Curricular Resources

The Faculty Senate provides curricular resources to assist faculty seeking guidelines, timelines, and process for curricular proposals, General Education course approval, or Academic Program Review. ÌýÌý

General Education Course Approval Process

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There are currently four approved General Education requirements at ¶¶Òõ̽̽: ÌýDiversity, Foundational Writing & Information Literacy, Sustainability, and Quantitative Reasoning.

Faculty are invited to submit proposals for courses proposed for inclusion in the General Education curriculum. ÌýOnce the course proposal has been completed and submitted electronically in ¶¶Òõ̽̽'s CourseLeaf system, it will follow the workflow established for the specific college or school, ultimately making its way to the appropriate General Education Review Committee. ÌýGeneral Education Program.

Academic Program Review

Academic Program Reveiw (APR) is a cyclical process for evaluating and continuously enhancing the quality and currency of academic programs. ÌýAPR is conducted through the Faculty Senate's Curricular Affairs Committee in partnership with the Office of the Provost. ÌýAcademic Program Review Schedule and Guidelines