No Response,No Response 7/9/20 9:38,7/9/20 9:42,100,246,True,7/9/20 9:42,email,EN,Yes,Yes,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Lake or pond,River or stream,Wetland,Groundwater",No Response,No Response,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers,Loss of staff or staff time",No Response,26-50% annual income,"$100,001 - $150,000",No Response,Virginia,No Response,No Response 7/9/20 23:27,7/9/20 23:32,100,350,True,7/9/20 23:32,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program administrator,No Response,River or stream,No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,No Response,No Response,Have implemented,Have implemented,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,Marin County California,No Response,"Our work has been impacted by drought, not COVID-19. Some of our sites are dry or nearly dry, so we did not install equipment." 7/9/20 20:05,7/10/20 9:59,100,50038,True,7/10/20 9:59,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,River or stream,No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"We are continuing to conduct quarterly monitoring with reduced number of volunteers, however the lab we use for fecal coliform counts is not open for analyzing those samples. We are continuing to monitor for other parameters such as pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity, etc.",Loss in number of volunteers,No Response,No Response,No Response,n/a,New Mexico,n/a,n/a 6/30/20 13:01,7/3/20 14:07,67,263193,False,7/10/20 16:06,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,River or stream,No Response,No Response,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Unlikely to implement,No Response,No Response,No,Yes,Need(ed) to create,No Response,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers",No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response 7/13/20 15:37,7/13/20 16:02,100,1467,True,7/13/20 16:02,email,EN,Yes,Yes,Confidence that pausing monitoring activities were okay. Ideas for virtual trainings.,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,River or stream,No Response,No Response,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,Yes,Yes,"Existed for my program,Need(ed) to create,Used/will use videos from another organization",No Response,"We created a new short course series - Creek Courses for volunteers to deepen their water quality and policy background. We paused monitoring and will only reopen as state guidelines allow.","Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers,Loss of staff or staff time",No Response,<25% annual income,"$50,001 – $100,000","Creek Courses, and showing that we care about people more over data. Hopefully people will appreciate those choices.",PA & NY USA,No Response,No Response 7/13/20 17:58,7/13/20 18:11,100,775,True,7/13/20 18:11,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,Lake or pond,No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Definitely will not implement,Unlikely to implement,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,No Response,No Response,No,Yes,"Existed for my program,Other (please describe)",On-line training was being developed prior to COVID.,No Response,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers",No Response,26-50% annual income,"$100,001 - $150,000",A benefit is the continued demonstration of the importance of citizen volunteers in collecting lake monitoring data. Our professional staff monitoring program was cancelled this year due to COVID19 due to the inability of staff to practice social distancing in a boat. Our volunteers could practice social distancing because they either monitor solo or with members of their own household. Our volunteers allowed our monitoring program to continue in spite of the absence of our staff monitoring program.,"Minnesota, USA",none at this time.,No Response 7/7/20 16:10,7/7/20 16:11,39,41,False,7/14/20 16:11,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,River or stream,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response 7/14/20 17:10,7/14/20 17:13,100,184,True,7/14/20 17:13,email,EN,No,No Response,No Response,Program support staff,No Response,"Lake or pond,River or stream,Wetland,Groundwater,Other type of environment, phenomenon, animal, etc. (i.e., something not related to water) (please describe)",surface water for irrigation,No Response,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,Yes,Yes,"Need(ed) to create,Used/will use videos from another organization",No Response,No Response,Reduction in number of data observations,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,arizona,No Response,No Response 7/15/20 3:01,7/15/20 3:04,100,182,True,7/15/20 3:04,email,EN,Yes,Unsure,No Response,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Estuarine,River or stream,Wetland",No Response,No Response,Unlikely to implement,No Response,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Likely to implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,No Response,"Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss in number of volunteers,Loss of staff or staff time",No Response,<25% annual income,"$10,001-$25,000",No Response,Hawaii,No Response,No Response 7/29/20 23:53,7/30/20 6:53,100,25196,True,7/30/20 6:53,email,EN,Yes,Yes,Learned what some other organizations are doing to expand safety protocols for staff and volunteers during the pandemic. We used this information in evaluating and updating our field procedures and safety guidelines for volunteers. ,Program Coordinator/Director,No Response,"Lake or pond,River or stream,Beach",No Response,No Response,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Definitely will not implement,Have implemented,Have implemented,Have implemented,Unlikely to implement,Have implemented,No Response,Have implemented,Have implemented,No Response,No Response,Yes,Unknown / TBD,No Response,No Response,Required all volunteers to commit to safety protocols in advance of annual training. Have established a system for sample drop-off and pick-up to avoid exposure.,"Reduction in number of data observations,Economic loss to your volunteer monitoring program,Loss of staff or staff time,Other type of loss or negative outcome (please describe)",Increased time demand on staff due to COVID-19. ,<25% annual income,"$50,001 – $100,000",We produced more online materials which will serve the program well in the long-term. There was greater geographic diversity in our online monitor trainings than in the in-person training sessions we usually hold as travel distance wasn't a factor for attendance. ,"Vermont, New York and Quebec",Ongoing safety protocols | COVID-19 practices that shouldn't be followed for certain monitoring (such as the use of hand sanitizer which one doesn't want to use when monitoring for cyanobacteria because alcohol is a dermal transmitter and could exacerbate reactions if you've had cyano. exposure),No Response