• campus


Campus Plan, 2022-2032

¶¶Òõ̽̽ and State Agricultural College (¶¶Òõ̽̽, the University) has engaged in planning since the 1960s. Successive plans have been adopted to reflect current events and issues of the time and articulating visions for the future. The most recent Campus Plan was reviewed by ¶¶Òõ̽̽ Trustees in October, 2022 and approved in December, 2022. It was built on the 2006 Campus Master Plan (CMP) and guided by a vision of academic excellence, student experience, and environmental stewardship—emphasizing the campus landscape, with a focus on several key sites and projects.Ìý

The Campus Plan 2022-2032 is a flexible framework that directs the progression of ¶¶Òõ̽̽’s physical campus by providing overall guidance for capital projects, landscape design, and campus improvements. It raises aspirations and the quality of campus to attract and retain the best while providing flexibility to accommodate changing attitudes and the evolving nature of campus environments.ÌýOur campus plan serves the University’s mission and vision by being flexible enough to accommodate new needs, by demonstrating commitment to a liberal arts education, sustainability, health, and public service, and providing a place of beauty to enhance student learning.

The document drew on input from three committees and five working groups comprised of representatives from across campus, and from consultants Sasaki Associates, an award-winning architectural, planning, and design firm based in Boston.


Our guiding vision is to create and uphold a beautiful and vibrant campus that promotes an educational community that is welcoming, inclusive, and respectful of all, while promoting and nurturing the student experience, world class research, and sustainable solutions.Ìý


Full Campus Plan


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Site Planning and Design Review Process

The eight-member Campus Planning Committee (CPC)Ìýis appointed by senior leadership. Representation is as follows:

Facilities Management
Ìý Ìý• Executive Director (Chair)

Planning, Design & Construction
Ìý Ìý• Representative (Vice-Chair)
Ìý Ìý• University Architect

Office of the Provost

Office of Sustainability
Ìý Ìý• Director

Physical Plant Department
Ìý Ìý• Grounds Manager
Ìý Ìý• University Engineer

Student Affairs/Residential Life

Advisory Groups

Advisory Groups will also review projects. The Advisory Groups’ themes are:

  • Historic Preservation
  • Landscape, Mobility, and Sustainability
  • Diversity, Safety, and Accessibility