
4-H at Home

4-H at Home offers activities and resources that youth and families can use for self-guided learning and fun on a variety of topics. Topics and activities offered on this page may change.

Learn at Your Leisure

Need something that is flexible or for times when boredom is calling? Check out these videos and activity sheets that provide fun anytime.

Opportunities from other States

This is a curated list of fun and engaging programs available to youth regardless of where they live.

  •  â€” Short-Term Exploratory Programs (STEP) on a variety of topics.
  •  â€” Challenges that focus on using creativity and innovation to solve real world problems. Each challenge is paired with a 4- to 6-minute informational video for facilitators to engage youth through experiential learning.
  •  â€” Our friends from UMaine Extension have put together some fun videos on a variety of topics.

Volunteer Events and Resources

We know that the task of engaging youth in 4-H is challenging and offer these resources to support your efforts.

  • Virtual Meeting Best Practices (PDF) – A quick rundown of practices to keep your online meetings safe and a list of tech platforms that you can use to meet virtually.
  • – Online recordings from the April 25 conference, covering topics from livestock project areas to how adapt your club programming for online delivery.