Nutrient Management Planning (NMP) is the management of the amount, source, timing, and method of application (placement) of soil amendments and plant nutrients. Your NMP should help you: budget, supply, and conserve nutrients for plant production; properly utilize manure or organic byproducts as a plant nutrient source; minimize agricultural non-point source pollution of surface and groundwater resources; protect air quality by reducing nitrogen emissions and odors; and maintain or improve your soil health conditions. In Vermont, all certified small farm operations and all permitted medium and large farm operations managing manure, agricultural wastes, or fertilizer for use as nutrient sources are required to implement a field-by-field nutrient management plan that follows the USDA NRCS NMP Code 590.

Writing and Funding Your Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) brochure (PDF) will quickly explain what is an NMP and how one can be completed.

2025 Nutrient Management Planning (NMP) classes

The dates and possible in-person site locations have not yet been determined for the 2025 NMP classes, which will run for 6 consecutive weeks in January and February 2025. Class hours are 10:30am to 2:00pm and includes lecture and NMP work time. This class is being offered virtually and possibly in-person. If you are interested in taking the NMP course or receiving help to update your current NMP, please contact Susan Brouillette at or 802-524-6501 or 802-656-7611.

Resources and Information -

NMP Course Agenda (PDF) - including homework and class expectations

Digging in Training Manual (PDF) - NMP class follows when developing your NMP

Nutrient Recommendation for Field Crops in Vermont, Rev. Sep 2020 (PDF)

Updated 590 Standards, November 2021 (PDF)

Updated Vermont Phosphorus Index User Guide, Nov 2021 (PDF)

goCrop Data Entry Sheets for Remote Updates (PDF)

Updating your NMP in goCrop (PDF)

- learn about and earn water quality credits

, available
, available
Class 1: 1/10/24,
Class 2: 1/17/24,
Class 3: 1/24/24,
Class 4: 1/31/24,
Class 5: 2/7/24,
Class 6: 2/14/24,


, available
, available
, available
, available
, available
, available



NMP Update Zoom Meeting Presentation, 2/4/21 (PDF)

Here's a goCrop refresher tutorial from 2017 for the web:

goCrop Mobile Tutorial from May 8, 2020

This tutorial provides step-by-step instruction on how to download the mobile app, enter records, view field and farm information, and navigate between pages. This tutorial is Android specific. However, this tutorial is applicable for other mobile platforms because the information provided in the tutorial on how to enter records and where to access information is similar on other mobile devices (iPhones, tablets, etc.). View the YouTube video here -

Measuring Healthy Soils - June 4, 2021, 1:00pm to 3:00pm EST

Part of the Northeast Healthy Soil Network Symposium. Includes Heather Darby as the moderator and panelists of farm owners, agricultural professionals, and researchers. Supported by the ̽̽ Gund Institute for Environment. . You can also view information on the Gund Institute web page, /gund/news/northeast-healthy-soil-network.

PDF icon Farmers Respond to goCrop Integrated Analysis Tools: Cornell's Whole Farm Nutrient Mass Balance Calculator and NRCS's Cover Crop Economics Calculator (PDF)

Ever wonder if your farm is a net importer or exporter of nutrients? Have you sat down and penciled out the math on the financial benefits of cover crops? goCrop is here to help with that! With newly integrated analysis tools and easy to interpret reports, goCrop is a one stop shop to write your NMP and calculate a Whole Farm Mass Nutrient Balance, based on software from Cornell, and Cover Crop Economics based on the NRCS calculator. Tim Magnant said, “Reports are nice because we can see the results. We are doing a good job. This report isn’t for me, it’s for the naysayers…The reports work in my favor because they show that the agronomics we are doing are working. It’s proof. We are doing as good as we can do. This shows me we are doing pretty well.” Find out more about what farmers like you had to say about these new goCrop features!

Impact of Extreme Precipitation on Nutrient Concentration of Stored Manure Slurry (PDF)

The extreme precipitation during this past summer and fall heavily impacted the volume and nutrient concentration of the stored manure slurry. To understand this impact, ̽̽ Extension worked in partnership with custom manure applicators and farmers to collect manure samples from farms this fall. This article will share the results, which were compare to the average book value for slurry manure in Vermont.

View our NMP_Course_Flyer (PDF) to find out about our NMP course and when it will be offered again. Getting a head start on preparing for the January class is very important as some key things need to be completed in order to take the course including: 1) having a completed Land Treatment Plan (LTP), 2) having up-to-date soil samples (within 3 years), and 3) having an up-to-date manure sample (need yearly). You may also be eligible for grant funds through the Conservation District (RCPP funds) or NRCS (EQIP funds) to help pay for the development of your NMP. Call your local office for additional information.This brochure Writing and Funding Your Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) may also be very helpful.

  • Nutrient Management Planning

    The PDF icon Digging In training manual (PDF)has been developed by University of Vermont Extension to facilitate the instruction of a nutrient management course for livestock farmers. During the course, farmers learn to develop and implement their own nutrient management plans, and gain an understanding of how their plans were put together, and the importance of nutrient management planning from both economic and environmental perspectives.

    The course aims to provide a comfortable, small-group, learning opportunity for the farmers. Once the course is finished, class participants will have generated nutrient management plans following Vermont’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) 590 Nutrient Management Standard. A multi-agency educational team conducts the program. The course is taught over a six-week period with participants attending a three-hour session each week. The farmers will spend approximately fifteen hours in classroom instruction and activities to estimate annual animal manure quantities, document and plan crop rotations, identify fields with manure spreading restrictions, analyze soil test reports, and calculate on-farm nutrient credits for animal manure and legumes. Farmers will also spend an estimated twenty hours at home writing their nutrient management plans. This guide is designed to present some of the instruction that is given in the course. In addition, it gives instructions on how to use the ̽̽ Extension Nutrient Management web application, goCrop and the accompanying mobile app for record keeping.

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Articles and Manuals

Videos and Webinar Recordings

  • (YouTube video), February 2018.
  • (YouTube video), March 2017.
  • (YouTube video), April 2016.
  • (YouTube video), January 2015.
  • (YouTube video), February 2010.
  • (YouTube video), November 2009.
  • (webinar recording) Cornell University online training session, April 5, 2012.

Research Results

Visit our research results page to see reports on cover crop variety trials (including cover crop mixes), planting date and seeding rates, and cover crop termination and reduced tillage studies.

(YouTube video, February 21, 2018)